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India developing aerial vehicle similar to American Predator drone

Hey bro, chill down. While I too share your indignation of such frivolous news headlines; a little analysis is warranted.

1. Firstly, Rustom 2 is not a follow up to Rustom 1. Both of them are independant projects which will run simeltaneously for some time. (though R 1 will act as a tech feeder to R 2 ).
So, don't worry about the non completion of R 1.

Also, the DRDO dude compared the two drones in terms of capability and the amount of payload . And believe it or not he is right. The real test lies in acquisition of targets and protection of the drones, we lag behind the yanks by miles!

2. The predator has already evolved into reaper and even phantom ray et al; but we are not trying to compete with the US, are we? For us, a simple predator would be awesome!

3. On this we agree. AFAIK, DRDO did something like this only with the ABM launch!

1. Don't worry dude. A 20 km version of Helina is already being studied for UCAV use (as per Aero India seminar). And in the meanwhile something like brimstone can be easily used for this purpose.

2. Not expected from a responsible poster like you bro! I suggest you do some reading bout the UAVs.

UAV Collision Avoidance DSA Detect See and Avoid

1. I stand corrected on rustom 2/rustom H
2. I accept I just went over the top but sometimes these kind of frivolous news pisses you off... I mean drdo officials coming out in press with one project after another with very few seeing the end of the road should be put an end to. Its like a bunch of high school tech freaks brainstorming in public and just showing their creative skills. What we want is time bound approach with upward risk of $$ requirements... nothing more nothing less !!
LOL ! What delusional crap. Rustom 1 is not even ready forget about rustom 2. And this article even dares to compare the proposed Rustom2 with Today's Predators. Height of non sense....

And by any stretch of imagination, even if the rustom2 fructifies, by that time the predator would have evolved. This drama of comparing a day dream to a polished product would never end. !!

IMO, just show us one product which is completed ahead of schedule without big mouth non -sense, then we can even think of reading such half a$$ed articles...

Thank you for having some common sense. India would be a much more advance nation if people start to think like you
another 1500 crores now goes down the drain, what is the purpose of developing this weapon, I am sure this is going to endup in the museum. we are not going to war with our neighbours and they too don't have the pan of attacking us.
I think this is to keep the DRDO scientist not to get thier mind rusted.
another 1500 crores now goes down the drain, what is the purpose of developing this weapon, I am sure this is going to endup in the museum. we are not going to war with our neighbours and they too don't have the pan of attacking us.
I think this is to keep the DRDO scientist not to get thier mind rusted.

'We are not going to war with our neighbours and they too don't have the plan to attack us' and that's why we should stop all the weapon development programme-Oh!!What a logic!!Fantastic!!So what are you doing on a defence forum at the first place??
And name one thing except the Trishul SAM that was not delivered by DRDO.Regarding the timeline no one here including you have the tiniest idea of how much budgetary constraint under which DRDO had to work in the 90's when our economy was in dire state.The whole decade was a lost decade for India's defence projects.Severe budget cuts forced the DRDO to temorarily shelv or slow down multiple projects like Akash SAM,Nag ATGM,torpedo,most notably the Arjun tank and the list goes on and on and that's why you see the current delay.But no one including
many Indians like to just forget these dire situations and instead start to baseless criticism without realising that their doing is helping none.No one can understand this simple thing because simply they have no idea which I have as my dad works in PXE Balasore and thus very close to ground realities.
'We are not going to war with our neighbours and they too don't have the plan to attack us' and that's why we should stop all the weapon development programme-Oh!!What a logic!!Fantastic!!So what are you doing on a defence forum at the first place??
And name one thing except the Trishul SAM that was not delivered by DRDO.Regarding the timeline no one here including you have the tiniest idea of how much budgetary constraint under which DRDO had to work in the 90's when our economy was in dire state.The whole decade was a lost decade for India's defence projects.Severe budget cuts forced the DRDO to temorarily shelv or slow down multiple projects like Akash SAM,Nag ATGM,torpedo,most notably the Arjun tank and the list goes on and on and that's why you see the current delay.But no one including
many Indians like to just forget these dire situations and instead start to baseless criticism without realising that their doing is helping none.No one can understand this simple thing because simply they have no idea which I have as my dad works in PXE Balasore and thus very close to ground realities.
u r lucky man
'We are not going to war with our neighbours and they too don't have the plan to attack us' and that's why we should stop all the weapon development programme-Oh!!What a logic!!Fantastic!!So what are you doing on a defence forum at the first place??
And name one thing except the Trishul SAM that was not delivered by DRDO.Regarding the timeline no one here including you have the tiniest idea of how much budgetary constraint under which DRDO had to work in the 90's when our economy was in dire state.The whole decade was a lost decade for India's defence projects.Severe budget cuts forced the DRDO to temorarily shelv or slow down multiple projects like Akash SAM,Nag ATGM,torpedo,most notably the Arjun tank and the list goes on and on and that's why you see the current delay.But no one including
many Indians like to just forget these dire situations and instead start to baseless criticism without realising that their doing is helping none.No one can understand this simple thing because simply they have no idea which I have as my dad works in PXE Balasore and thus very close to ground realities.
see I am not telling to stop the weapons program all together, we can have resonable programs like AMMRCA, or spend more one some thing that we already have to perfect them rather than some thing that can be easity shot down once in enemy teritory.
We have over 42 crore who strugle to make a leaving, create or concentrate more on public sector companies, make more job oppertunity and support the farmers who get underpaid for what they produce, export agri products that are produced in abundance. but all government priorities are twisted is my argument.
My father works in the paramilitary, and I know how hard its to work with out arms in naxal pron zones, but why naxals are created in the first place, its because of governments misplace priorities and the greed to make quick buck by forigne direct investments that pollute the land, water and air we breath
another 1500 crores now goes down the drain, what is the purpose of developing this weapon, I am sure this is going to endup in the museum. we are not going to war with our neighbours and they too don't have the pan of attacking us.
I think this is to keep the DRDO scientist not to get thier mind rusted.
this are nothing but the propoganda walas and this guy is one of them they take fake name and loctn to cofuse ppl, brothers please dont be fooled by them,this corwdly tactics they have been using from centuries but still fail what a losers
this are nothing but the propoganda walas and this guy is one of them they take fake name and loctn to cofuse ppl, brothers please dont be fooled by them,this corwdly tactics they have been using from centuries but still fail what a losers
kindly read my signature, we are a wealthy nation no doubt about it, but our priorities are only concentrated global, our leaders have forgotten to fulfill our local asipirations for good water, ration, job oppertunity, etc.
I am not a false flagger but a patriot who wishes to set my home first before venturing global.
because we ignored our armed forces we got 1962 and our politician did it once again and we have this all mess,our armed forces were incapable of low intensity conflicts after 26/11,cause of ignorance and all about naxals etc those are different issue and those are related to corruption, rememberwhen ever india ignored its army men and their needs india had got a blow on the face so we cant go weak inthat area we have lot many threats india is at war at this movement asymentric war, with both china and pak govt knows it and even if u think we are encouraging friendly relation with pak see how this will help on international stage when one more 26/11 happen and this time we punish the ppl behind it lot complex
kindly read my signature, we are a wealthy nation no doubt about it, but our priorities are only concentrated global, our leaders have forgotten to fulfill our local asipirations for good water, ration, job oppertunity, etc.
I am not a false flagger but a patriot who wishes to set my home first before venturing global.
tell me if some one stands with a sword ready to kill u and u are sick wat u" do try to fight him, ready urself with wat ever u have or ask him that u need bed rest u" first be health then think of a weapon to fighting him,u need to fight on both fronts at the same time,and both are different issue, yeah i agree they are corelated ,both are important issue but you can blame the army for corruption done by ur MPs and MLAs and deprive them from weapons or money india has enough money and strength wat we need is good ppl to lead and a systematic change in the current system
see I am not telling to stop the weapons program all together, we can have resonable programs like AMMRCA, or spend more one some thing that we already have to perfect them rather than some thing that can be easity shot down once in enemy teritory.
We have over 42 crore who strugle to make a leaving, create or concentrate more on public sector companies, make more job oppertunity and support the farmers who get underpaid for what they produce, export agri products that are produced in abundance. but all government priorities are twisted is my argument.
My father works in the paramilitary, and I know how hard its to work with out arms in naxal pron zones, but why naxals are created in the first place, its because of governments misplace priorities and the greed to make quick buck by forigne direct investments that pollute the land, water and air we breath

Look,SORRY if I was a bit harsh on you,I never wanted to offend anyone.Actually I got a bit emotional as I know under which dire situation they had to work and when I saw so many Indian members talking in such baseless manner it hurt me.Don't think that my reply was directed only at you but others also who have no idea about the gravity of the problem faced by the DRDO folks during the 90's.
And for the poors yes,I admit a lot of things are left to be done.But you have to remember that India spends only 1.6% of its GDP on defence which is definately not a very high percentage(and not adequate also).So this 1500 cr money can be spent for this project as it's spread on a span of 5 and half years.
REGARDS. . . . . . . . . .
see I am not telling to stop the weapons program all together, we can have resonable programs like AMMRCA, or spend more one some thing that we already have to perfect them rather than some thing that can be easity shot down once in enemy teritory.
We have over 42 crore who strugle to make a leaving, create or concentrate more on public sector companies, make more job oppertunity and support the farmers who get underpaid for what they produce, export agri products that are produced in abundance. but all government priorities are twisted is my argument.
My father works in the paramilitary, and I know how hard its to work with out arms in naxal pron zones, but why naxals are created in the first place, its because of governments misplace priorities and the greed to make quick buck by forigne direct investments that pollute the land, water and air we breath

Coming to the Paramilitary part,my regards to your dad.And I know what are these maoists-they are not freedom fighters,they are savage,brutal ba*t*rds and nothing else.
Coming to the Paramilitary part,my regards to your dad.And I know what are these maoists-they are not freedom fighters,they are savage,brutal ba*t*rds and nothing else.
my dad deals with them and does not call them what you have said, they do it because they are driven by the government to do it.
If a private concern wants to build a company in a land that the underprivilaged own and make a living out of it, let the private company buy it by giving the right money the land is valued at(market value), but the government is steping in and buying the poor mans land for the corporate owners and strip them of their livelyhood. this is one of the mistake that is commited by government that is causing naxalixm,
for example say you are a farmer and you own a peice of land where you grow crops and feed your family, one day the government officials come and say that this land is wanted for government development project by a private concern and buy the land for 1/4th the market price forcfly to the private company so that corporate owners can earn millions in $ will you not become a naxal when you see your child not getting good food and good clothing because of screewed up priority.
because we ignored our armed forces we got 1962 and our politician did it once again and we have this all mess,our armed forces were incapable of low intensity conflicts after 26/11,cause of ignorance and all about naxals etc those are different issue and those are related to corruption, rememberwhen ever india ignored its army men and their needs india had got a blow on the face so we cant go weak inthat area we have lot many threats india is at war at this movement asymentric war, with both china and pak govt knows it and even if u think we are encouraging friendly relation with pak see how this will help on international stage when one more 26/11 happen and this time we punish the ppl behind it lot complex
its not we ignored the army in 1962, we made a worst policy called the forward policy by Nehru that made the Chinese our worst nightmare, by 1960 China has completed the roads in Aksai Chin that was claimed disputed, either we should have invited the Chines for a dialog or maintained the status quo just like Kashmir, rather Nehru ordered the plancement of our under-equiped force to put out-post near to the McMohan line that irred the Chinese and thus 1962 WAR and we earned a eternal enemy by our own actions.
We were the first to recognize the CCP when it was formed in 1949, they were the first to recognize us as a country.
Enemies do not come from mars, they are created by our bad judgements.
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