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India Could Act As A Check To Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons: Donald Trump

Mercenaries work for Baghdadi. And democratic institutions don't work that way. My point is if US people want him to be their president, it is what they deserve, and not much the world could do anyway.

He's probably not going to be the president. But even if he does manage to become one by some fluke, the US establishment will bring him in line with the American national agenda.

USA has just one true ally - Britain. The rests are poodles. Americans are concerned that Saudis and other gulf states might buy Pakistani nukes off the shelves. With a 30 year old de facto King , that is a very dangerous situation indeed.

If you think that KSA buying a nuke off Pakistan is a scenario that commands some merit, then I suggest you read up on Pakistan's position in the ME conflict. Pakistan will not aggravate the existing quagmire by introducing nuclear weapons into the mix and polarizing its own population in the process. And let's suppose that they somehow do manage to procure a nuclear warhead by some means, will they be able to secure a launch platform through the same means as well? How about trained individuals numbering in several hundred needed to maintain and prep said weapons?
America likes to control things. I love the country for it's ethos apart from it's foreign policy.
The NSG is a control mechanism and the entry barriers are to keep members in as well.
Do you realize that we are in the mot effed-up of all the regions in the world with two belligerent nuclear nations bordering us?
Screw the UNSC, we have a good thing going on here, let's not lose sight of serving what need is more critical.
If the entry into NSG = fighting wars for them, then I say let's invest in hydroelectric power.
I personally feel the odds of Pakistan attacking India are much higher as they have nothing much to loose. China needs diplomacy to resolve. In either case, our deterrence should be sustainable and not based on the seasonal whims and fancies of a proven unpredictable 'ally' sitting half the world away from us. I would any day enter into a military pact with Israel than the US.

If you have to stop Pakistan from attacking India, the route goes through Washington. US is the only country that can influence Pakistan? Israel doesn't stand a chance here.

I am of view that, as in real life where knowing influential people can get you things done, international geopolitics is not that different. This is not in anyway, as you suggest, India under US thumb. None of the 1.3 billion Indians will agree to be under US control. We are fiercely independent an will remain independent.

He's probably not going to be the president. But even if he does manage to become one by some fluke, the US establishment will bring him in line with the American national agenda.

I don't care whether Trump become a president. It is the US people that have to decide. Even if Trump becomes the president, given his paranoia over China, I was suggesting he will be good for India As I said before, Clinton is known to be pro India while she was a Secretary of state. Either one will be good for India.
If you have to stop Pakistan from attacking India, the route goes through Washington. US is the only country that can influence Pakistan? Israel doesn't stand a chance here.

The route goes not through Washington but through Kashmir, but than again you wont understand that, so continue to bet on US while Pakistan is gradually moving away.
The route goes not through Washington but through Kashmir, but than again you wont understand that, so continue to bet on US while Pakistan is gradually moving away.

I think the route goes through what you have on your dinner plate. Its only a matter of time before Pakistan and India will do a cost-benefit analysis of Kashmir and wise-up.
Trump's U.S looking to cause nuclear holocaust in south Asia while he's sitting and chilling behind the scene.
He's probably not going to be the president. But even if he does manage to become one by some fluke, the US establishment will bring him in line with the American national agenda.

If you think that KSA buying a nuke off Pakistan is a scenario that commands some merit, then I suggest you read up on Pakistan's position in the ME conflict. Pakistan will not aggravate the existing quagmire by introducing nuclear weapons into the mix and polarizing its own population in the process. And let's suppose that they somehow do manage to procure a nuclear warhead by some means, will they be able to secure a launch platform through the same means as well? How about trained individuals numbering in several hundred needed to maintain and prep said weapons?

That depends on the executioners of Pakistan's foreign policies. Does Pakistan have an independent foreign policy which safeguards her own national security since it's birth ?Observations clearly indicates otherwise.
It is no secret that the Saudis already have the Chinese launch platform CSS-2.
That depends on the executioners of Pakistan's foreign policies. Does Pakistan have an independent foreign policy which safeguards her own national security since it's birth ?Observations clearly indicates otherwise.
It is no secret that the Saudis already have the Chinese launch platform CSS-2.

One could argue that Pakistan has not followed policies that were very far-sighted but I would contest the notion that the policies were in anyway not meant to suit Pakistan's self-interest.
One could argue that Pakistan has not followed policies that were very far-sighted but I would contest the notion that the policies were in anyway not meant to suit Pakistan's self-interest.

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Master Sun Tzu said. Those policies presumably served self interests of few individual or groups instead of the country as a whole. Saudis used Pakistan to wreck havoc in Afghanistan. They are using Turkey to do the same in Syria and Iraq. Pakistan had the chance to rectify the mistakes of General Zia ul Haq but Taliban project was initiated instead. What Pakistan today has become , is the consequences of failed policies for the last 50 years. We both know who keeps writing the scripts.
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Master Sun Tzu said. Those policies presumably served self interests of few individual or groups instead of the country as a whole. Saudis used Pakistan to wreck havoc in Afghanistan. They are using Turkey to do the same in Syria and Iraq. Pakistan had the chance to rectify the mistakes of General Zia ul Haq but Taliban project was initiated instead. What Pakistan today has become , is the consequences of failed policies for the last 50 years. We both know who keeps writing the scripts.

You over simplify the narrative by removing the actions from their historical context.

"Saudis used Pakistan to wreak havoc in Afghanistan", Pakistan partnered in the project because putting the Red Army at our doorstep placed us at a great disadvantage and left us encircled by hostile powers (who were allies themselves) on either of our longest borders.

"Pakistan had the chance to rectify the mistakes of General Zia ul Haq but Taliban project was initiated instead.", with over 6 million refuges and international sanctions to boot, we needed Afghanistan to be stable and since the world powers had left the various warring factions to kill each other for the road to Kabul, we merely pursued the most logical course of action (for the time) by helping the faction which we had been allied with, win the battle for Kabul and put an end to a decade and a half of civil war.
Seems this Trump guy is already showing signs of Alzheimer syndrome, on one hand he claims India could act as a check to Pakistan but in the same breath he accuses Indians of taking American jobs....what exactly is his policy.....sacrifice American jobs in the hope India will play poodle. We all remember how before entering the White House, Obama was adamant that he would attack Pakistan, i guess once you jump into the water, then you realise, how deep or cold it really is.
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