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"India Has Demonstrated Its Global Leadership’, Says US, as India Helps Quake-Hit Nepal

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Holy $hit !!!!! How were the ****'s allowed to hoist their flag on Nepali Soil ? :woot:

Authorities too busy to take notice.

What's the legal position? Surely you cannot hoist your flag without permission from the host country.

This is not insignificant and Nepal must demand official apology.
Authorities too busy to take notice.

What's the legal position? Surely you cannot hoist your flag without permission from the host country.

This is not insignificant and Nepal must demand official apology.

Now that there is photographic evidence, Nepal should seek apology from Pakistan.

Technically its an act of war or symbol of aggression, challenging territorial integrity.

The ONLY place a pakistani can fly their flag in Nepal is inside their Embassy in Nepal which is technically pakistani soil. Indian Media needs to rake this up and play it out.
Now that there is photographic evidence, Nepal should seek apology from Pakistan.

Technically its an act of war or symbol of aggression, challenging territorial integrity.

The ONLY place a pakistani can fly their flag in Nepal is inside their Embassy in Nepal which is technically pakistani soil. Indian Media needs to rake this up and play it out.

I wonder what kind of childish mentality leads to such an act on the part of these Pakistanis? Are they just that stupid and ignorant?

Hope Nepal takes it up diplomatically. India should help them raise the issue.
being proud to be indians, what an honor to get recognized by Uncle sam. it reminds me of Indian shouting to be proud of indian by winning only one bronze medal in Olympics, even with over 1 billion population, halarious.

We might have won one medal and taking proud but we do not take pride on someone whp ruthlessly butchered his fellow citizen and raped their own women. We know your history so keep quite.
I wonder what kind of childish mentality leads to such an act on the part of these Pakistanis? Are they just that stupid and ignorant?

Hope Nepal takes it up diplomatically. India should help them raise the issue.

The same mentality that made them send BEEF as part of the relief package to a Hindu nation.

More Sick than childish.
India is doing what is right to help our brothers .

We are not doing it for anybody's certificate .
American Certificate

Laminate it, framed it and hang it over Red Forte.
Never forget to mention it in your RESUME.
Also update your LinkedIn profile, it will be helpful in getting a better job in future.
its nothing in front of what super powers can do.....Americans just used us so that they can get their work done without their hands getting dirty:frown:, now that we have helped every other nation they appreciated our efforts.......Pakistan also did a fabulous job after all:agree: evacuated multinational people and Indians too....people here in Mumbai have appreciated pakistan for its goodwill gesture:angel:

Yes Indian soldiers killing teenagers in Kashmir surely demonstrates their global leadership. :rofl:

This is Uncle Sam token gesture pat on the back after Indian stomach upset from watching Pak China brotherly love. :rofl:
this is what happens if syllabus of history books is altered, world knows about these massacres being done at will by Pakistani Taliban.........Pakistan will get exposed once Al-quida comes to Indian border:disagree:
IAF evacuates 1 Argentine and 4 Chinese nationals from Barpak and other areas.

Source @SpokespersonMoD

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