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India developing sub-sonic 1,000-km range cruise missile 'Nirbhay': DRDO chief


Nov 5, 2009
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BANGALORE: India is developing a sub-sonic 1,000-km range cruise missile "Nirbhay" which can be used for a "variety of applications", a top military scientist said today.

The 1000-kg "missile is getting into some shape", Dr V K Saraswat, Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister and Chief of Defence Research and Development Organisation said.

He also said the flight-trial of air-to-air missile 'Astra', having a range of 45 to 100 km, is on the cards.

Saraswat was delivering the keynote address at a national convention on 'The Frontiers of Aeronautical Technologies', organised by the Aeronautical Society of India here.

He said India's armed forces are looking for long duration loitering missiles which can enter "enemy territory", search targets such as radars, concentration of assets and "a variety of movements of enemy", "home-on" the targets and "bang" them.

"We need to develop (loitering missiles)", he said. Saraswat made a strong push for deploying space-based sensors to keep tab on "adversaries" and gather intelligence via-a-vis defence surveillance.

He said space-based sensors are a must for tracking and detection of movements of enemies. Unless it have space-based sensors, India would not be able to make its ballistic missile defence system a "potent weapon", the scientist said.

India is launching a major programme for surveillance, particularly space-based, in terms of electro-optical payload and synthetic aperture radar. "So, unless we prepare ourselves for future space-based systems, security is going to be a major issue," he said.

India developing sub-sonic 1,000-km range cruise missile 'Nirbhay': DRDO chief - The Times of India
old but nevertheless good news....
^^^^^ look the date buddy its on, Apr 11, 2010, 03.52pm IST
News from Chinese source

India Develops Sub-sonic Stealth Cruise Missile

2010-04-11 20:49:40 Xinhua Web Editor: Zhang Xu

India is developing a sub-sonic stealth cruise missile "Nirbhay" with a range of 1,000 kms, according to the Defense Research and Development Organization ( DRDO).

"The missile is getting into some shape," DRDO chief Dr. V.K. Saraswat said on Saturday at a seminar in the southern city of Bangalore.

Nirbhay will be a terrain hugging, stealth missile capable of delivering 24 different types of warheads depending on mission requirements, sources said.

It will be launched from multiple platforms on land, sea and air, and will supplement BrahMos in the sense that it would enable delivery of warheads farther than the 300-km range of BrahMos.

The DRDO chief said that the flight-trial of air-to-air missile "Astra", with a range of 45 to 100 km, is being prepared.

"India's armed forces are looking for long duration loitering missiles which can enter 'enemy territory', search targets such as radars, concentration of assets and 'a variety of movements of enemy', 'home-on" the targets and 'bang' them.

"We need to develop loitering missiles," he said

Meanwhile, a senior India cabinet minister has termed India's rise in defense budget allocation as "absolutely necessary and inevitable".

"Had the neighboring countries been stable, peaceful and were oriented in a friendly manner towards India, our allocation of such a big fund for defense in the budget would not have arisen," Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram said Saturday.

India has earmarked 1,470 billion rupees (about 30 billion U.S. dollars) for its defense budget this year.

India Develops Sub-sonic Stealth Cruise Missile
it is developing... many tests will fail .... budget cuts .... scandals ... hey i have a fairly good idea when this missile will be inducted inot Indian Military ... 2090 ... lol
Why India is developing a sub-sonic Cruise Missile while she has supersonic Brahmos? I remember Indian members ridiculing Pakistani CMs for the reason they were subsonic and claiming that supersonic CMs were better for this and that reason. Now why a reversal of the mindset? Why this revelation occurred to them that a sub-sonic CM could also be useful?
Why India is developing a sub-sonic Cruise Missile while she has supersonic Brahmos? I remember Indian members ridiculing Pakistani CMs for the reason they were subsonic and claiming that supersonic CMs were better for this and that reason. Now why a reversal of the mindset? Why this revelation occurred to them that a sub-sonic CM could also be useful?

Brahmos is a joint venture and limited to 300 km range due to MTCR.
India is looking for cruise missile with over 1000 km range.

Out of range and speed one has to sacrifice one in order to keep the size and expense in control.

Nirbhay chooses to sacrifice speed in favor of range. Also this makes it a very inexpensive missile. One can buy ten Nirbhay in place of a single Brahmos.

Brahmos = Quality (High-End)
Nirbhay = Quantity (Low-End)

We can't do with a single missile. Got to have options.
Why India is developing a sub-sonic Cruise Missile while she has supersonic Brahmos? I remember Indian members ridiculing Pakistani CMs for the reason they were subsonic and claiming that supersonic CMs were better for this and that reason. Now why a reversal of the mindset? Why this revelation occurred to them that a sub-sonic CM could also be useful?
Because we are yet to have the indigenousness capability to develop a supersonic missile which can travel farther.
Why India is developing a sub-sonic Cruise Missile while she has supersonic Brahmos? I remember Indian members ridiculing Pakistani CMs for the reason they were subsonic and claiming that supersonic CMs were better for this and that reason. Now why a reversal of the mindset? Why this revelation occurred to them that a sub-sonic CM could also be useful?

nirbhay will be a terrain hugging, stealth missile capable of delivering 24 different types of warheads depending on mission requirements and will use inertial navigation system for guidance. Nirbhay will supplement Brahmos in the sense that it would enable delivery of warheads farther than the 300 km range of Brahmos
Haha. Burning behinds !! Look entire forum is smoking !!!:rofl:
Watch your mouth dude, this is not your college canteen or a footpath where you use this kind of language. Besides there are several thousands of Pakistani members, how many of them are scoffing? Entire forum is smoking? What is your definition of 'entire forum'?
This so called Nirbhay was on drawing board for the last 5 years atleast. When it was on drawing baord,it was said to have high sub-sonic speeds and 1200-1500km range. Now it even dropped to 1000km after the missile was ready for testing.

There is no way for reporting a CM test.Speculation at work place :P
A over developed Lakshya was tested as many times :cheers:

IAF also put its ASQR for a new ADM with a range of 1200 and 300kg payload and should be flight capable on all fighters in its inventory( must weight ~800kg) and travel at ~ Mach 2 all the way has to be nuclear/conventional cpable.
Don't fight here. Just report these trolls. Fighting is the only thing they excel at. :sniper:
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