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India Chases False Prestige In Space

Space is the future,those who ignore this vital frontier will soon be relegated to backwardness.
I agree with Madhavan Nair's assessment that the focus of ISRO ought to have been on ironing out the nagging deficiencies of GSLV rather than a Mars mission. Our access to space may have been secure, but not the size of our payload.

Many of the Directors of our PSUs are often autocratic and look to achieve a lasting legacy of their tenure as Chiefs. I have my suspicions about K.Radhakrishnan in this regard.
However, even if all goes according to plan, Mangalyaan will be placed in a 366 km x 80,000 km orbit that's so distant from Mars that it can observe very little, not even a fraction of what US and European Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express have done. Mangalyaan weighs 1,350 kg, but only carries a small scientific payload weighing just 13 kg, compared to the Mars Express's 116 kg.

So this explains everything. This entire mars project is nothing more than an ego trip for Indians just like that 'superpower 2030' video.

It's barely reaching mars AND it's carrying a tiny payload.

Just shows this project had absolutely nothing to do with real space exploration but a mere spectacle for the public as this author has said.

And it's interesting to note that their moon mission actually failed only lasting 10 months and many of the instruments failed. All we have heard is that India found water on the moon. But as it's been proven that the Soviet Union found water on the moon in 1976 and the Indian moon mission was using the M3 instrument from NASA which found water. Even the damn equipment is not Indian and they have the audacity to claim it's all Indian and India found water. Shameful liars.

Indians are so disingenuous.

Thanks Hafizzz for this great article exposing this Indian fraud.
So this explains everything. This entire mars project is nothing more than an ego trip for Indians just like that 'superpower 2030' video.

It's barely reaching mars AND it's carrying a tiny payload.

Just shows this project had absolutely nothing to do with real space exploration but a mere spectacle for the public as this author has said.

And it's interesting to note that their moon mission actually failed only lasting 10 months and many of the instruments failed. All we have heard is that India found water on the moon. But as it's been proven that the Soviet Union found water on the moon in 1976 and the Indian moon mission was using the M3 instrument from NASA which found water. Even the damn equipment is not Indian and they have the audacity to claim it's all Indian and India found water. Shameful liars.

Indians are so disingenuous.

Thanks Hafizzz for this great article exposing this Indian fraud.

Main to raste pe ja raha tha rocket uda raha tha,
Usko Mirchi lagi to main kya karoon!!

Guys, some time try to see things without hate glasses. Every one have to take baby steps before running. It's irreverent how small pay load for mars mission is, the most important part is to master the process and tech for movement/ tracking/ data sharing test/ controlling the space ship in deep space.
Once it's mastered other bigger / bolder mission will follow. So spare some mirchi for future cause you all will need more soon.
Main to raste pe ja raha tha rocket uda raha tha,
Usko Mirchi lagi to main kya karoon!!

Guys, some time try to see things without hate glasses. Every one have to take baby steps before running. It's irreverent how small pay load for mars mission is, the most important part is to master the process and tech for movement/ tracking/ data sharing test/ controlling the space ship in deep space.
Once it's mastered other bigger / bolder mission will follow. So spare some mirchi for future cause you all will need more soon.
Kya gaana aur reply hai Boss:omghaha::yay::yay:

Space is the future,those who ignore this vital frontier will soon be relegated to backwardness.
Exactly those who invest in space will Colonize space and be Richest and most technological Nation of the world.Although it will become irrelevant when we colonize plants, but the same guys here who taunt and criticize us namely our Neighbour nation whose got Zero (0%) Contribution to Sciene and without any IOTA of Scientific Contribution will become part of Science,Just because they happened to be Human Beings by physiology,
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So this explains everything. This entire mars project is nothing more than an ego trip for Indians just like that 'superpower 2030' video.

It's barely reaching mars AND it's carrying a tiny payload.

Just shows this project had absolutely nothing to do with real space exploration but a mere spectacle for the public as this author has said.

And it's interesting to note that their moon mission actually failed only lasting 10 months and many of the instruments failed. All we have heard is that India found water on the moon. But as it's been proven that the Soviet Union found water on the moon in 1976 and the Indian moon mission was using the M3 instrument from NASA which found water. Even the damn equipment is not Indian and they have the audacity to claim it's all Indian and India found water. Shameful liars.

Indians are so disingenuous.

Thanks Hafizzz for this great article exposing this Indian fraud.
Right i wonder why Soviet Union kept so quiet till now when you were their favorite customers?History says India's Chandraayan-I DISCOVERED presence of water on the Moon, Not USSR,USA,EU.,Whatever Ego trip it is, we surely did beat all you guys in that our launch was successful in first try ,using Smaller Rocket(PSLV),when we could do this thing with such rocket, think what we can do with next rockets and tech?

Chinese crying over Indian satellite finding water on Moon, i wonder why CCP or China never bothered to ask this question in United Nations? why?:D
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A lot of peoples a$$es seem to be burning! And I love it!

The only "a$$es seem to be burnin" are those of poverty stricken Indians who have severe diarrhea due to the poor sanitary conditions they live in since development money is being diverted to ridiculous projects like sending satellites to Mars.
Indian Official Statistics: Fifteen million persons suffer from Diarrhea/ Dysentery in a period of fifteen days in India

The question people are asking is why doesn't India feed the 700+ million starving people within their borders, provide a toilet in every house, shrine/temple, school, etc... first?

It seems more like these projects were meant for the elite/rich of Bharat to show off, regardless of how many of them fail, at the cost of the poor who would be happier knowing where their next meal is coming from.

Nope . Most people fail to realize that the benefits of space mission isn't limited to space - it goes beyond that . :) Just my two cents .

I actually feel that many are overestimating the value of space missions.

Don't get me wrong, being able to launch your own satellites is definitely important and something worth the money but what does trying to send a satellite to Mars get a country like India especially in light of all the problems the country faces?
Right i wonder why Soviet Union kept so quiet till now when you were their favorite customers?History says India's Chandraayan-I DISCOVERED presence of water on the Moon, Not USSR,USA,EU.,Whatever Ego trip it is, we surely did beat all you guys in that our launch was successful in first try ,using Smaller Rocket(PSLV),when we could do this thing with such rocket, think what we can do with next rockets and tech?

Chinese crying over Indian satellite finding water on Moon, i wonder why CCP or China never bothered to ask this question in United Nations? why?:D

Soviet Moon Lander Discovered Water on the Moon in 1976 | MIT Technology Review

Day dream all you want. Soviet Union found water in 1976. Don't think for one second India has the capabilities to find water.

India didn't rediscover water on the moon, it was NASA that rediscover it using their M3 instrument.

India discovered water on the moon? Hah get real kid.
being able to launch your own satellites is definitely important and something worth the money but what does trying to send a satellite to Mars get a country like India especially in light of all the problems the country faces?
I appreciate your concern, but what about Pakistan pumping billions of rupees on a useless nuclear program for nukes that will never be used, instead of feeding your 200 million poverty stricken have-nots and an economy that's imploding and all the other problems that Pakistan is facing today - from massive sectarian violence all over the country to terrorism that's bleeding you dry?

You don't even have electricity for 85% of your population, and no public transport worth the name, what with your railway system in shambles and the PIA on its last legs, and rickety buses that sound like a rock concert gone berserk!

So, instead of pontificating about India 'wasting' money, I suggest you start with curtailing expenditure on a useless nuke program and feed your hungry millions, and improve your economy and your creaking infrastructure instead.
The only "a$$es seem to be burnin" are those of poverty stricken Indians who have severe diarrhea due to the poor sanitary conditions they live in since development money is being diverted to ridiculous projects like sending satellites to Mars.
Indian Official Statistics: Fifteen million persons suffer from Diarrhea/ Dysentery in a period of fifteen days in India

The question people are asking is why doesn't India feed the 700+ million starving people within their borders, provide a toilet in every house, shrine/temple, school, etc... first?

It seems more like these projects were meant for the elite/rich of Bharat to show off, regardless of how many of them fail, at the cost of the poor who would be happier knowing where their next meal is coming from.

I actually feel that many are overestimating the value of space missions.

Don't get me wrong, being able to launch your own satellites is definitely important and something worth the money but what does trying to send a satellite to Mars get a country like India especially in light of all the problems the country faces?
This is one absurd logic. So, why does pak has any army instead of feeding it's hungry? why does US send spacecraft to some obscure things instead of giving healthcare to it's people? and so on and on. India is investing this money to feed it's people. How? If India can prove it can send space crafts to mars, lot of business can be gained atleast in launching private satellites (that is why ISRO is in profit)... any data from MOM is worth millions of rupee (if not more)... So, don't bring up this red herring to hide burnt a$$...
Pakistanis have every right to ridicule India.....afterall, they are 'ahead' of us in 'space programme'......at least that's what Musharraf said....

"Pakistan’s space programme is now ahead of India....."--said Musharraf after China launched a Pakistani satellite, Paksat-1.

& around this time they were supposed to have a man sitting on the moon & making decision for rest of the world :lol:
Soviet Moon Lander Discovered Water on the Moon in 1976 | MIT Technology Review

Day dream all you want. Soviet Union found water in 1976. Don't think for one second India has the capabilities to find water.

India didn't rediscover water on the moon, it was NASA that rediscover it using their M3 instrument.

India discovered water on the moon? Hah get real kid.

Moron, did you read this part ??

"Then there was Galileo’s flyby of the moon on its way to Jupiter, which also found evidence and more recently, the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-I in 2009 which used an infrared camera to spot evidence of water in lunar rocks."

Now burn, burn :p:
Moron, did you read this part ??

"Then there was Galileo’s flyby of the moon on its way to Jupiter, which also found evidence and more recently, the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-I in 2009 which used an infrared camera to spot evidence of water in lunar rocks."

Now burn, burn :p:

Yup, that's the one I said that's using the M3 instrument from NASA.

Keep up with the debate buddy, your a little....SLOW!
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