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India frowns at Russia-Pak meet on Kabul (Rus denies India, tajik airbase)


Mar 30, 2009
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India frowns at Russia-Pak meet on Kabul
Charu Sudan Kasturi
New Delhi, Jan. 4: India today criticised Russia's bid to partner Pakistan and China on ensuring security in Afghanistan, exposing growing cracks in a traditionally all-weather friendship now under strain despite attempts by both nations to project normality.

The criticism came in a week when Russia publicly said it wants to use an air base in Tajikistan that India renovated in 2007 and has since eyed, triggering concern in Delhi, senior officials said.

Russia had on December 27 also hosted a meeting in Moscow with Pakistan and China where the three countries together announced they would seek the lifting of UN Security Council sanctions against select Taliban commanders to bring the militant group to the talking table.

India has long opposed any segmentation within the Taliban, and views the group as backed and sponsored by Pakistan to allow Islamabad "strategic depth" through its control and influence in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan has also criticised the trilateral meeting in Moscow for not inviting Kabul's representative for the talks. India and Afghanistan have also demanded UN sanctions against the Taliban's new chief, Mawlawi Haibatullah Akhundzada.

"We do not believe that holding meetings on Afghanistan alone is going to solve problems of Afghanistan," junior foreign minister V.K. Singh said. "Any political solution in Afghanistan has to be Afghan-owned, Afghan-driven and Afghanistan controlled. Nothing else is going to work in Afghanistan. We believe that it is the Afghan government that needs to decide which parties it wants to engage with."

Singh's comments, in response to a question at a media briefing today, came after a little publicised announcement in Dushanbe this week by Russia's ambassador to Tajikistan Igor-Lyakin Frolov that Moscow is negotiating the lease of the Ayni air base.

India's redevelopment of the Ayni air base for $70 million was aimed at creating a strategic entry point into central Asia, and at allowing New Delhi to develop a military presence close to Afghanistan that could counter Pakistan, officials involved in the planning at the time said.

Russia had after that quietly blocked Indian attempts to lease the air base from Tajikistan, wary of allowing any other country strategic access to an area it considers a part of its sphere of influence.

Moscow has made clear in recent weeks that it views the growing footprint of the expansionist Islamic State in Afghanistan as a greater threat than the Taliban that has never tried to spread north.

India has tried to convince Russia that New Delhi remains a more reliable and safer partner for a Moscow interested in regaining its own strategic toehold in Afghanistan, three decades after it was bled by the mujahideen there.

But Russia's courting of Pakistan and its unilateral move to lease the Ayni air base suggest Moscow views Islamabad as a more critical ally than Delhi in Afghanistan - a choice that is worrying India.

"Eventually, it is about delivering results on the ground in Afghanistan," Singh said. "India's own developmental assistance (in Afghanistan) is well recognised."

The Ayni base was picked and redeveloped by India with the aim of creating a platform India could use also in the event of heightened tensions in Siachen. The Indian Air Force, New Delhi calculated, could use the base to attack Pakistani forces in Siachen from behind.

Officially, India continues to articulate confidence that Russia will not hurt Indian strategic interests. "Our relationship with Russia has stood the test of time and we are absolutely confident that it will stand the test of the future," M.J. Akbar, also a junior foreign minister, said.

"We do not believe Russia will do anything that is detrimental to our security interests or our national interests."But the Russian announcement that it intends to lease the Tajik air base is only the latest in a series of strategic moves Moscow has taken in the past few months that hurt New Delhi's interests.

In September, days after the Uri terror attack, which India blamed on Pakistan-based terrorists, Russia held joint counter-terrorism exercises with Pakistan, prompting New Delhi into rare public criticism of Moscow. Russia also backed Pakistan's role in Afghanistan at the Heart of Asia conference in Amritsar in December.

Source: https://www.telegraphindia.com/1170105/jsp/nation/story_128667.jsp#.WG2A84h97IE
Its none of India business, without Pakistan's participation there will be no peace in Afghanistan, So India doesn't need to worry, As for Siachen how are Indian fighter jets are going to attack behind Siachen, since they will need to go into Pakistan's airspace, I doubt that will happen more of wishful thinking from Hanuman Indians.
India can frown all it wants. Geopolitics is not a bitche's game. When the Indians offered the Ju-S.A their bases after 9-11 to attack Pakistan and Afghanistan did they think that the Russians would pat the Indians on the back for that? In their Islam and Pakistan-hatred the Indians took the first shot at their decades deep relations with the USSR/Russia. The Russians assisted India more than the Americans assisted Pakistan in any war, yet the Indians spread their legs for the Americans at the first real opportunity they had to take America away from the Pakistani sphere. Sluts. That's how the Russians see India.Anyway, Putin is a product of the Cold War and the deep Russian state was and is horrified by what the Indians did and what they have been doing since.This generation of Indians have no idea where the Indo-Russian relations began to wane, It was 9-11. Since then it has been downhill for the Indians. The Russians will not forget the betrayal that the Indians have shown them and the betrayal that is going on as we speak. India's goose is cooked. If there is any change between the USA and Russia for the positive, it will be China and Pakistan that benefits and India will be left with its dick in its hand. Stupid bastards. That is why India was a superpower under Muslims. They cant make it on their own Retarded fuckers.
If India is burning with anger and releasing its frustration from its broken rear, it means Pakistan is doing great now and rather it seems the ugly and stinker Modi and his country has been isolated by Russia and Pakistan...
I am unable to apprehend whats in the mind of Putin these days, he is playing like a seasoned game changer.

Putin is a clever bastard. I like him. Chess player. But he will never forgive what India is doing. I have seen Pak-Russian relations over the last thirty years. This is the best it has ever been. Word to the wise.
Russia Announces Intent to Establish Air Base in Tajikistan
January 2, 2017 - 4:18pm, by Joshua Kucera

The gate at Tajikistan's Ayni air base. (photo: The Bug Pit)
Russia is seeking to expand its military presence in Tajikistan by renting the Ayni airbase, Moscow's ambassador to Dushanbe has said.

Tajikistan already hosts the 201st military base, Russia's largest base outside its borders, but the base "needs an air component," said Igor Lyakin-Frolov at a December 27 news conference in Dushanbe. Russia is currently in talks with Tajikistan about the base, which lies on the outskirts of Dushanbe, Lyakin-Frolov added.

Russian media reported in 2013 that Moscow had started negotiations with Dushanbe over the base. "Signing of an additional agreement on the Ayni air force base, which Moscow also intends to rent and to consider part of the 201st military base, is expected," Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported at the time, citing unnamed officials, though that apparently went nowhere. That Lyakin-Frolov said this on the record gives it a bit more credibility, but the recent history of Ayni has featured a lot of disappointed expectations.

In the 2000s India renovated the base at a cost of $70 million, obviously intending to use it themselves, but that never came to pass, as by 2010 Russia had apparently thwarted India's designs. The Indian press still consistently promotes Ayni as India's military foothold in Central Asia, though Delhi officially seems to have given up.

“As and when any such proposal comes to us for helping them out and making [Ayni] functional, we would be more than happy to do that, but I don’t think that we are going in the direction which you are suggesting,” Indian Ministry of External Affairs Joint Secretary (Eurasia) G Srinivas said in a newspaper interview on the occasion of Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon's visit to India in December. "Our engagement with Tajikistan is more in terms of training, as I just pointed out to you, and of course not to also miss out on that whole creation of infrastructure, bringing back that airfield of Ayni to such a position that it is one of the best airfields now in the region, so that is the engagement with that country."

Russia's own intentions for Ayni have never quite been clear, to say nothing of Tajikistan's. (Dushanbe has yet to comment publicly on Lyakin-Frolov's comments.)

Russia has been using Ayni on an apparently ad hoc basis; they sent a unit of helicopters to the base in 2015, and Su-25 attack jets there in early December 2016.

If Russia is in fact making a serious play for the base, the big question is likely cost. "Knowing Tajiks, I expect them to demand money, and not a small sum," said Andrey Merzlikin, a former commander of Russian border guards in Tajikistan, in an interview with Gazeta.ru. "Whether this makes economic sense is difficult to say." The two countries extended their agreement over the 201st base in 2012 for an additional 30 years, and while the specific terms have not been made public, they reportedly include over a billion dollars in (unspecified) military aid.

It's perhaps worth noting that just a month ago Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu promised that Moscow would provide Tajikistan with "a large quantity" of military aircraft.

Source: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/81826

I sense there is gonna be joint operations against ISIS (TTP), I don't think Russia will be spending money on an airbase which it won't be using.
India had a great time tested ally in Russia but they destroyed it due to their own arrogance and ignorance. US will always treat india as a pet dog no matter how much money you pour into their economy.
India had a great time tested ally in Russia but they destroyed it due to their own arrogance and ignorance. US will always treat india as a pet dog no matter how much money you pour into their economy.

You know why this has happened? Same reason why Indians flock here on a a Pakistani forum. Their hatred for Muslims and Pakistan (whom they see as the Mughal Empire, remians of). The Hindu Psyche has been warped by these RSS type nutjobs. They see defeating Pakistan as the final defeat of the Mughal oppressors. The entire psycho-religious dynamic of India rests upon closure of their 'Muslim and Islam problem'. Why else are they here? We are country 1/7th their size, China is on parr population and size-wise, yet they are obsessed with us? It is a strange love/hate relationship. like an ex-wife. They want you but want to destroy you too. This is not that far-fetched, bro, just read between the lines of every single Indian poster here. They are basically narcissistic and have a feeling of being spurned and scorned. They are weird, dude.
You know why this has happened? Same reason why Indians flock here on a a Pakistani forum. Their hatred for Muslims and Pakistan (whom they see as the Mughal Empire, remians of). The Hindu Psyche has been warped by these RSS type nutjobs. They see defeating Pakistan as the final defeat of the Mughal oppressors. The entire psycho-religious dynamic of India rests upon closure of their 'Muslim and Islam problem'. Why else are they here? We are country 1/7th their size, China is on parr population and size-wise, yet they are obsessed with us? It is a strange love/hate relationship. like an ex-wife. They want you but want to destroy you too. This is not that far-fetched, bro, just read between the lines of every single Indian poster here. They are basically narcissistic and have a feeling of being spurned and scorned. They are weird, dude.
If we hate muslims then we would not be having the worlds second largest muslim population in the world,yup we hate Pakistan not because you are some final Mughal left,but for cross border terrorism.stop living in your own small world.
Mughal cracked me up though,because if i write what we actually think of the people who think their ancestors where the ones ruling India,i will be banned.:-)
"We do not believe that holding meetings on Afghanistan alone is going to solve problems of Afghanistan," junior foreign minister V.K. Singh said. "Any political solution in Afghanistan has to be Afghan-owned, Afghan-driven and Afghanistan controlled. Nothing else is going to work in Afghanistan. We believe that it is the Afghan government that needs to decide which parties it wants to engage with."

Taliban are Afghans.

"Eventually, it is about delivering results on the ground in Afghanistan," Singh said.

Hence, Pakistan.
That is a very good development. India has no border with Afghanistan. It wants a foothold in that country only to trouble Pakistan. While it wants to deny Pakistan the 'strategic depth' , it wants that for itself by leasing a base in Tajikistan.

Russia has rightly denied India any foothold in its sphere of influence. So should Pakistan by denying any space India in its immediate neighborhood.
If we hate muslims then we would not be having the worlds second largest muslim population in the world,yup we hate Pakistan not because you are some final Mughal left,but for cross border terrorism.stop living in your own small world.
Mughal cracked me up though,because if i write what we actually think of the people who think their ancestors where the ones ruling India,i will be banned.:-)

Yup your treatment of Muslims in Gujrat and and Kashmir and the fact that they are disproportionately incarcerated and have disproportionately lower levels of education show how you love your Muslims so much.

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