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India has one third of world's poorest, says World Bank

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Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
While new figures show that the number of those in extreme poverty around the world - surviving on 82 pence per day or less - has declined significantly, India now has a greater share of the world's poorest than it did thirty years ago. Then it was home to one fifth of the world's poorest people, but today it accounts for one-third - 400 million.

The study found the number of extremely poor people had declined from half the world's population in 1981 to one fifth in 2010, but voiced concern at its increase in Sub-Saharan Africa and continuing high level in India.

World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said while the overall decline was "remarkable progress", the remaining 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty was "a stain on our collective conscience." His colleague, World Bank chief economist Kaushik Basu, who until last year was economic advisor to Indian prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh, said the figures called for the world's wealthier countries to do more.

"We have made strides in cutting down poverty, but with nearly one-fifth of the world population still below the poverty line, not enough. Directing investment towards the poor will require coordinated effort by the Bank, our country partners, and the international development community; and will, let's face it, entail sacrifice on the part of those who are fortunate enough to be better off," he said.

The scale of continuing extreme poverty in India, despite its economy nudging growth rates of nine per cent in recent years, highlights what government strategists have called its "ticking time bomb." Its population is expected to reach 1.5 billion and become the world's largest nation by 2026 but its economy is not growing fast enough to create the 20 million new jobs per year they will need to prevent poverty increasing further.

Its problems are compounded by poor health services, child malnutrition and inadequate education and training. Almost half of pupils drop out of school by the age of 13 and only one in ten people have received any form of job training.

The perception of India as a fast-growing economy however has seen developed countries significantly reduce their aid. The United States has announced a 16 per cent reduction while Britain has announced it will end its £280 million per year aid programme.

Thomas Chandy of Save The Children said 200 million people had been lifted from poverty in the last two decades but the recent economic growth had left one third of the population untouched. "India's status has gone down despite the economic growth, inequality has widened which makes the poor poorer. In child mortality, infant mortality and maternal mortality, India seems to have the largest populations in all these categories. We would like to see focused interventions [because] the most difficult areas remain untouched," he said.

India has one third of world's poorest, says World Bank - The New Indian Express
perhaps India can get those numbers down from learning from the Chinese... starve to death 30 million people like they did= instant new metrics. :lol:

Irony is as this stage of the exact GDP i.e. when china had similar GDP numbers, china had three times more poor. Then they quickly fudged it the next year.
India economy is in real bad shape at the moment if it is not picking up soon by the end of next year half of the world poorest will be indians
Thomas Chandy of Save The Children said 200 million people had been lifted from poverty in the last two decades

India is a third world country. They are so poor that adults in India defecate in the streets. One of the worst things to happen to a human is to be born in India.

When someone is born poor, as long as the person wish to improve themselves, they have a chance. But when someone is poor hallucinating that they are very rich, they won't feel the need to improve upon themselves. As a result, they will stay perpetually poor.
India is a third world country. They are so poor that adults in India defecate in the streets. One of the worst things to happen to a human is to be born in India.

Yeah, we miss cadmium .. which is the nutrient available to the poeple of PRC, alone.
Yes india has one third of poorest on western standards..... But does anyone compare the living cost???? If you include that aspect i am sure the scenario would be totally different......

But We need to go long way to bring every citizen out of BPL

As usual India continues to embarass the human species, first with Bollywood and now this one third of...

Says a pakistani Jr tink tank...... I get a feeling you are embarrassing yourself...
As usual India continues to embarass the human species, first with Bollywood and now this one third of...

The biggest problem facing the poor people is that they are buying too much Gold.

It has become embarassing now.... indeed.
From an Indian Inscription :



Keep your critic close to you.
Give him a cottage near your house because he purifies you without soap and water.

Yes Yes.. The Toilets .. the Rapes.. n the Poor.. They do Exist ONLY in India.

Thanx for the Updates My Chinese and Pakistani Brothers... I wish to Humbly state.. that.. Im So Sorry that You Pure Hearted People have to face... co-exist with this "poor" Country !

And Yes, Thanks for Your Contribution to the "Pakistani" and Yes.. did i mentioned .... ( the "so" called ) "Defence" Forum !!

PS : And yet they say.. why so many Indians here.. despite of the fact that ( Non Defence ) Indian Issues are their favorite ones.. lol.
Well, you never know.

When the bamboo curtain lifts ... lot of statistics will change.

India could have 60-70% of the world's poorest. India has more poverty than all of Africa.
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perhaps India can get those numbers down from learning from the Chinese... starve to death 30 million people like they did= instant new metrics. :lol:

Irony is as this stage of the exact GDP i.e. when china had similar GDP numbers, china had three times more poor. Then they quickly fudged it the next year.

Please don't apply your 7-11 mentality to the others :lol:

Chinese travelers the world's biggest spenders - CNN.com
(CNN) -- Chinese travelers are now the top source of tourism cash in the world, according to a new report by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Boosted by a rising Chinese currency, Chinese travelers spent a record US$102 billion on international tourism in 2012, a 40 percent rise from US$73 billion in 2011.

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