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India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan

I know you are being sarcastic, but even for sarcasm.......

Shocking coming from someone living in the eternally peace loving France!!


I think France has failed to ingrain the love of "love" in this instance :disagree:

Such matters should not be made the subject of jokes and ridicule :frown:

ouiouiouiouioui is an indian pretending to be french, dont feed that troll.
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Pakistan has the capability to destroy all of India with not only uranium but plutonium weapons (only a matter of time before we get plutonium based bombs) also.But it is essentially MAD because India can also destroy us. Now it does not matter if Pakistan is geographically small and India big, because both have the means to reach all targets and may also have an overkill capability.By destruction it is not meant that there will be a giant crater where once india was, it means that all of their economic, industrial, military and political infrastructure would be dealt an unredeemable loss. Generally people have a misconception that a nuclear warhead can completely level a city, while in reality that is not the case.Our close proximity assures that a major exchange will assure nuclear fallout shared at least by whole of the sub-continent and may even by some other countries around our neighborhood!
See some maps/images of monsoon cloud patterns forming due to world's tallest mountain ranges to the West and North of the subcontinent. These mountains are so tall that they form their own weather patterns! Radioactive mushroom clouds similarly may circle around and shower radioactivity all over the subcontinent.If only the water supply is poisoned or has become radioactive, not much else need be done to assure MAD.
If these radioactive mushroom clouds are hot enough then they may rise high enough to go much further and not only end life the way we know it in the subcontinent but also seriously effect world economy, etc.Another fact to consider for the next door neighbors is that even if we explode a nuclear device at our borders with wind flowing Eastwards, the radioactive mushroom cloud will descend all over India and poison their water supply, cause cancer among them, etc.In any case, i am damn sure there will no nuclear exchange in Subcontinent.Honestly i could not help but laugh at oiouooiouou posts.What an idiot.It should be clear to both Indians and Pakistanis that nuclear war will kill your relatives and yourself too no matter where you are in India or Pakistan.India or Pakistan will not go to nuclear war like US.We will drop all the weapons we have once and that will be the end of both countries.So its in our interest to have nuclear weapons but to never use them.
Let me put it this way,

"Kashmir is far less important than the necessity to avoid a Nuclear Holocaust"

If we had to choose between the two, Kashmir will always be secondary to the safety of the millions on either side of the border!!!

and I can assure you, that even the most zealous Muslim in Pakistan will not want the life of a single Hindu soul across the border be distinguished by a ruthless Nuclear flame!!!

We already know you are wrong. Mushie was quite willing to risk nuclear warfare toe-to-toe with the bloody Indians for some hill named Point 4590.
Pakistan has the capability to destroy all of India with not only uranium but plutonium weapons (only a matter of time before we get plutonium based bombs) also.But it is essentially MAD because India can also destroy us. Now it does not matter if Pakistan is geographically small and India big, because both have the means to reach all targets and may also have an overkill capability.By destruction it is not meant that there will be a giant crater where once india was, it means that all of their economic, industrial, military and political infrastructure would be dealt an unredeemable loss. Generally people have a misconception that a nuclear warhead can completely level a city, while in reality that is not the case.Our close proximity assures that a major exchange will assure nuclear fallout shared at least by whole of the sub-continent and may even by some other countries around our neighborhood!
See some maps/images of monsoon cloud patterns forming due to world's tallest mountain ranges to the West and North of the subcontinent. These mountains are so tall that they form their own weather patterns! Radioactive mushroom clouds similarly may circle around and shower radioactivity all over the subcontinent.If only the water supply is poisoned or has become radioactive, not much else need be done to assure MAD.
If these radioactive mushroom clouds are hot enough then they may rise high enough to go much further and not only end life the way we know it in the subcontinent but also seriously effect world economy, etc.Another fact to consider for the next door neighbors is that even if we explode a nuclear device at our borders with wind flowing Eastwards, the radioactive mushroom cloud will descend all over India and poison their water supply, cause cancer among them, etc.In any case, i am damn sure there will no nuclear exchange in Subcontinent.Honestly i could not help but laugh at oiouooiouou posts.What an idiot.It should be clear to both Indians and Pakistanis that nuclear war will kill your relatives and yourself too no matter where you are in India or Pakistan.India or Pakistan will not go to nuclear war like US.We will drop all the weapons we have once and that will be the end of both countries.So its in our interest to have nuclear weapons but to never use them.

Patriot....I respect your view.....

Members on this forum are taking Nuclear war quite lightly.....and its very disturbing in some instances as these same people could possibly become our leaders or there is a chance that our leaders already possess such irresponsible attitudes....

Let me ask you....Would you or other Pakistani's favor a complete disarmament of our Nuclear arsenals? I mean both India and Pakistan in the name of humanity, destroy our nuclear weapons??
What are your views?....Lets leave out "world disarmament" and "India's nukes are also aimed at China"....

As far as I can tell, the only nuclear threat to Pak is from India, and if we give them up, would Pakistani's be favorable to it??
India or Pakistan will not go to nuclear war like US.We will drop all the weapons we have once and that will be the end of both countries.So its in our interest to have nuclear weapons but to never use them.

I dont know if spiritual dimension holds any value in your life but what we learn through spirituality is exactly the opposite of what you are projecting. I am talking of spiritual messages that our fore-fathers left even before the first Nuclear Bomb was imagined to exist. We are told that future war with India would be so devastating that "one person in 6 mils radius would survive to lit a lamp at night". The moment that was told, oen couldn't imagine how this can happen. Now we know this is exactly the same damage that a 25 kiloton nuclear explosion would make. Either it would be our fault or that of India in the end, but I feel this Nuclear War is Inevitable and will happen sometime in near future. I feel most of us who are discussing over here will not remain to discuss who won the war.
'India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan'

New York: In the event of a nuclear war with Pakistan, Indian leaders had predicted a bizarre victory, according to former US president Bill Clinton.

Indian officials had calculated that while 300 million to 500 million of their countrymen would die if Pakistani nukes hit India, all 120 million Pakistanis would be annihilated in a tit-for-tat Indian strike, Clinton is quoted as saying in a book.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch's new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, which goes on sale this week, has an unguarded Clinton venting about Indian and Pakistani leaders' so-called willingness to threaten the death of millions in their standoff over nuclear arms.

"Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 [million] to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim 'victory'," Branch has quoted Clinton as saying.

New Delhi is likely to be furious with the observation, which portrays it as a government willing to play fast and loose with its citizens lives to notch up a bizarre win against Pakistan.
Clinton had slapped sanctions on India and Pakistan over the tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998. His successor George Bush lifted those sanctions after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks as a reward, particularly for Pakistan, for offering to support Washington's pursuit of Osama bin Laden.

Branch's 700-page book is the result of his access to Clinton, in 79 sessions, during the two terms of his presidency from 1993 to 2001.

In an interview with USA Today, Branch said Clinton, who had read the manuscript, expressed concern about some details in the book. Branch said he believed Clinton "was nervous" about the book's publication but had not asked for changes.

The Internet is abuzz with a smashed Boris Yeltsin anecdote in the book. Clinton recalled getting a security alert in 1995 that the secret service had found a whisky-tanked Yeltsin, in his underwear, teetering outside Blair House on Pennsylvania Avenue and trying to hail a taxi.

A longtime-friend, Branch quizzes Clinton on his political passions, his marriage and picks at the scabs of the Monica Lewinsky affair. One night in August 1999, six months after Clinton had survived the Senate impeachment trial, Clinton told Branch the Lewinsky affair began because "I cracked; I just cracked."

Sir if this news is true then pakistan would have vanished by now. Dont u think that? India not war because of your nuclear weapons. If our goverment really was ready to sacrifice 500 million indians then we would have attacked pakistan way long ago and would have errased them from map. Did india done that if ur article was true? Think about that sir. Thank you.
Sir if this news is true then pakistan would have vanished by now. Dont u think that? India not war because of your nuclear weapons. If our goverment really was ready to sacrifice 500 million indians then we would have attacked pakistan way long ago and would have errased them from map. Did india done that if ur article was true? Think about that sir. Thank you.

Engraize'oun ke zabaan samaj lay tay ho tum?

Lag ta hay, lafaz par lay to ho laikin qui samaj nehain a'tey :undecided:
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"win" is a rather misleading word.....the word should be " survive". now surviving a nuclear war vs pakistan is quite possible when it comes to india simply because of the huge strategic depth it enjoys.while the casualities will be very high even all the 100 odd pakistani nukes hit india ,india and indians will survive.but pakistan ,because of its smaller size and lesser population ( 150 million roughly) will cease to exist.this is exactly why chances of a nuke war is extremely low.:smokin:
i know mathematical model sounds funny....:).......it was just the check of the thread whether it is right or wrong......the person who has posted this thread according to you shud be funny also ..:) isn't.......

i just did the check mathematically whether the thread is right or wrong...and as per me it is correct mathematically...:)

These are not logical calculations.....in war Nukes can destroy subcontinent.....either used by India or Pak.....

Nukes effects on thousands of KM's........and people get effected even if they are 1000 KM away from the the nuke sufferd location.

Batter to ask Japanees.

Dont post childish things

Please make some sensible note. These are Nukes....they dont know maths or calculations.....where they will go destroy every thing.....land, people etc
who cares about ozone...when there is pakistan india war...:)

BOOM....:).and the Ozone is gone........:)..this is the only way to reduce population in both countries...:)

non sense thinking......there are millions of people on both sides.....who even dont know the effect of nukes...

Y not we should kill you to reduce population as per ur wise opinion.
you are absolutely right when you say.......but finally how you people are going to solve kashmir issue...you know u cannot take it fighting conventionally neither indians are going to give you in alimony....so how do you take kashmir...only by nuking new delhi......isn't......

pls let me know if you have some idea of taking kashmir back from india.....other than using nukes....:)

further there cannot be any direct nuclear war btw pakistan and india without kashmir..(considering US, Israel, China does not act as a first source or act as a catalyst)that is for sure clear........

War is not the solution ...I hope one day India will also learn this.
Sir if this news is true then pakistan would have vanished by now. Dont u think that? India not war because of your nuclear weapons. If our goverment really was ready to sacrifice 500 million indians then we would have attacked pakistan way long ago and would have errased them from map. Did india done that if ur article was true? Think about that sir. Thank you.

sensible post
War is not the solution ...I hope one day India will also learn this.


I dont know if spiritual dimension holds any value in your life but what we learn through spirituality is exactly the opposite of what you are projecting. I am talking of spiritual messages that our fore-fathers left even before the first Nuclear Bomb was imagined to exist. We are told that future war with India would be so devastating that "one person in 6 mils radius would survive to lit a lamp at night". The moment that was told, oen couldn't imagine how this can happen. Now we know this is exactly the same damage that a 25 kiloton nuclear explosion would make. Either it would be our fault or that of India in the end, but I feel this Nuclear War is Inevitable and will happen sometime in near future. I feel most of us who are discussing over here will not remain to discuss who won the war.
You did not bother to read the next part of my post ;).

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