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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Mumbai 'burb of Thane
(c) https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd....1.0-8/51913_10151900844199384_900064422_o.jpg


Delhi 'burb of Gurgaon

(c) http://blog.livemint.com/rf/Image-621x414/LiveMint/Period1/2014/05/15/Photos/rapidmetro--621x414.jpg
She is, skyscrapercity banner pic. she is.

I believe Modi's Make-in-India will change everything. It clearly puts manufacturing center stage.

At the risk of over-simplifying, Global Socialist parties are all part of Socialist International, and hierarchy thereof. There's a pecking order, France, China come before India, Italy etc. and the Congress party upheld China's manufacturing in the greater interest of Socialism.

Modi is the inverse or converse of Congress's socialist bent. Modi. India is not a forest like in the days of yore. Plenty of industrial and manufacturing in India, however now Global OEM's and assemblers are leery of China where costs are going up marginally. Importantly, the market is already carved, sliced-&-diced and substantially sorted out by the big Global biz. India is no cakewalk but offers a giant market, and a 2'nd opinion, 2'nd manufacturing site. India is the next China. Check vid.-

India's Narendra Modi aims to improve trade with Germany - BBC News
(c) Is Modi's 'Make In India' initiative working? - BBC News

Bombay-Goa Train, Konkan Railway - Chiplun

(c) http://www.railpictures.net/images/d1/8/7/0/6870.1300641997.jpg
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The world's richest man that I know of, Lebanese origin Mexican passport holder Salim Helu, better known as 'Carlos' Slim Helu, was on a biz. trip to India recently.

Why richest?

$ 71 Billion, but whoa ... he is a 'Mexican passport holder' 3-5 times more like it :
  • $ 71 x 3-10 PPP = 213-710/2 = 461.5 or approx. $ 500 BILLION in PPP!
Salim dude's bling-bling.

Ascendas IT Park Banglore





(c) Picture gallery
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She is, skyscrapercity banner pic. she is.

I believe Modi's Make-in-India will change everything. It clearly puts manufacturing center stage.

At the risk of over-simplifying, Global Socialist parties are all part of Socialist International, and hierarchy thereof. There's a pecking order, France, China come before India, Italy etc. and the Congress party upheld China's manufacturing in the greater interest of Socialism.

Modi is the inverse or converse of Congress's socialist bent. Modi. India is not a forest like in the days of yore. Plenty of industrial and manufacturing in India, however now Global OEM's and assemblers are leery of China where costs are going up marginally. Importantly, the market is already carved, sliced-&-diced and substantially sorted out by the big Global biz. India is no cakewalk but offers a giant market, and a 2'nd opinion, 2'nd manufacturing site. India is the next China. Check vid.-

India's Narendra Modi aims to improve trade with Germany - BBC News
(c) Is Modi's 'Make In India' initiative working? - BBC News

Bombay-Goa Train, Konkan Railway - Chiplun

(c) http://www.railpictures.net/images/d1/8/7/0/6870.1300641997.jpg

Yes the view of konkan route and until kanyakumari is the most spectacular view of train journey.

Look at how tiny the train compared to 1017 feet Doodhsagar water fall in Goa

No $hїϯ Sherlock.
By the way, if you don't click on the above Ro-Ro lorry train pic. in my post, you missing something. Just click.
Reason for Pak. Failure
- Husain Haqqani
(c) https://youtu'dot'be'slash'/NpGlTfn4PPQ

Prof. Haqqani talks about US, China, India AND Pakistan.

He sets Pakistan at up on a very high pedestal when Pakistan is more in the Af.-Pak - Tajikstan range, Iran, India even Bangladesh; the real Pakistan; has moved on.

Pakistan however rejects it's own Haqqani.
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Reason for Pak. Failure
- Husain Haqqani
(c) https://youtu'dot'be'slash'/NpGlTfn4PPQ

Prof. Haqqani talks about US, China, India AND Pakistan.

He sets Pakistan at up on a very high pedestal when Pakistan is more in the Af.-Pak - Tajikstan range, Iran, India even Bangladesh; the real Pakistan; has moved on.

Pakistan however rejects it's own Haqqani.

what a speech man !
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