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India has begun deployment of Spike-LR ATGMs on Pak borders: COAS; Israel completes deliveries

I think they just used one of them on civilian population and the missile didn't explode. There were people in Azad Kashmir showing their videos. If this is the case - Paksitan has received blueprints to produce it and achieve similar range against India. This may require some time though.

We don't need to do that, give it to Chinese they will do the job in less cost, also we have 10km range AR-1 but its not ground launched and laser guided.



Well our Tanks are not Heavy as compared to other MBTs. We rely on Mobility
What about HJ 12?

PA have resisted HJ-12, I think they are not fully satisfied with its performance.

Mizrek-O 4km range ATGM was supposed to have been tested its true FnF ATGM and can take out targets behind obstacles and can be launched from behind obstacles so her good system.
We don't need to do that, give it to Chinese they will do the job in less cost, also we have 10km range AR-1 but its not ground launched and laser guided.

PA have resisted HJ-12, I think they are not fully satisfied with its performance.

Mizrek-O 4km range ATGM was supposed to have been tested its true FnF ATGM and can take out targets behind obstacles and can be launched from behind obstacles so her good system.
We can test South African The ZT3 Ingwe (Leopard). It has a max range of 5km

Its air launched not UAV launched, if we want can equip other platforms like helicopters or K-8s etc.
But I dont think its powerful enough to act as Anti Bunker
We can test South African The ZT3 Ingwe (Leopard). It has a max range of 5km

Why?? When we have bought Kornet-E from Russia.

We can test South African The ZT3 Ingwe (Leopard). It has a max range of 5km

Against CSD of India Pakistan will need anything which can stop / destroy Indian forces on the move, bunkers are fixed targets and there are other weapons which can be used against them.

But I dont think its powerful enough to act as Anti Bunker
had India soldiers power to think logically, they would knew, without air cover they are sitting ducks.
While without Rafael... there's zero pilot willing to come close to Pakistan borders, unless Modi is assured by Imran Khan of not using AIM.
We don't need to do that, give it to Chinese they will do the job in less cost, also we have 10km range AR-1 but its not ground launched and laser guided.

PA have resisted HJ-12, I think they are not fully satisfied with its performance.

Mizrek-O 4km range ATGM was supposed to have been tested its true FnF ATGM and can take out targets behind obstacles and can be launched from behind obstacles so her good system.

PA resisted HJ-12? Never heard that before but may be thats the reason for the delay. Read somewhere the HJ-12 might be introduced as baktarshikhan 2 somewhat like QW-1 as anza 2.

Mizrek is expensive, to counter spike LR hj-12 would be good as both have equal max ranges of 4km. Lets see what PA does.

We can test South African The ZT3 Ingwe (Leopard). It has a max range of 5km

But I dont think its powerful enough to act as Anti Bunker

ZT3 is not a fire and forget one I dont think in land platforms we should invest in it but is a formidable weapon though.
PA resisted HJ-12? Never heard that before but may be thats the reason for the delay. Read somewhere the HJ-12 might be introduced as baktarshikhan 2 somewhat like QW-1 as anza 2.

Mizrek is expensive, to counter spike LR hj-12 would be good as both have equal max ranges of 4km. Lets see what PA does.

ZT3 is not a fire and forget one I dont think in land platforms we should invest in it but is a formidable weapon though.

Your post show you even don't know where Spike-LR 8km range and HJ-12 2.5km range (Man Portable) fall in category, its like comparing Apples with oranges, PA have already bought Kornet-E and have evaluated Mizrek-O, and later will come with full ToT, also with T-129s Mizrek-U 8km range will come only thing is that will PA adopt it for its ground units.
On LOC Pakistan may not need to deploy new ATGM but on IB Pakistan will need to counter Spike-LR as it has 8km range which is good against Tanks and other vehicles, Mizrek-U or similar ATGM should be looked into.
So how is it possible to counter those infantry carrying such systems ? Helis ? Jets? Pardon, i don’t know much about ground combat.

8KM is a huge range and a nuisance, multiple hit tries can lead to at least one being successful over such distance. Any solutions ?
So how is it possible to counter those infantry carrying such systems ? Helis ? Jets? Pardon, i don’t know much about ground combat.

8KM is a huge range and a nuisance, multiple hit tries can lead to at least one being successful over such distance. Any solutions ?

What PA can do is that they use AR-1 ATGM on air platform to damage or destroy Spike Missile carrying vehicle or buy or develop similar class missile with 12 km range to have first shoot capability.

HJ-10A have 10km range also there is longer range missile under development in Turkey with may be 12km range.

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