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India expels American diplomat

I have supported your stances many a times- but lately you are sounding as stupid as your detractors here have called you for the longest.

moron, look around your civilian nuclear deals that US forced others to accept , your quest to be a permanent member of the security council... the sea change in support.

stick to topics that require no mental acumen
Even india supported the nuclear deal and indian govt even went to the extent of loosing the power...
Our relation ends there...Dont expect us to support US everytime...
Khobragade is no idiot and she seems to be very powerful. Not only did she get those flats, she got a billion people to agitate on her behalf, she was able to craft flawed FIRs and an arrest warrant to harass her enemies, and in her new post will have diplomatic immunity from India's justice system.

In short, Khobragade is a queen in all but name.

India's justice system ? No. Her being a diplomat does not give her immunity from India's justice system. Certainly not for the Adarsh scam. If the Indian media decides to take a stand against her, she is screwed big time. You obviously don't know the way things work here.
Nobody really won the India-U.S. diplomatic imbroglio

Diplomat Devyani Khobragade was ordered to leave the U.S. after a federal grand jury indicted her for fraud and abuse. Hooray?

By Peter Weber

A series of events on Wednesday and Thursday may have finally ended a diplomatic uproar that started in mid-December, when U.S. Marshals arrested Indian consular official Devyani Khobragade in New York on charges of lying on a visa application and treating her Indian maid like a slave. The final act of this drama wasn't very satisfying.

Here's a brief timeline of the denouement: On Wednesday evening, the U.S. State Department approved India's request to transfer Khobragade from India's New York consulate, where she was deputy consul general, to its United Nations mission, where she would have stronger diplomatic immunity. India denied the State Department's request to waive Khobragade's newly acquired immunity, and the U.S. essentially ordered her to leave the country Thursday.

Then, on Thursday afternoon, a federal grand jury in New York indicted Khobragade on criminal visa fraud changes and for making false statements. A federal judge granted her permission to leave the U.S., and the day ended with Khobragade on a flight back to New Delhi, where she has been reassigned to a new post.

"At the time of her departure to India, counselor Khobragade reiterated her innocence on the charges filed against her," India's foreign ministry said in a statement. Khobragade is "pleased to be returning to her country," added her U.S. lawyer, Daniel Arshack. "Her head is held high. She knows she has done no wrong and she looks forward to assuring that the truth is known."

So, all's well that ends well, right? Not exactly. Khobragade escaped the immediate threat of up to 15 years in a U.S. prison, but she left behind her husband (an American citizen) and their children. Khobragade's father, speaking on Indian television, said the husband and kids will join his daughter in the near future.

Still, any future visit to her in-laws in the States is bound to be awkward. In its note ordering Khobragade out of the U.S., the State Department said that "upon her departure a warrant may be issued for her arrest and should she seek to enter the United States she could be arrested."

Moreover, while the immediate irritant to U.S.-India relations has been removed, "there's still a lot of bad blood, and the dispute has exposed serious misunderstandings between the two countries," says the BBC's Andrew North. India has taken a series of reprisals against the U.S. Embassy, most recently ordering it Wednesday to close a popular embassy club. Maybe it was "the threat to close the U.S. Embassy bar that finally forced a solution to this increasingly nasty row," adds North, but "whatever the case, it seems the U.S. blinked first."

The Indians are upset because one of its female diplomats was publicly handcuffed and, more insultingly, strip-searched during her arrest. Also, the underlying crime Khobragade is accused of committing — paying domestic help a pittance to work really long hours — is at least tolerated if not culturally acceptable in India. Adding insult to injury, the hard-charging U.S. prosecutor who filed the charges, Preet Bharara, is Indian-American, and he's pursued this kind of case before.

Domestic politics is also fueling the outrage, with both major Indian parties lining up to condemn the U.S.; national elections are coming up in May and Khobragade's caste — Dalit (untouchable) — is an important constituency.

Khobragade is, of course, innocent until proven guilty under the U.S. legal system, but here's what she was indicted for on Thursday: Promising in a contract filed with her visa application that she would pay Indian maid-babysitter Sangeeta Richard $9.75 an hour, while a separate contract stipulated she would pay Richard $573 a month, or roughly $3.31 an hour for a 40-hour week. And Khobragade allegedly made Richard work 94 to 109 hours a week, and confiscated her passport.

When Richard told her employer she was unhappy and wanted to return to India, the indictment says, Khobragade tried to "silence and intimidate the victim and her family and lie to Indian authorities and courts." After Richard fled the household in June for Safe Horizon, an organization that helps human-trafficking victims, Khobragade and her accomplices allegedly tried to stop Richard from talking to lawyers, repeatedly tried to bully Richard's husband in India into disclosing his wife's whereabouts, and accused Richard in Indian court of extortion and cheating.

The intimidation allegations will be hard to prove in the unlikely event that the case ever goes to trial, but presumably Bharara has hard evidence to back up his charges.

So Khobragade lost her plum job and ability to visit her husband's home country. Bharara lost his chance to prosecute an alleged violation of U.S. immigration and labor laws. U.S. diplomats in India lost some privileges and security barriers around the embassy. The U.S. probably lost face. India ends up looking like a country willing to go to the mat for an accused maid abuser.

You could argue that diplomacy ultimately won, since nobody is going to jail and no literal shots were fired over the incident. And perhaps the maid, Richard — if she wants to remain in the U.S. — ultimately came out ahead, since she now has temporary U.S. residency and can apply for a special trafficking-victim T-1 visa, and her family was flown to the U.S. But that's pretty weak tea.

That best that you can say about this diplomatic imbroglio is that it is — hopefully — over.

Nobody really won the India-U.S. diplomatic imbroglio - The Week
I don't doubt what you say. Let's wait and see.

It is evident that you have no clue what a diplomatic immunity means and its ramifications as claimed on the indian judicial system . and then you sound like the nut jobs who say Jews rule the US, by that ridiculous statement of making this one person all omnipotent over india. There is nothing to wait and see.
Lol ....agni v can't reach US not even close....
ye sala chutiya indian hai or chini ka goolam india mai
Are you a Indian?
But all your posts are pro american!!!
Is there any master slave relationship?

All this mess was started by American and its their responsibility to stop this...
Are you a Indian?
But all your posts are pro american!!!
Is there any master slave relationship?

My posts are same as many intelligent indians here. Unlike yours that is stuck on stupid and evident that you are not an indian citizen . and your name suggests you've been kicked out of here and are under a new handle.
My posts are same as many intelligent indians here. Unlike yours that is stuck on stupid and evident that you are not an indian citizen,
So they call someone stupid if they are against america...Then i am proud to be called STUPID...
That is not very logical. The maid wasn't being paid below minimum Indian wages nor has a case of visa fraud been filed here in India. Owning a flat in Adarsh is not a criminal offense, it seems that people seem to have no idea of what the law is. Anyone can own a flat in Adarsh. If a case has to be made, it can only be made against her father who might have been influential enough to get a flat there. Not a crime really, not unless a quid pro quo is established and none has been. There is nothing that says Adarsh was to be for the wives of martyred soldiers, that was merely a misrepresentation of the builders concerned to get their file passed. The case is between the builders & the Maharashtra government & any flat holders can only be connected by any potential loss if the building were to be ordered demolished. Nothing more.

Even if all that you say is correct , it does not take away from the fact that she lied on her maid's Visa application about her salary and also that she did not have any diplomatic immunity when she was paying her maid below minimum wages in the US. She was just a consul at that point. She has been granted dull diplomatic status now but it does not have retrospective effect. She knowingly violated these US laws. My only issue was with the way she was treated not so much that she was arrested and prosecuted.

About Adarsh society , if anybody could own a flat in Adarsh then what is the whole scam about ? Please educate me.

all I know for sure is I don't want people like these representing my country abroad. If you are okay with it then godspeed to you. Such shady people are only going to cause more problems between nations.
So they call someone stupid if they are against america...Then i am proud to be called STUPID...

being against something while being uninformed is the height of stupidity. But more and more I suspect you are not an indian citizen. Just have taken this handle to push your ' home countries' agenda.
being against something while being uninformed is the height of stupidity. But more and more I suspect you are not an indian citizen. Just have taken this handle to push your ' home countries' agenda.
LOL...it is you who is not showing any flag...
Carry on with your pro american propaganda...
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