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India carrying out targeted strikes on terror launch pads along LoC: Defence Minister

All your lies are just that. Repeating it, again and again, does not change the truth but only makes all Pakistani appear more blatantly stupid on the world stage.

Before dismissing him please acknowledge he is someone who has held very high offices in the US defence and he has no reason to lie or hate Pakistan for any reason other than facts that he is well aware of.

FFS, Osama (Pak army's golden egg laying goose) was found in holed up in a mansion walking distance from your military compound.

This guy also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins.........:disagree:........that tells you his credibility.......:lol:
Pakistan is more than 7× smaller than india yet we remain the ONLY nation on earth that has managed to thwart a 7× bigger enemy for nearly 73 years. That too when they 7× bigger enemy has the full backing of the West and Russia...........:azn:..........every time india has tried to attack and destroy us, they have failed miserably. The 7× bigger india is now too weak, pathetic and powerless to mess with Pakistan.........:azn:........So much so they have to spread FAKE NEWS and propaganda in order to try to combat us. Truely a pathetic and inferior nation.......:rofl::rofl::


My dear sir, you have not thwarted anything. India has shown restraint by its own will because we are self content peaceful nation - not trying to eye neighbours territories since our birth. We respectfully buried the dead that your army even refused to acknowledge in Kargil. We will not attack you but you can try to thwart our defences all you like.

1971 was not a war that India began. India had to intervene only because of the sheer inhumanity of the situation, systematic rape and genocides that had become too sinister to ignore.
دل کے بہلانے کو غالب یہ خیال اچھا ہے
This guy also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins.........:disagree:........that tells you his credibility.......:lol:
What about the credibility of your great scientist AQ Khan who verified the workings of a water car?
India carrying out targeted strikes on terror launch pads along LoC: Defence Minister

"As you would have gathered from the operations along the LoC (Line of Control) in the last two weeks, we are dominating the enemy through targeted intelligence based strikes on their launch pads and eliminating them before they set foot on Indian soil.
By PTI | Updated: Apr 19, 2020, 05.21 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday said the Indian Army is carrying out "targeted strikes" on terror launch pads along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir and eliminating the Pakistani infiltrators before they cross over to the Indian side.

Singh, in an interview, said the armed forces are not lowering their guard at all while playing a significant role in the country's overall fight to defeat the coronavirus pandemic.

"The Indian armed forces are prepared for all contingencies and I can assure the country that we are prepared to defend our sovereignty from adversarial forces in all scenarios," he said.

Notwithstanding the coronavirus pandemic in the region, Pakistan has been resorting to unprovoked ceasefire violations along the Line of Control and making concerted efforts to push militants into Kashmir in the last several weeks.

Recently, Keran sector was the scene of a deadly operation in which five elite army commandos laid down their lives while eliminating a group of infiltrating militants.

There have been frequent incidents of ceasefire violation by Pakistani side since India announced its decision to withdraw special status of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate the state into two union territories in August last year.

Pakistan often resorts to ceasefire violations to push militants into the Indian side. Indian troops have also been retaliating to Pakistani actions under its policy of hot pursuit.

According to official figure, Pakistani troops resorted to 3,200 instances of ceasefire violations in Jammu and Kashmir in 2019, which was highest in the last 16 years.

Of these, 1,565 ceasefire violations took place since between August and December after the India reorganised Jammu and Kashmir. In 2018, Jammu and Kashmir recorded 2,936 instances of ceasefire violations by Pakistan.

A top Army official said India has not lowered its guard at all in strategically sensitive areas though it has been engaged in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

India went under a total shutdown of 21 days from March 25 to April 14 to fight the coronavirus pandemic. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced extending the lockdown till May 3.

The Indian Army on Thursday directed all its military establishments, cantonments, formation headquarters and field units to totally restrict movement of forces in view of the government's fresh lockdown related guidelines.

Last month, Army Chief Naravane issued instructions to insulate the 13 lakh strong Army from the coronavirus pandemic.

Gen Naravane also conveyed to the families of the soldiers guarding India's borders with Pakistan and China that the Army is taking care of its personnel serving the country in this difficult time.


And this is my problem with the forum at the moment - allowing these little Lalu Prasad indians to post anti-Pakistan BS from Indian sponsored fake websites. These Lalu Prasads here should be banned and such topics closed.
With Corona cases rising in India expect such nonsense or perhaps a misadventure to please chutiya Indians and divert attention from mess at home. As deaths will increase and economy collapse India will need a scapegoat or some distraction every now and then to keep real issues on sideline.
My dear sir, you have not thwarted anything. India has shown restraint by its own will because we are self content peaceful nation - not trying to eye neighbours territories since our birth. We respectfully buried the dead that your army even refused to acknowledge in Kargil. We will not attack you but you can try to thwart our defences all you like.

1971 was not a war that India began. India had to intervene only because of the sheer inhumanity of the situation, systematic rape and genocides that had become too sinister to ignore.

Sure sure kid!........:lol:.......a bit like how you and your ilk also claimed to have killed exactly 350 terrorists in Balakot and shot down and F-16..........:rofl:

Funny how you have 0 evidence or proof to confirm your claims........:lol:..............:azn:

Anymore retarded low IQ bollywood dreams and delusions?...........:lol:........if you're running out of ideas then try looking here......:lol::


All your lies are just that. Repeating it, again and again, does not change the truth but only makes all Pakistani appear more blatantly stupid on the world stage.

Before dismissing him please acknowledge he is someone who has held very high offices in the US defence and he has no reason to lie or hate Pakistan for any reason other than facts that he is well aware of.

FFS, Osama (Pak army's golden egg laying goose) was found in holed up in a mansion walking distance from your military compound.

Well Musharraf did make a bitch out of these Americans so his frustration is understandable. Pakistan if not totally then partially is responsible for their embarrassing defeat in Afghanistan it is a matter of fact. On top of that we took their money making them believe we are their allies. Also we got rid of sanctions after our nuclear tests which also is all thanks to us manipulating Americans to our advantage.
What about the credibility of your great scientist AQ Khan who verified the workings of a water car?

He did something even better!.........He helped design strategic weapons that have made a 7× bigger enemy too weak, powerless and pathetic to mess with his nation...........:azn:............:lol:
These guys also held very high and very important positions in the US administration.
These fucking illegitimate Americans born out of wedlock lied to them by their own mothers are the only liars.

All your lies are just that. Repeating it, again and again, does not change the truth but only makes all Pakistani appear more blatantly stupid on the world stage.

Before dismissing him please acknowledge he is someone who has held very high offices in the US defence and he has no reason to lie or hate Pakistan for any reason other than facts that he is well aware of.

FFS, Osama (Pak army's golden egg laying goose) was found in holed up in a mansion walking distance from your military compound.
India is getting a lot of bad press recently first due to the Delhi killings of Muslims with local police supporting the Hindu goons and mob...could be of anyone RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal, many intl' press called it a pogrom and Indian English media also reported this in a way which was against the Sangh narrative of demonizing Mulisms.

And recently Intl' media like Reuters, NYT, WSJ, the Telegraph reported about Muslims in India targeted with attacks and slur and insults regarding spread of Coronavirus...made to look like a Muslim Corona Jihad against Hindu Bharat.

While these anti Muslims narrative suits the Sangh, the Hindu extremists and all the hardliners there, it doesn't suits the Indian Govt. keeping a facade of secularism and tolerance, so India at intl' stage is getting all the flak from western media for demonizing Muslims and racial discrimination...

So to change that optics and vibes, to shift the focus from Muslim subjugation and demonizing, India has started this used and proven tactics to start blaming Pakistan on Kashmir infiltration...and match it with fake news of surgical strikes, first to gain sympathy and than to talk about bravado. What unites the Indian nation most...blaming Pakistan.

Reuters and many Intl' media is reporting such news...DAWN picked these news.

In Modi's India, virus fallout inflames divisions between Muslims and Hindus

India charges Tableeghi Jamaat leader with culpable homicide for coronavirus surge
All your lies are just that. Repeating it, again and again, does not change the truth but only makes all Pakistani appear more blatantly stupid on the world stage.

Before dismissing him please acknowledge he is someone who has held very high offices in the US defence and he has no reason to lie or hate Pakistan for any reason other than facts that he is well aware of.

FFS, Osama (Pak army's golden egg laying goose) was found in holed up in a mansion walking distance from your military compound.

So, what that video has said is:

1. Pakistan had the US by the balls in Afghanistan (and now, the team we backed has won).
2. The Pakistani establishment managed to trick the world's superpower into forking it over cash that it would use against their very interests.

Am I supposed to take that video negatively?

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