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India 'emerging superpower'-Australian PM

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@Chak Bamu this member(江南西道) has been trolling since yeaterday. Even @nair has asked him to write in english or to obey the rules.
his recent reply.
@Chak Bamu this member(江南西道) has been trolling since yeaterday. Even @nair has asked him to write in english or to obey the rules.
his recent reply.

@Chak Bamu This guy has been doing it in every thread, i have seen him doing it in India developing thread too.... ( initially i thought a newbie not used to forum rules, but now he seems to be doing this deliberately).
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英语适合你们这些黑鬼冒充西方白人,这才是你们的目的。English for you pretend to be western white nigger, this is your purpose.
Sure, using a language which can be understood by all is posing as 'western white nigger', whatever the hell that means.

Why are you being so selective? English is western and you can look down upon, but other western conveniences you would pick up with no problem? Why login on a foreign website which specifies in its rules to use English? Go to a Chinese forum, with mandatory Mandarin usage.

I can use Hindi to communicate with you, and we can have great conversation with good understanding!
英语适合你们这些黑鬼冒充西方白人,这才是你们的目的。English for you pretend to be western white nigger, this is your purpose.

kya karen be, hume tumhari bhasha na samajhne mein na seekhne mein koi irada hai. jakar batti banakar le lena.

Yes i do have a ques...why do u hate english so much,does using english make us Indian's less Indian. By your logic u shouldn't be using anything that has its route into west. Hell,why browse internet at the first place ,why come to a foreign form and shout out of your rear,why fly in a plane ,why build skyscrapers,why play X-box that sells so much in china :lol: why wear western clothes , why not wear a chinese dress ,man ,i have got a sugestion for ya ,throw all the electronic things that u have got in your house ,your clothes,and yeah X-box and playstation's ,that would help u reclaim your lost glory and china would rule over the world again :enjoy:
No, I am fairly proud of Hindi. But doesn't means that I can impose my personal preference on others. This is an international platform. Not all here would understand Hindi. Not even all Indians would understand Hindi. English serves as a common language, everyone understands it. I am here to learn and to converse. And both would become fairly difficult if everyone starts using their native tongue. I appreciate your regards for your mother tongue. But you won't get much of a conversation with others if you keep using it.
Come on now C130, stop joking around with the Indians.

Here's India's Nominal GDP rankings and the size of it's economy between 1973-2013.
1973 - 11th ($86 billion)
1983 - 9th ($223 billion)
1993 - 15th ($285 billion)
2003 - 12th ($618 billion)
2013 - 10th ($1.9 trillion)

And, here's China's Nominal GDP rankings and the size of it's economy between 1973-2013.
1973 - 8th ($136 billion)
1983 - 8th ($302 billion)
1993 - 7th ($613 billion)
2003 - 6th ($1.6 trillion)
2013 - 2nd ($9.2 trillion)

The source of the above data has been acquired from
List of IMF ranked countries by past and projected GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basically, India is just a gigantic banana republic which now has more poor people than all of the 54 African countries put together. It is a new achievement for India which it will hold onto for a very, very long time.

A Pakistani has to use the data of China to do a comparison with India ...... shows the condition Pakistan is in .

Anybody with a brain will understand which country is the gigantic banana republic among them .... :lol:

Please don't be useless like your username .
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