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India feels ‘isolation’ in Afghan-Taliban talks

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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India feels ‘isolation’ in Afghan-Taliban talks
Officials say India will convey its unease, concerns ‘quietly’

NEW DELHI – As representatives of the Afghanistan government prepare for another round of talks with Taliban representatives on Friday, India is being frozen out of the talks, Indian journalist Suhasini Haidar wrote in her report for The Hindu newspaper on Tuesday.

Quoting unnamed ‘officials,’ she reported that India was far from comfortable with the direction the talks are taking, saying that all ‘red lines’ have been violated so far. In 2010, then Afghan president Hamid Karzai had listed these ‘red lines’ as an acceptance of the Afghan constitution; peace or a ceasefire as a pre-condition for the talks; and following an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led process.

The journalist claimed that the current round of talks initiated by President Ashraf Ghani was happening ‘without a ceasefire’ in place, while the Taliban representatives were pushing for the re-establishment of an Islamic Emirate, rather than the constitution. The next round of the talks is expected to be held on July 31, according to the Afghanistan Peace Council.

Initial negotiations between Afghanistan envoys and various Taliban leaders began in May this year with representatives of the UN, US and China attending as observers at a meeting in Doha in early May. This was followed by a second round of talks in Urumqi in China’s Xinjiang province in the third week of May. However, the Murree peace talks of July 7-8 were the first officially acknowledged round of the talks from all sides.

Unlike other attempts for the talks, officials in the US and China called the Murree talks as a success. On July 8, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the United States welcomed the talks, calling them an important step towards advancing prospects for a credible peace. China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said China viewed the talks positively.

“A second face-to-face meeting in less than a month clearly suggests a forward movement,” a senior Pakistan official said. “A truce and other confidence building measures will top the agenda when both sides meet on July 31,” he added. The journalist pointed out that India has made no ‘official statement’ about the current round of talks, which have ‘blind-sided the government’ with their speed and progress.

– Taliban as legitimate representative –

Indian officials remain skeptical about whether the talks will resolve the violence in Afghanistan. “With each round of talks, both Afghanistan and the world community are accepting that the Taliban is a legitimate representative of Afghans, when in fact they are a terror group,” the journalist quoted an unnamed ‘senior’ Indian ‘diplomat’ as saying.

However, the Indian officials said that the government would take a more realistic position despite the fact that India has little say in the outcome. “We will convey our unease and concerns – but ‘quietly’ – and only to those willing to listen,” the paper quoted again an unnamed ‘official’ as saying.
India feels ‘isolation’ in Afghan-Taliban talks
Afghan oil much drugs plus they can maybe with India taken down Talibans plus Taliban Army are now smaller than 19,500 warriors. Even they won against US and NATO they will no win against Afghan Army and Security Force and maybe India to.
the last line is the actual gist of the report ''We will convey our unease and concerns – but ‘quietly’ – and only to those willing to listen,” the paper quoted again an unnamed ‘official’ as saying.
Fact is India is buying time and waiting for right moment...Pakistan can try at its best, but the animdosity that Afgans have created for Pakistan is not going down so easily...Inspite of so called new friendship between Pak and Afganistan, poor afganistan is still attacked everyday by the pakistan supported Talibanis and getting killed...So is this the frienship you are offering to them?
Afghan oil much drugs plus they can maybe with India taken down Talibans plus Taliban Army are now smaller than 19,500 warriors. Even they won against US and NATO they will no win against Afghan Army and Security Force and maybe India to.
on saturday they have captured the ANAF military base in Badakshan province as well as taken 100 men of ANAF as POWs.....

Whether u like it or not the r the real power there.
"We will convey our unease and concerns – but
‘quietly’ – and only to those
willing to listen,” Well this line is a concern for me.
Dont worry or feel isolated, india. Pak-Afghan or Afghan-Afghan internal reconciliation talks don't concern you or your people. Pakistan isn't feeling "isodlated" when Modi meets that stooge lady sitting in Dhaka or the friggin Dalai Lama somewhere in the indian-Chin border areas

Hmmn this is not good for team Emperor Modi & Darth Vedic. You just cannot uproot the money spent in Afghanistan and bring it home either.

it's okay - he's head of BJP and this big bad scary strong leader with "56 inch chest"

he'll teach both Pakistan and Afghans a lesson now :super::shout:
Fact is India is buying time and waiting for right moment...Pakistan can try at its best, but the animdosity that Afgans have created for Pakistan is not going down so easily...Inspite of so called new friendship between Pak and Afganistan, poor afganistan is still attacked everyday by the pakistan supported Talibanis and getting killed...So is this the frienship you are offering to them?
its best for us to stay out of this mess
Fact is India is buying time and waiting for right moment...Pakistan can try at its best, but the animdosity that Afgans have created for Pakistan is not going down so easily...Inspite of so called new friendship between Pak and Afganistan, poor afganistan is still attacked everyday by the pakistan supported Talibanis and getting killed...So is this the frienship you are offering to them?
Your just another sick fanboy

Afghan officials hold talks with Taliban in Pakistan - CNN.com Peace talks between Afghanistan and Afghan Taliban held in Pakistan.
Fact is India is buying time and waiting for right moment...Pakistan can try at its best, but the animdosity that Afgans have created for Pakistan is not going down so easily...Inspite of so called new friendship between Pak and Afganistan, poor afganistan is still attacked everyday by the pakistan supported Talibanis and getting killed...So is this the frienship you are offering to them?

You have eevery right to fantasies as you please but Afghanistan is not a bordering neighbour of yours like Bangladesh Bhutan and others that stand attention at your say so. Even the yanks have got it through their heads and you ******** are not stronger than Yankee Sam.
It is non of Pakistan business to decide if we should be present in Afghanistan or not.
We were there even when Taliban were in control of Afghanistan. What makes you think we will leave now ?
it's okay - he's head of BJP and this big bad scary strong leader with "56 inch chest"

he'll teach both Pakistan and Afghans a lesson now :super::shout:
After the destruction of Darth Vedics plans in Afghanistan he will do some yog and get back to deploy his next move
It is non of Pakistan business to decide if we should be present in Afghanistan or not.
We were there even when Taliban were in control of Afghanistan. What makes you think we will leave now ?
Please educate yourself . Then post a less retarded statement , which does not include out bursts of emotion.
Thank you.
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