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India-China trade goes up to over $67 bn in first half of 2022

India-China trade goes up to over $67 bn in first half of 2022​

The India-China trade is on course to cross USD 100 billion for the second consecutive year as it has gone up to USD 67.08 billion in the first half of this year amid a big surge of Chinese exports​

India china trade | India China relations | Trade talks
Press Trust of India | Beijing Last Updated at July 13, 2022 23:18 IST

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The India-China trade is on course to cross USD 100 billion for the second consecutive year as it has gone up to USD 67.08 billion in the first half of this year amid a big surge of Chinese exports, official trade data released here said on Wednesday.
China's exports to India have gone up to USD 57.51 billion, up by 34.5 per cent last year while Indian exports to China fell to USD 9.57 billion, a decline of 35.3 per cent compared to last year, according to the trade data released by China's General Administration of Customs (GAC).
The trade deficit at the half-year mark stood at USD 47.94 billion.
Last year, the India-China bilateral trade hit a record high of over USD 125 billion crossing the USD 100 billion mark in a year when the relations touched a new low due to standoff by the militaries in Eastern Ladakh.
China's exports to India last year went up by 46.2 per cent to USD 97.52 billion while India's exports to China grew by 34.2 per cent to USD 28.14 billion.
The trade deficit for India grew by USD 69.38 billion in 2021.
In May, China insisted that it is still India's biggest trade partner in 2021-22 as per its figures, referring to reports that the US has unseated it to take the top slot and attributed the disparity to different methods of calculating the trade volume by New Delhi and Beijing.
"According to the statistics of Chinese competent authorities, bilateral trade volume between China and India stood at USD 125.66 billion in 2021," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a media briefing when asked about reports of the US overtaking China to become the largest trade partner of India in 2021-22.
"China remains the largest trade partner of India and for the first time the bilateral trade exceeded USD 100 billion in 2021," Zhao said.
"The disparity in trade figures published by China and India is a result of different statistical measurement scales," he said.
Overall, China's foreign trade of goods jumped 9.4 per cent year-on-year to 19.8 trillion yuan (about USD 2.94 trillion) during the first half of the year, according to GAC data.
I admit that Indian women are not in line with Chinese aesthetics. The biggest problem is smell.

As for the so-called "superiority of East Asian genes", that is the idea of the Japanese, and the Chinese people do not think so. Chinese people only care about appearance.
How would Chinese know ? i would be surprised if chinese socialist parties encourage such thinking among people.
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comment reported.

MODS, are such comments allowed in forums?
Chinese get special han privileges' world wide

In China selling women and children as sex slaves is socially acceptable atleast among the elite

Chinese Triad gangs trafficking women into Ireland for sex industry – cables

The cables also disclosed strong Chinese involvement in the trafficking of children, some of whom end up working as sex slaves in brothels.
These groups involved in this get full Govt backing
Chinese Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada
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All those cases are one fourth of what happens in china and you know it in your heart.

Women going out safely at night is a LAW AND ORER issue, not a "respect of women" issue.

China is a police state, India is not.

Chinese posters come to pdf to lie. They get paid to do that. This is common knowledge by now. So spare us the protests.
Just to add their hanland has higher rape rate than India


Also what is considered statutory rape in India is consider lawfully legal in China

Lawmakers urge raising age of consent

National legislators and political advisers have called for lifting the age of sexual consent from the current 14 years of age to 16.

"Sex education is scarce in China and a lot of girls are not aware of how they should be protected at the age of 14," said Zhu Lieyu, a lawyer from Guangdong province and a deputy to the National People's Congress.

A CCP politburo member can legally have a harem of 14 year old Chinese girls and engage orgies with no consequence

Paedo Mao Mao himself seemed to have had a harem of 14 year old or even younger
The Tyrant Mao, as Told by His Doctor

"By the early 1960's, as his power rose to new heights, he rarely complained about impotence," Dr. Li writes. "At the height of the Cultural Revolution in the 1960's, he and Jiang Qing were sexually estranged, but Mao had no problems with the young women he brought to his bed -- their numbers increasing and their average ages declining as Mao attempted to add years to his life according to the imperial formula."

Guess progenies of Nanking are going mimic their Japanese fathers/grandfathers regardless
I bet the Americans rejected the offer.

Mao started the offer with ten of thousands
Chairman Mao: The trade between our two countries at present is very pitiful. It is gradually increasing. You know China is a very poor country. We don’t have much. What we have in excess is women. (Laughter)

Dr. Kissinger: There are no quotas for those or tariffs.

Chairman Mao: So if you want them we can give a few of those to you, some tens of thousands. (Laughter)

Prime Minister Chou: Of course, on a voluntary basis.
When that didn't Mao went for millions
Chairman Mao: Do you want our Chinese women? We can give you ten million. (Laughter, particularly among the women.)

Dr. Kissinger: The Chairman is improving his offer.

Chairman Mao: By doing so we can let them flood your country with disaster and therefore impair your interests. In our country we have too many women, and they have a way of doing things. They give birth to children and our children are too many. (Laughter)

[Page 132]
Dr. Kissinger: It is such a novel proposition, we will have to study it.
The bolded part didn't age considering China's current sex ratio

Missing women of China
Labour laws. Land acquisition laws. Unions. Infrastructure. Independent judiciary. Forest clearances. NGOs. Take your pick.
lol, so indian rulers tell their slaves the reasons india cant compete are above, not laziness, corruption, poor education, slavery etc?
No wonder u guys stay backward.
Indians come to a Pakistan forum to beg Pakistanis and their allies to treat them seriously because they cannot really compete.
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