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India Hangs 1993 Mumbai Bomb Plotter Yakub Memon

i think he should have been freed after having his hands and legs chopped off....will be a remainder for others

in that state , he would want to commit suicide, but will not be able to do so!!!!!-apt punishment for terrorists
"Never again"..maybe ?
just before being hanged people show regret - or if innocent reiterate their innocence - or if truly believe in the cause they are dying for proudly endorse for what they are dying for-

with the death starring in the eyes comes out the truth-
so i really want to know what were his last words-
A terrorist must get the necessary punishment he deserves, but this execution may prove to be a serious tactical blunder by India in future.
I am not talking about crime and punishment here. We should be looking to how to utilize him as trump card in war against terror emanating from pakistan. As you have seen pakistan quiet conveniently rubbishes the evidence given by us for mumbai attacks and with impunity declares dawood is not in pakistan. In the international arena we could have shamed pakistan left , right and center. We should have the western media agencies interview them build pressure on the enemy.

Imagine pakistan prime minister raising kashmir issue in UN and kasab giving evidence about pakistans involvement in mumbai attacks remotely to UN audience.

Life sentence is a bigger punishment than death and the person goes through more suffering. By hanging we have just relieved him and ended his monotonous suffering life. If we put them under solitary confinement without any human interaction the person will go mad in few years.

I get your point..and we have been doing that. However after a certain time using these fools don't make any sense and spending money to keep them alive gives no return on investment. Hence without further torture. They need to be relieved.
Pl Explain how?
In future it will be difficult to pursue fugitives to collaborate with Indian Intelligence agencies, It will be much more easy for their handlers to convince them how they are going to be treated if they think of surrendering. Also, this execution can be god send opportunity for their sympathizers to convince a section of Indian Muslims how in spite of cooperating with Indian agencies with proofs and dossiers, Memon has been unfairly hanged for just being a Muslim.

We do not have a minimum homeland security system like USA or Israel. So, acting tough on terrorism by hanging Memon when senior politicians, Police officers and bureaucrats have been in constant touch with Dawood Ibrahim can put innocent Indians into much more grave danger in future.
Hanging of kasab and yakub memon simply shows that india lacks a long term strategic thinking. They were living examples of pak sponsored terror. India could used them to put pressure on pakistan in international arena.
Wonder what the stupid govt achieved by hanging them ? Neither the dead are going to come back nor pakistan will stop sponsoring terrorism.

Modi govt is simply losing the plot, too much brainless jingoism on display:angry:.

So your advice would be to just have these guys in Prison in the hope of exposing Pakistan???

If so there is thing my Friend,even if we expose Pakistan,what will be the result??? nothing...:agree:

Also,keeping them in Prison is waiting for another flight hijack to happen where in these scums will get released,just to haunt us again...

Justice delivered is good.. although this thing should have happened little earlier...
In future it will be difficult to pursue fugitives to collaborate with Indian Intelligence agencies, It will be much more easy for their handlers to convince them how they are going to be treated if they think of surrendering. Also, this execution can be god send opportunity for their sympathizers to convince a section of Indian Muslims how in spite of cooperating with Indian agencies with proofs and dossiers, Memon has been unfairly hanged for just being a Muslim.

We do not have a minimum homeland security system like USA or Israel. So, acting tough on terrorism by hanging Memon when senior politicians, Police officers and bureaucrats have been in constant touch with Dawood Ibrahim can put innocent Indians into much more grave danger in future.

I partly agree. You have a point.
In future it will be difficult to pursue fugitives to collaborate with Indian Intelligence agencies, It will be much more easy for their handlers to convince them how they are going to be treated if they think of surrendering. Also, this execution can be god send opportunity for their sympathizers to convince a section of Indian Muslims how in spite of cooperating with Indian agencies with proofs and dossiers, Memon has been unfairly hanged for just being a Muslim.

We do not have a minimum homeland security system like USA or Israel. So, acting tough on terrorism by hanging Memon when senior politicians, Police officers and bureaucrats have been in constant touch with Dawood Ibrahim can put innocent Indians into much more grave danger in future.

He neither surrendered nor any deal was reached with him. Those who idolize terrorists will do so and try and harm India no matter what
Only if on line patriotism could save Indian lives, I would have blindly agreed with you.

Do you believe commuting the death sentence to life of Yakub would have made any difference to likes of SIMI or IM or their sympathisers? or to those who hail terrorists as heroes? The best and only way to save Indian lives is to carry a big stick
Do you believe commuting the death sentence to life of Yakub would have made any difference to likes of SIMI or IM or their sympathisers? or to those who hail terrorists as heroes? The best and only way to save Indian lives is to carry a big stick

India does not have that big stick. We could not bring Dawood or Tiger Memon back, neither we had the guts or capacity to assassinate them. Believe it or not, India has been a soft state and it will remain as a soft state in future. Just hanging Memon does not make us a strong state over night.
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