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India has a new Supreme Commander

Not an important position politically except in case of hung parliament.

I favor Kovind over Meira because he is from a humble background while Kumar is political royalty with a life spent polishing shoes of Gandhi family.
Baith jaiye baith jaiye.... those who r butthurt kripya baith jaiye!
Question : did meira kumar has some controversy related to the government Bungalow?

Answer : You sanghi modi hindu fundemental bhakt


I did not know and I do not friggin care. You want to dig up dirt, there is not one person on public office you will find clean.

All I wanted to say was that I appreciate how she has carried herself and was my pick.

You sanghis are as bad and as annoying as Chinese bots and cent army. Nothing to contribute. Always negative and confrontational.

Cheers, Doc
Supreme Leader ?

What a joke.

He have to sign his own death warrants if required.
sanghi raj. he said once islam and Christianity is alien to hindustan.

anyways he is got paid for working with rss for many years. His chair doeant hold power his only job is to salute once a year at lal quila.

Kovind or meira they were all chamcha. for one or other.

except for Mr kalam. there was never a president without political leveraged push.
President is just a ceremonial chief but Indian politicians should have avoided the lure of overemphasizing 'Dalit' factor. Sounds nonsense in 2017.
I think..he will be a yes man for Modi. I would have preferred President to be drawn from non political back ground, someone like Abdul Kalam. MS Swaminathan would have been a great choice.

But it carries its own risk. Technocrats have less understanding of constitution and knowledge of politics. APJ was a man who spent considerable time with politicians and he knew how the system worked.

Just picking an random technocrat to the top post isnt always workable. Pranab saab I feel really did a good job.
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