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India can’t defeat Pakistan or China in war


India sign Logistic pact with US its It major ally Nato is us bitch :lol::lol:
post reported for swearing.

secondly what even is nato. its as pointless as ever today.... russians took crimea within a week whilst nato was sitting on its hands. NATO LOL
What a name dropper, they will never come to your help, they actually have a closer overall relationship with China than India. India is just a paw being used by great powers ,not a power uses their paws.
Where were Chinese in 1971 and Kargil :azn::azn: guy s are back stabbers

chinese are business men they know india has second strike capability they i Know it will end there groth saaga once and for all
India will be crushed by Pakistan and China with in a week.
hahahahahah bless you deluded little indian you think Russia will side with India when at war with China ahahahahahah joke of the century

someone give this guy the donkey of the day award
:woot:ye he was being serious.
Russians always play cards safe India is there cash cow they sell weapons to both china and india.Russia never like chinese hegemony because its end there equation with US

example S-400 :omghaha::omghaha:

You are So Noob tu understand geopolitics :omghaha::omghaha:
donkey of the day !
It's not going to happen on PDF so bad luck.

do you think India can handle two front war with Pakistan and China ? and after CPEC do you think China will not protect its trade route which is going through Kashmir ?
do you think India can handle two front war with Pakistan and China ? and after CPEC do you think China will not protect its trade route which is going through Kashmir ?
Do you think Pakistan can handle multiple front war

donkey of the day !
If It was Pakistani dream US china russia all atacked india for pakistan but Dreams are Dreams Noob not reality:rofl::rofl:

You are joker of the century
this threads itself is Irony to common IQ:D
i think china should give russia 100 billion dollar if war broke out with india. If russia stops supplying spare parts for indian army they will become toothless tiger :devil:. Money can even buy indian western weapons suppliers:lol:
Do you think Pakistan can handle multiple front war

If It was Pakistani dream US china russia all atacked india for pakistan but Dreams are Dreams Noob not reality:rofl::rofl:

You are joker of the century
this threads itself is Irony to common IQ:D
donkey of the day
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