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India, China Take Their Confrontation From Ladakh To Myanmar


Sep 26, 2018
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With the India-China locking horns on the border, the neighbouring countries in the region could play a key role, and both New Delhi and Beijing are vying for their support.

China’s increasing clout in the region through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is already reaping its benefits. With established ports including Gwadar in Pakistan and Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka, China can utilise these bases to corner and counter India.

Through heavy investments in countries including Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, it is now vying to woo another strategically located Mynamar. However, in this race, India isn’t far behind.

After a “very satisfactory” visit to Bangladesh to bolster bilateral ties, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla along with army chief MM Naravane are on a joint visit to Mynamar. New Delhi has proposed a $6 billion investment to build a petroleum refinery in the Thanlyin region near Yangon, reported TOI

The report said that officials from India and Myanmar discussed issues relating to border security and stability and their mutual commitment to not allow their respective territories to be used for “activities inimical to each other”.

It is seen as a strategic move against China, who already accounts for over 70 per cent of foreign investment in the energy sector in Myanmar, reported TOI. Beijing has been pushing the China Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) as part of BRI. However, Myanmar has earlier pushed back against Beijing’s plans after the country’s auditor general warned the government of the increasing Chinese debt.

Myanmar’s current national debt stands at about $10 billion, of which $ 4 billion is owed to China, Auditor General Maw Than told a news conference in Naypyidaw, reported ET.

“The truth is the loans from China come at higher interest rates compared to loans from financial institutions like the World Bank or the IMF [International Monetary Fund],” he said. “So, I would like to remind the government ministries to be more restrained in using Chinese loans.” Mynamar is paying almost $500 annually in both principal and interest.

Drawing lessons from China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port that have pushed these countries in the debt trap, Mynamar is now looking towards New Delhi. Apart from that, Naypyidaw has accused China of supporting armed groups in Rakhine State.

Myanmar is now applying caution before handing over projects to Chinese companies. Reportedly, a Swiss company is signed as a third party to scrutinize the Muse-Mandalay Electric Railway built by China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group (CREEG).

The railway project was built under an MoU signed by the Chinese and Myanmar government, worth US$8.9 billion Muse-Mandalay Railway project in 2011.

India and Mynamar are already working on a transit transportation project that passes through the northeastern Indian state of Mizoram. During the current visit, India also announced a grant of $2 million for the bridge at Byanyu/Sarsichauk in Chin State which will connect Mizoram with Mynamar.

India also appreciated Mynamar’s decision to handover 22 Indian insurgents. As a token of solidarity as both the countries are fighting the pandemic, India presented Mynamar with 3000 vials of Remdesivir.

So, after blah blah blah of all the talking, finally I found an amount of India's money - 2 MILLION dollars for a bridge.

Is this a wooden bridge?

Maybe 1 USD can coffer for 1000 Indians worker? So 2 Million Dollars is more than enough to build a bridge.
6 billion toilet paper? India has lost all the money and dont believe their hype. They burn their cash in pandemic and border clash. India as always, over promise and talk big only. Myanmar shall ask india to transfer USD 6billion to their bank first before talk.
India pledged to give Mongolia US$1 billion in aid in 2017.
Can anyone tell me whether the $1 billion has been given to Mongolia?
India pledged to give Mongolia US$1 billion in aid in 2017.
Can anyone tell me whether the $1 billion has been given to Mongolia?

At least not before May-19.

Quote:" The petrochemical refinery -- near Sainshand in southern Dornogovi province -- is to be built at an approximate cost of $1.25 billion utilising the $1 billion line of credit announced during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Ulan Bator in 2015. It is expected to be completed by 2022. "

Honestly, this refinery doesn't make any economic sense to me.
1. India is not a big player in the oil refining equipment, her capability is questionable;
2. The both neighbors of Mongolia are much competitive in this area, not sure if they are happy to see that India step into this market. If they are not, how India to transport the equipment;
3. In this paper, Mongolia only produces 7m barrels of oil each year, how can they have spare output to supply China?
With the India-China locking horns on the border, the neighbouring countries in the region could play a key role, and both New Delhi and Beijing are vying for their support.

China’s increasing clout in the region through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is already reaping its benefits. With established ports including Gwadar in Pakistan and Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka, China can utilise these bases to corner and counter India.

Through heavy investments in countries including Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, it is now vying to woo another strategically located Mynamar. However, in this race, India isn’t far behind.

After a “very satisfactory” visit to Bangladesh to bolster bilateral ties, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla along with army chief MM Naravane are on a joint visit to Mynamar. New Delhi has proposed a $6 billion investment to build a petroleum refinery in the Thanlyin region near Yangon, reported TOI

The report said that officials from India and Myanmar discussed issues relating to border security and stability and their mutual commitment to not allow their respective territories to be used for “activities inimical to each other”.

It is seen as a strategic move against China, who already accounts for over 70 per cent of foreign investment in the energy sector in Myanmar, reported TOI. Beijing has been pushing the China Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) as part of BRI. However, Myanmar has earlier pushed back against Beijing’s plans after the country’s auditor general warned the government of the increasing Chinese debt.

Myanmar’s current national debt stands at about $10 billion, of which $ 4 billion is owed to China, Auditor General Maw Than told a news conference in Naypyidaw, reported ET.

“The truth is the loans from China come at higher interest rates compared to loans from financial institutions like the World Bank or the IMF [International Monetary Fund],” he said. “So, I would like to remind the government ministries to be more restrained in using Chinese loans.” Mynamar is paying almost $500 annually in both principal and interest.

Drawing lessons from China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port that have pushed these countries in the debt trap, Mynamar is now looking towards New Delhi. Apart from that, Naypyidaw has accused China of supporting armed groups in Rakhine State.

Myanmar is now applying caution before handing over projects to Chinese companies. Reportedly, a Swiss company is signed as a third party to scrutinize the Muse-Mandalay Electric Railway built by China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group (CREEG).

The railway project was built under an MoU signed by the Chinese and Myanmar government, worth US$8.9 billion Muse-Mandalay Railway project in 2011.

India and Mynamar are already working on a transit transportation project that passes through the northeastern Indian state of Mizoram. During the current visit, India also announced a grant of $2 million for the bridge at Byanyu/Sarsichauk in Chin State which will connect Mizoram with Mynamar.

India also appreciated Mynamar’s decision to handover 22 Indian insurgents. As a token of solidarity as both the countries are fighting the pandemic, India presented Mynamar with 3000 vials of Remdesivir.

The winner will be the side that has the most money to splurge on investment and other economic aid/projects. Given that India's economy is only 1/5 to 1/6 that of China, with the percentage growing smaller by the quarter, it should be very clear who will win. I suggest India first fix herself up before trying to compete with others.

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