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India falls behind neighbours in health, social indicators: UN

space probe which crash lands on moon and half of it is destroyed already.
but anyway, there are 2 types of indians, 1) who are normal humans n know the reality of india 2) who have elevated view of india and live on castle of dreams, for them, the fake bollywood is the only india.

an immature post to say the least i hope and pray ALLAH save pakistan from this type of self destructive & false superiority complex wrapped in the blanket of escapism view which can lead to a total geo-strategical suecide . imho
Actually, South Indian states, and Gujarat, Himachal, Uttarakhand, J&K, Punjab etc. are doing significantly better than our neighbours.

India's average score gets dragged down by three states - namely UP, Bihar and MP, the BIMARU states, which are massively populated but socially underdeveloped.

If these 3 laggards manage to catch up soon, India will leave her neighbours far behind.

Yes, you are right.

Healthcare in Indian cities is mindblowing, India is the regional hub of medical healthcare. People from Pakistan,Bangladesh,Srilanka,Malaysia,and even from as far as Briton come to Indian cities for surgeries.Healthcare in big Indian cities is worldclass, but the problem is in the rural areas.

The south Indian states have a very good rural healthcare system. Communist Kerala has by and far the best healthcare system among the southern states, followed by Tamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Goa, Gujrat and Maharashtra have a good rural healthcare system. The problematic areas are Madhya Pradesh,Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, and UttarPradesh. These are the states with appauling averages that is holding the national average back.
This is why I appose the creation of smaller states, they have only added to the problem, they have never solved the problems.
India is also the hungriest country on earth, more poors then sub saharan africa, yet they need to send russian made space probe which crash lands on moon and half of it is destroyed already.

but anyway, there are 2 types of indians, 1) who are normal humans n know the reality of india 2) who have elevated view of india and live on castle of dreams, for them, the fake bollywood is the only india.

The space probe landing on the moon must have had a big effect on your mind is'nt it!!:frown: ...... OH ALI......:cry:
It’s a funny thread…really!!!

Still can’t believe that few Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are arguing and pointing fingers on each others abysmal health facilities… Have you ever looked at your own lately???

IMO, our respective health facilities are an embarrassment for all three countries under discussion…Who is on number 121 and who is on 134 doesn’t really matter…

It’s a shame that scores of our population is dying on streets due to various illnesses, millions of infants breathe their last breath even before they open their eyes in this world, poor mothers abandon their children because they are not physically take care of them, thousands die everyday just due to non-availability of clean drinking water…..:tsk:

GO and convince theses people that our Space Programme or Block 52 F-16s, or SU-30s or Erieyes are more important than their well being…GO and convince that mother whose had a dead child that we needed GHAURI – II more her freaken infant………..While we are ready to spend Billions and Billions on the latest war machines but are always short on funds when it come to provide basic heath facilities and welfare of our masses…..Shame on all of us…:tdown:
It’s a funny thread…really!!!

Still can’t believe that few Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are arguing and pointing fingers on each others abysmal health facilities… Have you ever looked at your own lately???

IMO, our respective health facilities are an embarrassment for all three countries under discussion…Who is on number 121 and who is on 134 doesn’t really matter…

It’s a shame that scores of our population is dying on streets due to various illnesses, millions of infants breathe their last breath even before they open their eyes in this world, poor mothers abandon their children because they are not physically take care of them, thousands die everyday just due to non-availability of clean drinking water…..:tsk:

GO and convince theses people that our Space Programme or Block 52 F-16s, or SU-30s or Erieyes are more important than their well being…GO and convince that mother whose had a dead child that we needed GHAURI – II more her freaken infant………..While we are ready to spend Billions and Billions on the latest war machines but are always short on funds when it come to provide basic heath facilities and welfare of our masses…..Shame on all of us…:tdown:

I totally agree with you. But, I would like to point out that there is nothing wrong in pursuing space program or buying war machines which in the end is for the good of mankind and security of nation respectively.

At least in the case of India, they are not short of funds to provide basic health facilities. It is the politicians, bureaucrats, contractors who never let reach the funds allocated to the common and poor people. These people put their own interests above country and plundering to no end and snatching away the basic rights of the people. For these people, family comes before country, son's education in US comes before a proper schooling for a poor child, well-being of their great great grandsons/daughters come before the future of country. With people of this mentality around, how can a country progress and provide basic amenities to the people.

You were talking about spending money on space program and defence. What percentage of total GDP is being spent on these. For space, may be 0.5%, for military, around 3-4%. What is happening to the remaining?. If you ask me, only in these, money is well spent (I mean reaching what it is intended for).

We have to fault more on the politicians and bureaucrats rather than space program and defense for the lack of basic amenities for its citizens. This is what I feel about my country.

I don't about know pakistan and BD. May be you can through some light.
hey lets buy some more MKI Arjunks LCA Destroyers etc hopefully India will get out of poverty.
The health care situation in Bangladesh will improve at the top end of society as Apollo, Square and United have all opened world class hospitals in the country.

The health care situation at the other end of the social spectrum is admittedly abysmal but that is not due to a lack of money but is caused by poor professionalism of our doctors and nurses and corruption of our politicians.

If I compare BD with WB what conclusions will I come to? Please specify Flintlock.
Forget about the state of the indians and think about yourselves.
The health care situation in Bangladesh will improve at the top end of society as Apollo, Square and United have all opened world class hospitals in the country.

The health care situation at the other end of the social spectrum is admittedly abysmal but that is not due to a lack of money but is caused by poor professionalism of our doctors and nurses and corruption of our politicians.

If I compare BD with WB what conclusions will I come to? Please specify Flintlock.

Apollo hospitals is an Indian company Munshi, and it caters to the very rich end of the income spectrum of course. That would be something like 2% of the population.

I am not sure - Bangladesh will probably lead in some indicators, and lag in others.
If i consider myself as a citizen of SAARC then we guys are really behind eveyone else so we need to keep working!(I hope it doesnt take long to make EU like blog)
Bimaru States, as pointed out by our Indian friends.

Bihar Population: 82,878,796

Madhya Pradesh Population: 60,385,118

Uttar Pradesh Population: 166,052,859

West Bengal Population: 80,221,171

Orissa Population: 36,706,920

Thats a grand total of 420 million people, according to the 2001 census. More than a third of your country? Gonna need a lot of medicine to cure all these bimars.

Why don't the western and southern parts of Bharat, cut their losses, and ditch these burdensome states that have the rest of you in straight jackets?
India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

An official in the Indian state of Bihar has come up with a new idea to encourage low caste poor people to cope with food shortages ***'s meat.

The Principal Secretary of the state's Welfare Department, Vijay Prakash, said that he was advancing his proposal after "much survey and ground work".

Bihar's extremely poor Musahar community are *** eaters by tradition.

The Musahar are on the bottom strata of the caste system with the lowest literacy rate and per capita income.

Less than one percent of their 2.3 million population in Bihar is literate and 98% are landless.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India's poor urged to 'eat rats'
You may want to read the post posted by a Pakistani member some time back:


The article was:

Henry Thornton - Rearranging the map of the Middle East

A quote from that post:

Moving further east, Afghanistan moves its eastern border to the Indus River, the natural boundary. Pakistan loses its Baluchi provinces to the new Baluchistan. They are a dead weight in Pakistan, as are the primitive sunni muslims around the North West Frontier, of Bengal Lancers, and Khyber Pass fame. These primitives are of the same poor stock as the rest of the eastern Afghanis (as well as having about 3 million refugee Afghanis currently living there.). With these new borders Afghanistan gains a better border with China. With some minimal negotiating skill it should not be too difficult to get oil pipelines from the Middle East to go through (the new) Iran and Afghanistan into China.

It is in Australia’s national interest for such an arrangement, given that China will soon be our biggest customer. We vitally need China to have all the energy she needs. Direct pipelines, protected from a distance by humourless Chinese generals, are much preferable to moving oil on tankers through the waters of South East Asia protected by an uncomfortably gigantic Chinese Navy run by humourless admirals. Such pipelines are a major source of revenue for the countries they cross.

A Pakistan freed from many of the worst of the muslim primitives (all unloaded into Afghanistan) could actually start to make some of the progress that they desperately need. This new arrangement would strengthen the secularist Pakistanis. The only reason that Pakistan is not making progress is because the dead weight of dumb Islam holds them back. Without this incubus, Pakistan would start moving ahead like India.

Would the Pakistan East of Sindhu want to cut its losses!

A prime case for ditching these lumberjacks that are keeping them behind?
Bimaru States, as pointed out by our Indian friends.

Bihar Population: 82,878,796

Madhya Pradesh Population: 60,385,118

Uttar Pradesh Population: 166,052,859

West Bengal Population: 80,221,171

Orissa Population: 36,706,920

Thats a grand total of 420 million people, according to the 2001 census. More than a third of your country? Gonna need a lot of medicine to cure all these bimars.

Why don't the western and southern parts of Bharat, cut their losses, and ditch these lumberjacks that are keeping them behind?

It doesn't work like that Darkstar. Since these are single states, change will occur at state-level, and will not really depend on how many people are there in that state.

Bihar, MP and UP have very violent histories and their social structures have been completely torn to shreds over the centuries.

West Bengal wouldn't be classified as Bimaru, but the communist government has nevertheless held it back in a number of fields.

As far as "ditching" is concerned - nice joke. Ha ha.
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