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India congratulates China on its election as vice-president of FATF

I hope now Pakistani members don't have any doubt on the authenticity of the news, as they never belived about the grey list even after repeated links.

On another note...

I see a change taking place... I remember how Indians and Pakistanis debated on PDF about these groups like Jaish-E-Mohammed. While Indians claimed, India would slowly but surely get these groups acted upon, the Pakistani members always made fun of the claim. Oh those days. I think Pakistani members really under estimated baniya brains.

Now all I see is a total change of sides...while India is sitting back and enjoying the show after having done its part of work, its Pakistani members on PDF now are now questioning, why did they even have groups like JEM and not banned it earlier. Full circle.
I hope the news is true , people always forgot politic is a long term game..
if U.S gave China position Vice President.. it will gave China more influence in the future :D
Although I doubt this news , U.S isn’t dumb enough to gave China that position.
But who know , considering trump is a new kid in the block

Saudi Arabia, which represents the entire GCC block as an observer at FATF, was offered a full membership, the Saudi's immediately dumped Pakistan.

China was going to become the VP of FATF regardless. However, once Saudi Arabia dropped Pakistan, there was no way for China to be able to hold off the US resolution with just Turkey. There was just no point in that battle any more and so China settled for consensus on its VP position as it further got the Indian vote for not defending Pakistan.

P.S. The VP of FATF automatically becomes the President, after 2 years.
Shame on the U.S. Pakistan has sacrificed 60,000 lives fighting America's war on terror and this is how the U.S. repays us? I would cut off all routes to Afghanistan through our territory indefinitely until this matter is resolved.
Toh kaat deh bhai...
Shame on the U.S. Pakistan has sacrificed 60,000 lives fighting America's war on terror and this is how the U.S. repays us? I would cut off all routes to Afghanistan through our territory indefinitely until this matter is resolved.

Well, it is like this, "Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on ME!!".

We love to be bitten by the US every now and then but because of interests of certain folk in the power corridor, we still bow down to US demands. Everything for the personalities, nothing for the country or countrymen!!
Pakistan should fully use the FATF to its advantage. The economic terrorism spread by the fascist government in India needs looking into. From Kulbashan Yadev to Uzair Baloch to Ehsanullah Ehsan to others are a prime example of how India uses economic terrorism as an extension of its foreign policy.

Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Myanmar would be more than welcome given the chance they can voice their concerns and the abuse they have taken from India.
China had to backout from supporting Pakistan because it needed three members minimum to defeat the US lead resolution, after Saudi backing out options for China were either it backs out too and saves face or keep on supporting Pakistan and get defeated, which would have been a blot on it's diplomacy

There was another way, China and Pakistan should have attempted to gain Russian & Malaysian support on the matter. Even Singapore was supporting Pakistan in the initial voting and could have been courted for a vote along with Turkey, China and others.

I just don't understand where our diplomacy failed. The only logical conclusion that I can make is that we were fooled by the US team as they negotiated with us on the steps forward and assured us of no further action which made our team complacent and hence they did not deem it necessary to rally support for an off-norm unprecedented eventuality of re-voting.

Pakistan should fully use the FATF to its advantage. The economic terrorism spread by the fascist government in India needs looking into. From Kulbashan Yadev to Uzair Baloch to Ehsanullah Ehsan to others are a prime example of how India uses economic terrorism as an extension of its foreign policy.

Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Myanmar would be more than welcome given the chance they can voice their concerns and the abuse they have taken from India.

I honestly wonder why we don't do that.
so just to put Pakistan on some random list which no one cares about, Indians have accepted Chinese as their masters........:enjoy:
Height of Pakistan Obsession:lol:
There was another way, China and Pakistan should have attempted to gain Russian & Malaysian support on the matter. Even Singapore was supporting Pakistan in the initial voting and could have been courted for a vote along with Turkey, China and others.

Why will China do Pakistan's bidding? For Russia it was choice between India and Pakistan, you know who they will choose and for Malaysia it would be be choice between US and Pakistan. no surprises again whom they will and they did choose
Why will China do Pakistan's bidding? For Russia it was choice between India and Pakistan, you know who they will choose and for Malaysia it would be be choice between US and Pakistan. no surprises again whom they will and they did choose

Because that is what allies do. Allies look after the interests of their allies.
I have been seeing some Indian trolls making remarks here and there that its India's victory bla bla bla...
1) That's too early to say.
2) They should be more worried about their own internal issues like rising of RSS mindset Hindu fundamentalism etc etc. Cuz it is always the inner rot which weakens the nations to the core and destroys them.
3) Third its not their victory if at all the news about FATF is true rather failure of Pakistan on International level. If Pakistan would have ridden itself from this menace called extremism or corruption and our corrupt politicians would have given a semblance of what their forefathers gave right after independence. Things would have been pretty different.
4) Blocks on international arena have already been made under world super powers so international politics are also playing part. Pakistan will soon have to choose sides.
Chest thumping or making fun wont do no one no benefit. Every nation has its ups and downs. Trolling others only shows your own bad upbringing.
My only hope and prayers about my dearest Pakistan is that her dwellers may learn from their past mistakes and rectify those mistakes for the better future of coming generations.

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