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INDIA :- Govt Mulls Military Training for 1 Million ‘force of youth

You don't expect your enemies to fight you at your strongest do you? Or on your terms.
Point is, its not a matter of joy or pride for us, but just a point for us to shame your lot when you come up with terms like "cowards" to describe an enemy who has obviously defeated you decisively in the past.

I hope war never happens again between our nations. But if it does, Indians and Pakistanis both love their country enough to give their life for it. So lets not mock or test bravery. Every human has the capability to be courageous if pushed to a wall. But every human also wants to live and prosper.

That's my last comment on this matter.

That just explains the Indian victory, but doesn't explain why 90000 "brave, tall, warriors" from the land of pure decided to bend over and present their bare asses to be taken to invading forces to save their own lives. lol
The term "Shaheed" is alien to Pakistanis it seems.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Whats worse is, its now embedded in history through that stamp.lol
wise men live to fight another day
with the help of daddy USSR and millions of bengalis who sabotaged defences against our 45K troops
I wonder why Indians fail to mention this obvious fact whenever they are boasting about the only victory they had in last 1000 years
It's much better than the fact that not single ethnic Punjabi or Sindhi Muslim ever ruled any piece of land in last 1200 years .
Fake news by Indian media. Unless the government takes the media houses to the court, these will continue misinformation campaign under the banner of 'freedom of expression'.

NCC and NSS are already prevalent in India. Strengthening them to allow a more synergistic training structure is important. I hope that joining NCC is mandatory soon. It instills discipline in children. Once my twins are of the age, I would definitely encourage them to join NCC.
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