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'India capable of making any type of futuristic missile'

Futuristic ???? :what:

Ever heard of hybrid and hyper sonic Shaurya missile and supersonic cruise missile Brahmos best in the world.

And under development hypersonic cruise missile Brahmos, this is called futuristic.

i hope u get it.

Also, there are some secrete projects going on.
This show's how much knowledge you have in this area.:no::no:

India wants to wage war against China.:rofl::rofl::rofl: I prefer the term defend against China.:bounce::bounce:

This shows how much knowledge you have in this area. If you want to refute my claim, give me reason. Not haha hehe huuhuu's and lol's rofl rofl bounce bounce bounce.

why are you derailing the thread with off topic and troll

i know you are chinese and using multiple IDs as a Indian Im_bud_bud

Hahahahaaa, you're so funny, so a crazy Indian behind 2 UN flags got to you huh? Anyone can manipulate my past posts and add extra flavorings on top to make it sound like I posted them. They are not what they seem...
This shows how much knowledge you have in this area. If you want to refute my claim, give me reason. Not haha hehe huuhuu's and lol's rofl rofl bounce bounce bounce.

Hahahahaaa, you're so funny, so a crazy Indian behind 2 UN flags got to you huh? Anyone can manipulate my past posts and add extra flavorings on top to make it sound like I posted them. They are not what they seem...

2 UN flags??????????


Are u blind or what ??????????

Both of my flags are of India get a eye checkup immediately.:bunny:
This shows how much knowledge you have in this area. If you want to refute my claim, give me reason. Not haha hehe huuhuu's and lol's rofl rofl bounce bounce bounce.

First you give your reasons for your claim of India being aggressive towards china.Just a couple of air bases in Indian territory cant be taken as aggressive. Where as China is clearly taking the initiative with it's string of Pearls.
First you give your reasons for your claim of India being aggressive towards china.Just a couple of air bases in Indian territory cant be taken as aggressive. Where as China is clearly taking the initiative with it's string of Pearls.

Seeing by the attitude of many people on the forums and the things in Indian media which people post, it is clear India is taking offense at other nations' military buildups and is acting aggressively "thinking" that it will be attacked. In short, its pessimism and cynicalism prevents the correct light shining on Indian objectives forcing the nation into a spiral where defense becomes something to boast about and be spoken highly of in everyday affairs.
Seeing by the attitude of many people on the forums and the things in Indian media which people post, it is clear India is taking offense at other nations' military buildups and is acting aggressively "thinking" that it will be attacked. In short, its pessimism and cynicalism prevents the correct light shining on Indian objectives forcing the nation into a spiral where defense becomes something to boast about and be spoken highly of in everyday affairs.

You are utterly misinformed please don't quote the media they are there for only their ratings do you think a common people give a damn about these media information.About the forum's and people have you seen any serious poster other than some fanboy's taking offensive stand against China they are purely defensive.
You have successfully avoided answering my question completely. I asked, why is there a need for India to arm itself to the extent it has when there are hardly any threats from formidable foes. You, my friend, have turned my questions into warmonger statements.

You failed to see the point. India is not spending as much in terms of GDP percentage which could be put in warmongering.
You have no idea whether India has any threat or not. There are some issues pending with two of the nations. This is apart from all foreign supported terrorism. Therefore it is need of hour to have some security in place.

There are other nations who spends more both in terms of value and percentage. USA is one of them. We are curious what threat USA has and from which nation?
Seeing by the attitude of many people on the forums and the things in Indian media which people post, it is clear India is taking offense at other nations' military buildups and is acting aggressively "thinking" that it will be attacked. In short, its pessimism and cynicalism prevents the correct light shining on Indian objectives forcing the nation into a spiral where defense becomes something to boast about and be spoken highly of in everyday affairs.
Wonderful. Someone here just observed our Media and confirms that the GoI has decided to wage a war. Should I call it funny or pathetic? Help me guys.
We are in a situation where we can't break the cycle of each annual defence expenditure. Economically speaking, if we cut down on our spending, everything we've set up and accomplished overseas would fall to rubble. Is India in such a situation whereas it has invested trillions in setting up systems and sustaining peace in other nations?

I thought Indians had no logic, guess you proved me wrong, or did you...

India is not trying to invade nation for their peace we are completely defensive and more over our defence expenditure is very less compared to saudi's.. whose gdp is very less compared to ours!!
US is still spending nearly trillion $ on defence despite of recession and daily bailouts!
india is spending a pinch of salt to balance the region to protect its sovereignty and status in case of war situations!
Dont you invest in health care or dont you insure for yourself? you would have insurance for your cars and ur house! what's wrong we put a backup of arms to maintain balance and secured economic growth which is helping the GOI to lift millions form poverty!
wont you spend on locks to protect your home? everything is same here!
we know our foot!
Seeing by the attitude of many people on the forums and the things in Indian media which people post, it is clear India is taking offense at other nations' military buildups and is acting aggressively "thinking" that it will be attacked. In short, its pessimism and cynicalism prevents the correct light shining on Indian objectives forcing the nation into a spiral where defense becomes something to boast about and be spoken highly of in everyday affairs.

first u say India is aggressive.
then when u r told pearls strategy and military build up by china, then u say see India is cynical..:rofl:

ok but u dont find anthing wrong with China spending HUGE amounts and buildign military facilities around India... that you think is like the ultimate pleasure to ur senses...isnt it...

China build its pleasure for you...
India builds its cynicim for you...

guys this is some chinese under US flag...very clear from his posts...loosing his sleep to protect the chinese...:rofl:
Seeing by the attitude of many people on the forums and the things in Indian media which people post, it is clear India is taking offense at other nations' military buildups and is acting aggressively "thinking" that it will be attacked. In short, its pessimism and cynicalism prevents the correct light shining on Indian objectives forcing the nation into a spiral where defense becomes something to boast about and be spoken highly of in everyday affairs.

You does not seems to have any idea about why India is spending money on its defense.
Let me try to help you.
Indian military hardware is getting old and needs replacement, whenever you replace old stuff that particular time period you will spend more. Simple logic the month you buy new cloths/TV for your home your expense will go up, does that mean you are on spending spree, no it does not. When for decades (3 exactly) India did not buy much, do you know that, this year the hike was only 4% do you know that? Compare to basic requirement how many areas India's capacity is reduced do you know that?

Those who question India's defense spending should have at-least basic understanding on where it is spent, unfortunately most people does not even understand ABCD before asking this question.

Now do you want to claim that our military hardware does not need replacement, let me know and then I will walk you down that path.

Before asking such question also figure out how much of this money will be spent on just retaining old capability (means in terms of number obviously it will be better equipment) and how much will be new capability, how many new squadrons are we adding to air force? Do we even have the required squadrons or are we below? Also check the same for navy? Ever heard about Army not buying single artillery for past 27 years.

And do not question other peoples flag when you have not put right flags yourself ok dude. The a US citizen does not care 2 hoots about India's defense spending.
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it does not matter whether india is 2 or 3 largest ...i just wanted to realise people that they (indians) are THERE.....and standing quite TALLLLLL..... :)..........for all those who donot wanted to admit this....and were deviating the topic...just a gentle reminder...:)
Hahahahaaa, you're so funny, so a crazy Indian behind 2 UN flags got to you huh? Anyone can manipulate my past posts and add extra flavorings on top to make it sound like I posted them. They are not what they seem...

Then what about the below post, Mr.Troll? It was posted by you. Now you cant delete it because the thread is closed.

Oh no! I'm scared! Here is the warning I got from mods a few weeks ago:

"He lock33d,

bub-bud is posting from the same IP as you are.

You know we frown on multiple ID's (and we ban quite a few people for it) so please stop posting from bud_bud and I'll leave it at that.

Thanks "

Looks like they were on to me two weeks ago before you caught up, check up with reality OK kiddo?


I cant quote the post- Click the link and check it yourself. :hang2:

You are nothing but a troll :wave:
Seeing by the attitude of many people on the forums and the things in Indian media which people post, it is clear India is taking offense at other nations' military buildups and is acting aggressively "thinking" that it will be attacked. In short, its pessimism and cynicalism prevents the correct light shining on Indian objectives forcing the nation into a spiral where defense becomes something to boast about and be spoken highly of in everyday affairs.

Guys don't feed trolls. He's a 50cent army man hiding behind US flag.
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