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India condemns Israel’s use of force in Gaza

If Israelis where merely targeting civilian Palestinians and if that was their intention,they wouldn't have restricted the ops only to the Gaza strip,they could have expanded in in the west bank.Its clear that Hamas is the target and unfortunately the Hamas cowards have chosen to make their stand from the midst where ordinary Palestinians live.

Palestinians know the consequence of hitting Israeli civilians in Israel proper and hence the onus was on them to get the message to the Hamas which the runs the Gaza strip.

In fact i dare say Israeli air strikes and current ground offensive are perfectly legitimate,simply because Hamas offensive in Israel can be considered as act of war,waged by an organization elected by to offices of power by Palestinians......

Israel's is legitimate response,albeit a disproportionate one.
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arabs have nothing to do with indian land, but surely indians r like growing like rabbits on arab land, look at the an indian population in dubai and various arab states!!

Most of the Indians there are workers. Arab states may have a lot of money but they can't do without labourers. Most of these people return home after earning a fortune.
It is only the sound parties that prefer land in dubai.
I think Israel has gone overboard in this instance. There is a lot of human suffering in Gaza that could have been better avoided.
India? Does it mean the govt of india?

Nothing but bollywoody melodrama. Political leaders of india are very efficient in doing melodrama. But please you guys do not believe the crocodile tears shed by the govt of india, that is not real.

Yet, I have noticed some protests on Mumbai streets by some civilians and they are indian Muslims. The society of india is plural and so many different voices can appear. Plural in the sense, there are diverse religio-cultural values and political ideologies, since a considerable number of races, communities, and political groups are present in india. But this does not mean the govt of india is also plural. The govt of india which is dominated by hindu brahmin-baniya and other brainwashed Muslim as well as caste-class people is essentially saffronite fascist hindu nationalist chauvinist, where OTHER VOICES are absent. And the govt in order to please the OTHER VOICES sometimes wear a mask and do such melodrama for vote bank purpose. Thus democracy sometimes tries to come outside for fresh air as always there is a great suffocation caused by the fascist hinduist saffronite force.

This is funny now, if Indian govt condemns, they are shedding crocodile tears, if they don't well they are hand in glove with US and ISrael when as a matter of fact it is Pakistan which has got aid of million of dollars from US and strategic support. Some people live in world of conspiracy theory.

I agree this is a case of use of excessive force.

Here I was talking to an Egyptian friend and he told me there are differences inside Palestine as well, one group doesn't want fight against Israel while Hamas backed group is for war, this is a very tricky issue and no Arab country wants to put hand in fire. No wonder no one has come to rescue of palestine including KSA, Iran, Egypt to name a few.
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If India Keeps mum she is a party to the Murder, Is she Condemns and sends Aid, then it is Crocodile tears! Disgusting!
If India Keeps mum she is a party to the Murder, Is she Condemns and sends Aid, then it is Crocodile tears! Disgusting!

We have nothing to prove to the self proclaimed thekedars of some faith. They are mostly all hot air and little else.
I second that too. sounds like Indian muslay to me! kyun main?

being a Islamic nation doesnt mean that u will question the muslims all around the world for being true muslims.........true Muslims dont kill innocents like u do....

I am a Muslim but before that i am a human and i m a Indian..........!

I dont consider even a single Talib or others involved in the so called Jihad as Muslims.......... as u have been brain-washed for money!

being a Islamic nation doesnt mean that u will question the muslims all around the world for being true muslims.........true Muslims dont kill innocents like u do....

I am a Muslim but before that i am a human and i m a Indian..........!

I dont consider even a single Talib or others involved in the so called Jihad as Muslims.......... as u have been brain-washed for money!


Mian ji,Thank you for the education................. you can go home now!
Pakistan never condemns chinese human rights violations in Tibet..They r allies..
Accordingly India has no right to condemn Israel.
Being allies means not to criticise or question but to completely surrender yrself to the alliance..
I learnt a new thing today..
Mian ji,Thank you for the education................. you can go home now!

home is where the heart is........... your Heart is in Kashmir but sorry u cant call it home.....

Even Pakistan is occupied by talibans so where exactly is your Home Now..........?

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