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India gets custody of 2017 CRPF camp attack plotter from UAE

So essentially, you are saying that you are more Arab than UAE people due to religion.
Their certification system is indigenous :P
Only purest of the pure qualify

I hope the use the "egg"-straction method to extract information out of this foul monster. Let's see how hardened he is to that technique. :butcher::butcher:

lol.. I think they will be nice to him.. am sure they won't offer him tea.. but may be try some exorcism etc
I see endians are finally come out of their dung holes. It's been more than a month didnt see any dot head
What's your opinion of Boko Haram and its kidnapping of 70 girls? An entire community of around 1 million Hindu Pandits were ethnically displaced by the same Kashmir civilians in 90's. Their same brethen who happen to be a different religion. Many were killed, raped and forced to move, their property occupied, stolen etc. They are living as refugees in their own country in other parts of the nation.

Now. People have the right to protest peacefully. Nobody is stopping them. But if you protest violently, then you will get answer in violence. You wont sit and discuss terms with Boko Haram? Will you brother? This Muslim ummmah thing is BS. And the Arabs do not care about Kashmir issue. China is doing a much more violent oppression in Xinjiang, far more worse happening anywhere in the world.

What his opinion for boko haram got to do with Kashmiri freedom movement? There is no comparison b/w both, If you little ugly gangadeshis wouldn't have bothered Kashmir with illegal occupation, killings, rapes and stroke communal hatred like you did in rest of your toiletless shithole nothing would have happen to Kashmirs. they would continue to live as they were living for 40 years under Muslim Kashmiri leaders. Moreover its you who occupies the land and have authority on the place not Kashmiris or Muslims, you are responsible for their exodus not the Kashmiri/Muslims/Pakistan/Martian or any other, Only you.

They should be allowed back (once they prove their Kashmiri nationality) to fight oppression against their Kashmiri kin.
I think you confuse the feeling of the govt of these Gulf states with the average population. All the UAE etc care about is keeping the supply of cheap and easy Indian labour on, that is it. The reputation of India has nosedived as more people become aware of the pellet gunning and army atrocity against Kashmir civilian and rising beatings and rods being smacked on innocent Muslim citizens in India.

I say this as someone who is African native who used to have good opinion of India.

Good opinion or bad opinion thats your freedom.
But one thing you should know is whatever happens inside India or in Kashmir is none of your business.
That is our internal matter and like any other family ,this family also dont like if some foreigner pass comments about us.

We respect that privacy that is why we wont interfere in the whatever happens to Christian or Yazidis in that region.
Simply its none of our business.
I hope you can understand
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