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India has right to respond to attack on sovereignty: Bangladesh

Your sympathies are irrelevant, only your public posturing is relevant. And that public posturing has told pakistan to go suck it.

I would say that it is the alienation of the Kashmiris rather than foreign meddling is the issue. It's easy to blame foreigners and play hero right?

But nonetheless, Bangladeshis are generally sympathetic about the people. There is a difference.

We do not need your advice on how to deal with pakistan so kindly keep them to yourself. Can you do that ? try.

It's an open forum. You have your opinions like everyone else.

We do not share any border with Pakistan, and hence largely inconsequential to Bangladesh.
I would say that it is the alienation of the Kashmiris rather than foreign meddling is the issue. It's easy to blame foreigners and play hero right?

But nonetheless, Bangladeshis are generally sympathetic about the people. There is a difference.

Like I said, India have no interest in your sympathies or lack of them. We care even less about your private opinion.

We only value your publicly stated opinion. Is this too difficult for you to understand ?

It's an open forum. You have your opinions like everyone else.

We do not share any border with Pakistan, and hence largely inconsequential to Bangladesh.

Sure its an open forum, so find someone who values your opinion on pakistan or kashmir and has solicited it. As you can see, I neither value it nor solicit it.
Like I said, India have no interest in your sympathies or lack of them. We care even less about your private opinion.

We only value your publicly stated opinion. Is this too difficult for you to understand ?

Sure its an open forum, so find someone who values your opinion on pakistan or kashmir and has solicited it. As you can see, I neither value it nor solicit it.

'Your sympathies'? 'Private opinion'? What? :lol:

You are new here. I strongly suggest that you behave yourself here. Nationalism based off misinformation and patriotism is never a good thing.
Pakistanis don't give a flying chaddi or either Indians for that matter but I see 5 pages of responses that say "don't give a darn" and isn't TIMES NOW sn indian channel. Flying chaddi much? Anyway advisers can say anything and everything they want unless they specifically represent the govt. or the ministry they advise. Until BD govt. puts forth an official statement, they're neutral in this topic and thus value of "these advisers' words" are to be taken with same seriousness that India even did a surgical strike or pakistanis' rare criticism of Saudi arab because of terror financing.

Jabbed you both. Gonna start reeling in now... :D
LOL.... let me repeat myself. Your opinions are NOT valued nor solicited. Yet you insist on pretending that they mean something and continue to over share.

English kiddo. And show some maturity please! It doesn't put you and your country in good light.

Kindly shove your "strong suggestion" up your @ss. Is that clear enough ?

Really? And what if I refuse? :D
LOL.... let me repeat myself. Your opinions are NOT valued nor solicited. Yet you insist on pretending that they mean something and continue to over share.

Kindly shove your "strong suggestion" up your @ss. Is that clear enough ?

Lol.. So you think the rest of us "value" or "solicit" opinion of some shit stain Indian kid high on jizz over bollywood fantasies?? Get real, Those are pretty big words for you we understand.. Like i mentioned before this is a open forum not your corner of the slum, If you want discuss argue to the point, Personal attacks will be dealt with the same

English kiddo. And show some maturity please! It doesn't put you and your country in good light.

Really? And what if I refuse? :D

Lol.. Yet another keyboard bollywood hero who think he is relevant in the world..Mate

PDF needs to have a age filter, Too many prepubescent brats ruining threads
Lol.. Yet another keyboard bollywood hero who think he is relevant in the world..Mate

PDF needs to have a age filter, Too many prepubescent brats ruining threads

But they are so much fun....
Abusive language reported.

Keep it civil please....
Nobody cares what Bangladeshi Tom, Dick and Harry thinks.
What matters is the official position of the Bangladeshi Government.
Choo away anti Indian BD Losers. You people are nobody. Nobody cares what you say.. You can go and cry me a river but your opinion still wouldn't count.
Win the election and change your official position on India or just buzz off.
This is what happens when you have too much time to kill and take this internet troll warring too seriously at times hehe.

I have complete spectrum of BD members here in my head....and some more that i got avatars but forgot the name of and cant be bothered to look up.

I am very intrigued by Bangladesh, people have hinted of a forlorn lady love I had from there....its not all together wrong (its complicated)....but I have many good friends from there in real life. People I would seriously take a bullet for if needed.

In the end thats what I think matters....not the fun and games in an internet forum....and hopefully no one takes this stuff to heart and too seriously.

I do regret some of the stuff I have typed....but I cant turn back the hands of time now can I?

I just hope to improve from this point on...and get back to trying to learn more and interact positively as much as possible....weaning off what I have become like a drug (tried cold turkey a few times, it didnt work).

I guess you can say it astounded me how variable their opinions are for a country that was founded on one ethnicity/language.....on top of my natural interest in BD regarding its success in many notable areas. An "underdog" that will continue to surprise me for the rest of my life I am sure. But deep down I do wish it the best....a prosperous BD is in India's and everyones interests.

@Bilal9 @BDforever (oh rite I forget about you BDforever bhai, I count you as neutral too hehe....except when its cat memes).

Nilgiri this can only be good - very heartening to read your (ahem) 'chill state' now.

I have always said that we should always try not to pull each others chains on this forum. Ten pages of trolling and name calling does not help anyone....

And we should use the power of the Internet to reduce international misunderstandings - not increase them....

English kiddo. And show some maturity please! It doesn't put you and your country in good light.

Really? And what if I refuse? :D

I congratulate you on keeping your cool Loki. :lol:
Nilgiri this can only be good - very heartening to read your (ahem) 'chill state' now.

I have always said that we should always try not to pull each others chains on this forum. Ten pages of trolling and name calling does not help anyone....

And we should use the power of the Internet to reduce international misunderstandings - not increase them....

I congratulate you on keeping your cool Loki. :lol:

I'm still having a few flare ups. Please bear with me. I am still in withdrawal :P
Current BD regime is illegal and doesn't represent Bangladeshi people. They are more loyal to Dilli than Bd citizens. Hasina ruling the country like Sisi of Egypt. Any statement comes out of Bd should be treated as toilet tissue.
I tried my best not to write any harsh word against my bengali brothers and sisters and i was right :) India installed a puppet government to speak for their interests ,they dont represent bengalis like you.
Had it been under another government, we would just say 'hey guys, just along and try not a nuke one another...'

That generally had been Bangladesh's foreign policy. The only difference now is the bias which is largely Mr. Iqbal's opinion (which he shouldn't be doing by the way since he is still serving).

Judging from the mark on his forehead, he appears to be a pious Muslim. Selling one's soul to thy devil himself is easy.

Nilgiri this can only be good - very heartening to read your (ahem) 'chill state' now.

I have always said that we should always try not to pull each others chains on this forum. Ten pages of trolling and name calling does not help anyone....

And we should use the power of the Internet to reduce international misunderstandings - not increase them....

Well, can a person indoctrinated through aggression and intolerance be worked with in a collaborative manner? And you want to talk? :lol:

That indoctrination is a path to death itself.

I congratulate you on keeping your cool Loki. :lol:

Why thank you.
Well, can a person indoctrinated through aggression and intolerance be worked with in a collaborative manner? And you want to talk? :lol:

That indoctrination is a path to death itself.

Most of the 'aggression and intolerance' can be chalked up as 'not getting laid' soon enough. Aggression has to be relieved somehow - and in modern South Asia that outlet is missing or misdirected...

I know it sounds crass - but that is the crux of the problem with the younger people in this forum as well. Instead of venting narrow-minded opinions in this forum, they should be out socializing.

The indoctrination (as you say) by vested quarters is easy because the targets of indoctrination have a lot of pent-up aggression and are naive to boot. Just my two cents. And no - I don't have a solution to it except allowing more interaction between males and females (not just of a sexual nature) early on which is the way things are going.

The still pervasive conservatism in both Hindu and Muslim cultures on South Asia is IMHO the cause of the problem. Young people are being manipulated by moneyed 'status quo' interests and they don't even know it. Conservatism only helps the status quo.

If you gave the option of a well-paying job to the average (intelligent) cadre member on the street - would they choose the path to 'death'? They are already seeing what happens in a RAB (ahem) 'Crossfire'.....

I'd quote Malaysian and Thai societies as examples of recent change....


a. creating jobs and
b. more open mixing

is the solution - in my opinion....
Most of the 'aggression and intolerance' can be chalked up as 'not getting laid' soon enough. Aggression has to be relieved somehow - and in modern South Asia that outlet is missing or misdirected...

I know it sounds crass - but that is the crux of the problem with the younger people in this forum as well. Instead of venting narrow-minded opinions in this forum, they should be out socializing.

The indoctrination (as you say) by vested quarters is easy because the targets of indoctrination have a lot of pent-up aggression and are naive to boot. Just my two cents. And no - I don't have a solution to it except allowing more interaction between males and females (not just of a sexual nature) early on which is the way things are going.

The still pervasive conservatism in both Hindu and Muslim cultures on South Asia is IMHO the cause of the problem. Young people are being manipulated by moneyed 'status quo' interests and they don't even know it. Conservatism only helps the status quo.

If you gave the option of a well-paying job to the average (intelligent) cadre member on the street - would they choose the path to 'death'? They are already seeing what happens in a RAB (ahem) 'Crossfire'.....

I am not referring to kids in this forum, but overall. Trending topics and the opinions/discussions expressed on social media certainly do matter. It is a very powerful tool.

Why engage face-to-face while one can engage online with your profile for all to see?

And cadre members? The scale is a lot more than that.

I'd quote Malaysian and Thai societies as examples of recent change....


a. creating jobs and
b. more open mixing

is the solution - in my opinion....

Thailand? Seriously? :lol: Those are poor examples my friend.
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