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India concerned at China-Pakistan military links


Aug 29, 2009
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India concerned at China-Pakistan military links

Expressing concern at the growing "military nexus" between China and Pakistan, India on Friday hoped that Beijing would reciprocate Indian overtures to resolve outstanding issues.

Speaking at the 44th Foundation Day of the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Delhi, Defence Minister AK Antony said: "The increasing nexus between China and Pakistan in military sphere remains an area of serious concern. We have to carry out continuous appraisals of Chinese military capabilities and shape our responses accordingly."

"We are hopeful that China will reciprocate the initiatives aimed at mutual trust-building and understanding," said Antony.

China has recently contracted to supply 36 J-10 fighter jets to Pakistan. China and Pakistan have also joined hands to develop third generation fighter aircraft JF-17.

The defence minister said that India was keen to develop "friendlier" relations with its neighbouring countries, including China and Pakistan, but at the same time there are issues which are of concern to it.

"We have always striven for peaceful relations with all our neighbours. Even with a vibrant democracy and a prospering economy, we cannot ignore the security calculus. Our prime minister's willingness to resume the dialogue with Pakistan must be seen in this context," asserted Antony.

On Pakistan, Antony said that the terror infrastructure on its territory remains intact.

"Pakistan must put an end to terror activities emanating from its soil. However, the terror infrastructure on the ground remains intact -- and is actually thriving. Pakistan is yet to demonstrate any will to take speedy action against terrorists and international criminals. We need to closely monitor the developments in Pakistan," Antony said.
there is no reason why we wouldn't be...
The biggest achievement of Pakistan has been to ove away from the American influence into the Chinese fold....has helped Pakistan in more ways than one.
only your enemy's enemy can see the world through your eyes...
there is no reason why we wouldn't be...
The biggest achievement of Pakistan has been to ove away from the American influence into the Chinese fold....has helped Pakistan in more ways than one.
only your enemy's enemy can see the world through your eyes...

Enemies Enemy? like Israel Maleon?

Regarding Pak-China ties and India concerning over it, you need to be an Indian Politician to be that childish.
In fact it will be good for us with Pakistan relying heavily on China as at any point of time China can pull the plug off for Pakistan.

Because of the manufacturing giant like China not just in defense in other sectors also Pakistan will become dependent on China this way killing its own small scale industry and the market flooded with Chinese.

I dont think Pakistani manufacture can ever compete with the Chinese counterparts in production.
In fact it will be good for us with Pakistan relying heavily on China as at any point of time China can pull the plug off for Pakistan.

Because of the manufacturing giant like China not just in defense in other sectors also Pakistan will become dependent on China this way killing its own small scale industry and the market flooded with Chinese.
I dont think Pakistani manufacture can ever compete with the Chinese counterparts in production.

F35 already kill all europe country‘s Aviation Industry

In fact it will be good for us with Pakistan relying heavily on China as at any point of time China can pull the plug off for Pakistan.

Because of the manufacturing giant like China not just in defense in other sectors also Pakistan will become dependent on China this way killing its own small scale industry and the market flooded with Chinese.

I dont think Pakistani manufacture can ever compete with the Chinese counterparts in production.

It won't be any time soon that china will pull the plug of pakistan, and thanks to china our industries are improving not dieing.
When we talk about India-Israel nexus, they reply: they have right to have friendship. OK. When we have relations with China, they say: this is not right.
"Kya yeh Khulla Tazzaad Nahin?"
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When we talk about India-Israel nexus, they reply: they have right to have friendship. OK. When we have relations with Chine, they say: this is not right.
"Kya yeh Khulla Tazzaad Nahin?"

yeah...true that.
there is no reason why we wouldn't be...
The biggest achievement of Pakistan has been to ove away from the American influence into the Chinese fold....has helped Pakistan in more ways than one.
only your enemy's enemy can see the world through your eyes...
Don't you think it's bit too late to mention your worries.
its just one of the daily anti Pakistan media dose.
In fact it will be good for us with Pakistan relying heavily on China as at any point of time China can pull the plug off for Pakistan.

Because of the manufacturing giant like China not just in defense in other sectors also Pakistan will become dependent on China this way killing its own small scale industry and the market flooded with Chinese.

I dont think Pakistani manufacture can ever compete with the Chinese counterparts in production.

I think it would be great for Pakistan to trade with China

Pakistan is a pure agricultral country so we produce alot of food , and other raw materia, and china offers alot of injustries that need the raw materia so it works well

Also China has helped build new engineering projects in Pakistan so its helping our economy

China is not making us become dependent we are sharing our knowledge - :coffee: as two regional powers should with China being the big brother

Never doubt chinese commitment and true friendship

But soon we wish we can also have good ties with Russia to counter US , back stabing with Indian nuclear deal

Iran + Pakistan + China would be a great economic and cultural hub imagine

Indust civilization + Great Chinese civilization + Persian civilization ....

True SUPER POWER with Russia controlling over europe
I think it would be great for Pakistan to trade with China

Pakistan is a pure agricultral country so we produce alot of food , and other raw materia, and china offers alot of injustries that need the raw materia so it works well

Also China has helped build new engineering projects in Pakistan so its helping our economy

Is the part where you were purely agricultural the reason why you leases farm land to Saudi at the fraction of the price.

lets Talk simple economics here.
China produces well beyond its demands. So it exports a lot.
Pakistan does not produce all its demands. so it imports.
Pakistani companies or business. will just have to either work for or with Chinese companies in order to stay in business.

sooner or latter Chinese investment will lead to To China owning large chunks of Pakistan. Just as it did in America.

They may be your only friends but you being an equal in any relationship is far from the truth.
China is not making us become dependent we are sharing our knowledge - :coffee: as two regional powers should with China being the big brother

Never doubt chinese commitment and true friendship

Pakistan being a regional power implies that, what Pakistan does in its day to day. has implications around the rest of the region or continent.

this is not the case.

China is the superpower, and your just the country right next door.
But soon we wish we can also have good ties with Russia to counter US , back stabing with Indian nuclear deal

Iran + Pakistan + China would be a great economic and cultural hub imagine

Indust civilization + Great Chinese civilization + Persian civilization ....

True SUPER POWER with Russia controlling over europe

Oh yes, the grand plan.

You just want to see everyone in the west suffer dont you.
you can tout the might of your ancestors.
But their time has come and gone.

you dont see the Greeks forever reminiscing Alexanders empire.
Nor the Italians reminiscing the Roman empire, the worlds first ever hyper power.

I am going to be brutally blunt here, do you really belie that Pakistan calls the shots with anybody or anywhere anymore. more often then naught you are doing what the rest of the world asks you to do.

And as far as your relations with the Chinese go.
Two countries cant be BFF. every relation has strains, its not perfect.
No body seems to even want to discuss the problems with Pak-China relations. Its almost as if you believe there is nothing bad to come of it, or no Negative aspects exist.

Even the EU nations have more differences of opinion then this.
Either both nations are extremely good at pretending everything is A OK.

which would support the argument that your more friends of consequence.

Or for some reason you have absolutely no arguments. Whilst being an equal member.
But if your role in the relationship is not equal. Which would mean you are dependent on the other party in some say. Then yes a relationship with very little public friction can exist
Pakistan being a regional power implies that, what Pakistan does in its day to day. has implications around the rest of the region or continent.

this is not the case.

You are wrong. Militarily, Pakistan projects power to a radius of about 4,000km. Pakistan has and continues to cooperate with many regional countries and this cooperation has changed the security situation in the region, one case in point is Pakistan's assistance to the Sri Lankans to deal with the Tamil terrorist threat. Pakistan has also provided assistance to Bangladesh in the form of aircraft, military supplies, training etc. This support has shored up Bangladesh' own defence to some degree.

Pakistan has undeniably had great influence in Afghanistan and as of three days ago, the US government is on record as having said that Pakistan is consulted more than any other country on the subject of Afghanistan. What Pakistan does day to day impacts Afghanistan. The issue is not whether these actions are suited to the interests of India or any other nation, the issue is simply whether Pakistan projects power in the region. As is amply evident in this case, it certainly does.

Beyond military power projection, Pakistan's decision to pursue the Iran-Pakistan pipeline has already changed the energy dynamic in the entire region. China has announced its intent to participate. Further, on the subject of energy security, Pakistan's Naval port at Gwadar has an impact on the world's oil supplies as it practically sits at the mouth of the Straits of Hormuz. This is not merely my opinion, but the Indian Naval chief has expressed his concerns on this issue quite vociferously. Therefore, Pakistan's decisions impact the energy security of the region.

What happens in Pakistan and what is done by Pakistan impacts India. If this were not the case, India would not have the bulk of its military parked in the west.

Pakistan was the country that brokered China-US diplomatic exchanges. Nixon's secret trip to Beijing was hidden under the guise of a trip to Pakistan and he took off for China from Pakistan. Pakistan's friendship with both China and the US has been a bridge between these two giants up until recently.

Pakistan's influence extends to the Middle East. Pakistan has militarily participated - albeit to a very limited extent - in Arab Israeli wars through the independent decisions of its military personnel (mainly PAF pilots). Saiful Azam, for example, is credited with shooting down three Israeli aircraft. Pakistan provided training to most Arab air forces and continues to have significant defence integration with many countries in the region. It was only until a couple three decades ago that some Arab Airforces were led by PAF officers. The personal protection of the royal family of Saudi Arabia was provided by the Pakistan Army. The rebellion against King Hussein of Jordan was quelled by the Pakistan Army. These are all historical facts and, as such, Pakistan's regional influence in the context of this history is beyond debate. This cooperation continues to this day, but yes, it is no longer as overt.

Pakistan also provides a vast percentage of the UN's peace keeping force. It is a major player in the world's security in this context. Bosnia, Somalia and other deployments in Africa are ample evidence in this respect. The UN has extended very positive recognition to Pakistan's efforts in all these areas.

Economically, over 6,000 Pakistani companies are operating just in the UAE. Pakistanis own billions of dollars of real estate there. 6,000 Pakistani companies operating in the UAE. Pakistanis have invested 6.7B Dirhams in Dubai real estate. Tech Lahore

One could go on and on, but I trust the above is sufficient for reasonable readers.

To say that Pakistan is not a regional power when it is the 7th most populous country in the world, has one of the largest militaries on the planet, has had its GDP double in just about a decade and wields more sophisticated nuclear and missile technology than its 8x larger neighbour is, I must conclude, nothing short of deluded.
^^^^^^Pakistan has and continues to cooperate with many regional countries and this cooperation has changed the security situation in the region

the words in red i agree- even the situation in the world i guess

Economically, over 6,000 Pakistani companies are operating just in the UAE. Pakistanis own billions of dollars of real estate there. 6,000 Pakistani companies operating in the UAE. Pakistanis have invested 6.7B Dirhams in Dubai real estate. Tech Lahore

dubai world is the cause for the recent market down turn

Pakistan has undeniably had great influence in Afghanistan and as of three days ago, the US government is on record as having said that Pakistan is consulted more than any other country on the subject of Afghanistan. What Pakistan does day to day impacts Afghanistan. The issue is not whether these actions are suited to the interests of India or any other nation, the issue is simply whether Pakistan projects power in the region. As is amply evident in this case, it certainly does.

first of all pakistan does not project power in afganistan.....you guys know the terrain better and not to forget your previous friendly taliban regime that the US is fighting with ....you have some know-how regarding them.......and apart from that you are just guarding your border from possible afgan infiltration into your country.....the US is the only nation projecting power there.....not even next door china......

What happens in Pakistan and what is done by Pakistan impacts India. If this were not the case, India would not have the bulk of its military parked in the west

this statement alone implies that pakistan is the aggressor in every case and it is pakistan that is responsible for india's need to arm itself to its teeth ...and not the vice versa as advocated by some in other threads in this forum.....
and now the situation in pakistan -is a cause of worry to the entire world....i.e . by your own logic everything happening in pakistan has implication for the rest of the world as of now-that makes you a world power......lol
being an irritant doesnt qualify as regional power you have to be constructive-economically,diplomatically-not only in the region but also have a diplomatic international clout .
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You are wrong. Militarily, Pakistan projects power to a radius of about 4,000km. Pakistan has and continues to cooperate with many regional countries and this cooperation has changed the security situation in the region, one case in point is Pakistan's assistance to the Sri Lankans to deal with the Tamil terrorist threat. Pakistan has also provided assistance to Bangladesh in the form of aircraft, military supplies, training etc. This support has shored up Bangladesh' own defence to some degree.

Pakistan has undeniably had great influence in Afghanistan and as of three days ago, the US government is on record as having said that Pakistan is consulted more than any other country on the subject of Afghanistan. What Pakistan does day to day impacts Afghanistan. The issue is not whether these actions are suited to the interests of India or any other nation, the issue is simply whether Pakistan projects power in the region. As is amply evident in this case, it certainly does.

Beyond military power projection, Pakistan's decision to pursue the Iran-Pakistan pipeline has already changed the energy dynamic in the entire region. China has announced its intent to participate. Further, on the subject of energy security, Pakistan's Naval port at Gwadar has an impact on the world's oil supplies as it practically sits at the mouth of the Straits of Hormuz. This is not merely my opinion, but the Indian Naval chief has expressed his concerns on this issue quite vociferously. Therefore, Pakistan's decisions impact the energy security of the region.

What happens in Pakistan and what is done by Pakistan impacts India. If this were not the case, India would not have the bulk of its military parked in the west.

Pakistan was the country that brokered China-US diplomatic exchanges. Nixon's secret trip to Beijing was hidden under the guise of a trip to Pakistan and he took off for China from Pakistan. Pakistan's friendship with both China and the US has been a bridge between these two giants up until recently.

Pakistan's influence extends to the Middle East. Pakistan has militarily participated - albeit to a very limited extent - in Arab Israeli wars through the independent decisions of its military personnel (mainly PAF pilots). Saiful Azam, for example, is credited with shooting down three Israeli aircraft. Pakistan provided training to most Arab air forces and continues to have significant defence integration with many countries in the region. It was only until a couple three decades ago that some Arab Airforces were led by PAF officers. The personal protection of the royal family of Saudi Arabia was provided by the Pakistan Army. The rebellion against King Hussein of Jordan was quelled by the Pakistan Army. These are all historical facts and, as such, Pakistan's regional influence in the context of this history is beyond debate. This cooperation continues to this day, but yes, it is no longer as overt.

Pakistan also provides a vast percentage of the UN's peace keeping force. It is a major player in the world's security in this context. Bosnia, Somalia and other deployments in Africa are ample evidence in this respect. The UN has extended very positive recognition to Pakistan's efforts in all these areas.

Economically, over 6,000 Pakistani companies are operating just in the UAE. Pakistanis own billions of dollars of real estate there. 6,000 Pakistani companies operating in the UAE. Pakistanis have invested 6.7B Dirhams in Dubai real estate. Tech Lahore

One could go on and on, but I trust the above is sufficient for reasonable readers.

To say that Pakistan is not a regional power when it is the 7th most populous country in the world, has one of the largest militaries on the planet, has had its GDP double in just about a decade and wields more sophisticated nuclear and missile technology than its 8x larger neighbour is, I must conclude, nothing short of deluded.

I guess you are right
In international relations, a regional power is a state that has power within a geographic region. They define the polarity of any given regional security complex.

but only for the south Asia region, beyond that i dont think so.
^^^^^^Pakistan has and continues to cooperate with many regional countries and this cooperation has changed the security situation in the region

the words in red i agree- even the situation in the world i guess

Wow, selective highlighting to change what I was attempting to get across. Unfortunately, I didn't know I was dealing with a pre-pubescent child. Otherwise I would just have highlighted individual letters in your response to spell a choice insult back to you.

My apologies for taking you seriously. Move along now. No more responses from me.

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