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India displaces Ireland to top UK population rank

or may be because pakistanis are the more visible and vocal lot, lot more politically active than Indians.
Indians just live here, secretly, most dont know we are here. sushhhh..
or maybe pakistanis with the kind of shit they pull are always in focus ? :D
1. Ethnic group Percentage in poverty
Bangladeshi 65%
Pakistani 55%
Black African 45%
Black Caribbean 30%
Indian 25%
White Other 25%
White British 20%
Poverty rates among ethnic groups in Great Britain | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

2. Ethnic group Median total wealth
White British £221,000
Indian £204,000
Pakistani £97,000

Black Caribbean £76,000
Other Asian £50,000
Black African £21,000
Bangladeshi £15,000
Pakistani Britons have the second highest relative poverty rates in Britain, ahead only of Bangladeshis

3. Statistics compiled by the Department for Education and Skills show that almost 40 per cent of Pakistani students in secondary schools are eligible for free school meals, compared to a national average of 15 per cent

4. Not just this, even in education. British born Indians and PIO's score far higher than Pakistani's and even native White's.

You can search about it on this forum itself. There are many threads on British kids with Pakistani heritage education levels and others and why they have lower educational achievements vis-a-vis others.

No. I disagree here.

See India made these great world class institutions like IIT and IIM's that produced great kids. The problem was that they could never find good jobs in India commensurate with their education, so they had to go out.

So majority of immigrants were well educated people who went out for better jobs.

Now while you and many Indians find this wrong. I find it okay. They have contribute to India in other ways. They have grown quite wealthy and influential in their host countries. There is a reason why our remittances are highest in the world, or why Indians are increasingly able to assert themselves politically.
Take a look at Indian Americans - how they have successfully formed a lobby and how many of them are increasingly getting into the high circles of American polity. They affect global diplomacy and relations with India. And this will only grow in the future.
So I think they have done rather well for India in other ways.

And today's generation of educated folks in India dont have to go abroad. The flood of educated folks that left India each year has now become a trickle.

So on this aspect I disagree with you and many Indians as well.

This so-called "brain drain" is over-hyped. For one thing, some of the brightest minds who migrate(d) do(did) so because they were unemployable or unutilisable in India. This has historically been highest wrt people in the fields of applied sciences and technologies. This phenomenon was at its peak in the 1950s-1970s period. These minds went abroad, got educted and trained there further; with little chance of being able to use that satisfyingly in India. Plus the income and standard of living differential was so great; that there was little incentive to return.

Now things have changed, the technological gap has reduced as has the income gaps and the difference in mod-cons that are available. Ironically, a great deal of this is being facilitated by American Organisations and Businesses setting up shop in India! While Indian Business and Industry is playing "catch-up" very fast; offering both work-cultures and opportunities as well as compensation packages that match, in India itself. There is a huge incentive to return and feel useful in India itself.
The oddest (and unexpected) experiences that I've had has been from non-Indian expats who have lived and worked in India. They have enjoyed the experience unusually, more than I could have imagined. One of them who reluctantly accompanied his researcher wife on a study sabbatical to India was a changed person when he returned here. He is an independent film-maker, in India he found both technical resources and skills in his field at much lower costs than he could imagine. Now he is getting ready to digitise all his older body of work at less than 25% of the US costs with at least the same technical quality. And return to India off and on to sustain his US work. Now this is in a totally non-mainstream activity, or one that we would not think about.

Then there is a home-coming factor. It lurks below the surface (as it always has). Indian Society still values family ties, nostalgia and all the 'blah-blah'.
Earlier on; parents used to encourage their bright kids to join the IITs and other Institutes of Higher Education and then immigrate. And say to the neighbors "O jee, mera ladka/ladki Boston/New York/Los Angeles/Chicago mein hai". And get some half-envious glances in return.
Today if a parent (esp an older one) says that; his/her neighbors look back with a look to say "O jee, aapka ladka/ladki aap ko bhool gaya hai kya?"

One Parent/Academic once said to me "all that the IITs teach is how to jump the Atlantic", many years ago when his brilliant son had already done just that (and very successfully at that) and I was thinking to do that, without any IIT background on my part!

Now the very same parents (sated with NRI remittances and all the attendant benefits) are working on their kids to come back. The growth and development graph in India is helping them in their efforts hugely.
1. Ethnic group Percentage in poverty
Bangladeshi 65%
Pakistani 55%
Black African 45%
Black Caribbean 30%
Indian 25%
White Other 25%
White British 20%
Poverty rates among ethnic groups in Great Britain | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

2. Ethnic group Median total wealth
White British £221,000
Indian £204,000
Pakistani £97,000

Black Caribbean £76,000
Other Asian £50,000
Black African £21,000
Bangladeshi £15,000
Pakistani Britons have the second highest relative poverty rates in Britain, ahead only of Bangladeshis

3. Statistics compiled by the Department for Education and Skills show that almost 40 per cent of Pakistani students in secondary schools are eligible for free school meals, compared to a national average of 15 per cent

4. Not just this, even in education. British born Indians and PIO's score far higher than Pakistani's and even native White's.

You can search about it on this forum itself. There are many threads on British kids with Pakistani heritage education levels and others and why they have lower educational achievements vis-a-vis others.

No. I disagree here.

See India made these great world class institutions like IIT and IIM's that produced great kids. The problem was that they could never find good jobs in India commensurate with their education, so they had to go out.

So majority of immigrants were well educated people who went out for better jobs.

Now while you and many Indians find this wrong. I find it okay. They have contribute to India in other ways. They have grown quite wealthy and influential in their host countries. There is a reason why our remittances are highest in the world, or why Indians are increasingly able to assert themselves politically.
Take a look at Indian Americans - how they have successfully formed a lobby and how many of them are increasingly getting into the high circles of American polity. They affect global diplomacy and relations with India. And this will only grow in the future.
So I think they have done rather well for India in other ways.

And today's generation of educated folks in India dont have to go abroad. The flood of educated folks that left India each year has now become a trickle. This is a 2007 article, before the financial crisis hit US and Europe.

So on this aspect I disagree with you and many Indians as well.

I still don't see the
Thus they are involved with more street crime
link here. Again, a bold claim to make. While I'm not suggesting there isn't some sort of link, but simply saying cum hoc ergo propter hoc is flawed.

I had a much bigger argument to make, my argument basically consisted of the fact of how old your sources were, and using those same sources to show how your argument doesn't really work even if they were new, but I don't care enough to actually argue, so you win by my sheer laziness.

Now I'm off to not log in for another month or so, until someone makes a post that either intrigues me, or pisses me off.

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