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India can’t defeat Pakistan or China in war

who admitted it Musharaf?(i doubt it) and for sharif nice try please bring someone who know about that war and dont support india and dont have multiple cases against him

You believe Musharraf and not Sharif,who was and is your PM?? :lol: You do know that Pakistan Govt was about to court martial Musharraf when he performed coup,don't you??

What do you expect??Pakistani Generals who conducted an unauthorized war and then overthrew Pakistan's Civilian Govt will come forward and admit, "Citizen,We lied to you.Pakistan Army suffered 4000+ casualties and we conducted an unauthorized war.Our Bad"??

By the way,PML-N already published a white paper on it.

what kind of world are you living in man? you are are working for US to contain china thats why US and india sign defence pact and to contain china is to shut down its trade route which is south china sea or from gwadar and we know what india is doing on both region.

if any kind of war starts between india and pakistan china and arab countries will fully support pakistan as they always do china will not directly go against india in case of war but will try to take advantage of the situation (cause they are not idiots) and as usual india will lose
but in case of world war china will go against india to save south china sea cause it is the weakest point of china hitting it will cripple down china

I live in 21 century and there is a guaranty that WAR will not gonna happen between China and India such as big countries.
China gives value to Pakistan due to their regional interest in South Asia and they only care about their interest. they find economy benefits, business etc...

China will not gonna involve with any kind of Military War against India.

India and China will fight for their interest but live peacefully. India and China cooperation will gonna increase for their economy growth. Even you can search India and China trade & economy.
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You believe Musharraf and not Sharif,who was and is your PM?? :lol: You do know that Pakistan Govt was about to court martial Musharraf when he performed coup,don't you??

What do you expect??Pakistani Generals who conducted an unauthorized war and then overthrew Pakistan's Civilian Govt will come forward and admit, "Citizen,We lied to you.Pakistan Army suffered 4000+ casualties and we conducted an unauthorized war.Our Bad"??

By the way,PML-N already published a white paper on it.

:lol: a general who took pakistan's GDP from 2.9 -10.8 in just 4 years and sharif who is involved in corruption and JIT is being setup to investigate (please read panama leak case 2 out 5 disqualified him as a PM and rest setup JIT to investigate further corruption charges) and attack supreme court. now tell me why you sign LOC over your own areas?
any general try to take over the government is court Marshalled but they didn't in case of musharaf why?
here your fake victory over fake things

You want to excahnge Punjab with kashmir????

Lol.... When did you have the rights to speak on behalf of your country?

:lol: nice way to cover your loss thats what they teach in india :lol:

now tell me why all over the world news errupt indian troops thrown back by pakistan read the post again man here it is

now tell me who won:lol: we dont need to cover up our losses like you people who put their own plane to display in pakistani paint:lol: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/fail...-their-own-aircraft-stated-as-paf-f-6.448372/

and how many soldiers died in kargil 4000 :rofl: where did you come up with this BS thats why india sign 2003 loc
My, my,.... Indians are surely the best in democrazy propaganda.
Most Pakistanis despise nawaz shariff but he still won.
@T-Rex What do you think about this discussion regarding BD politics?

He will remain in a urn forever. :lol:

Action always speaks louder than words. If she was so popular she wouldn't be afraid of election under a caretaker government, an idea she loves whenever she is in the opposition. But when she's holding the guns she doesn't like the idea. Is it too difficult to tell why she loves caretaker government when she's not in power but hates it when she is? As for public dissent she had them killed in thousands in one night in 2013. She is the female version of al assad in Syria and you know what happened to those who protested against assad in 2011, don't you?
Haha supa powa Chinese n pakis has aliens tech so nobody can beat thm...
hey look indians spreading their propaganda and thinking they are invincible hahhahahahhaha they cant feed their soldiers right despite having more then 5x budget then us :lol:

now back to topic 1948 pakistan won prove 40% of kashmir
1965 we won prove
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grave yard of indian tanks
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khemkaran punjab india
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munabao rajasthan india
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rangarh punjab india
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:lol: how pakistan's small army with little budget and out dated weapons was able to defeat india in 1965 war?
and for 1971 war you cant even defeat us without the help of the KGB and was still unable to capture a single piece of land and for KGB we destroyed USSR and divided it into 11 parts
1999 kargil pakistan won prove LOC signed by your leaders in 2003

yeah have a good day defeating us in your dream :lol: we know your every next move

and for economy what economy served you in those war :lol:
you have 67 separatist movement you cant even control situation in your country 700k soldiers in kashmir and cant even control its situation :lol:
Lol supa POWs syndrome haha u HV lost 70% Kashmir in 1947, you lost more than twice land in 1965, you lost half country in 1971, you lost Siachin in 1984 , you lost kargil war I forgot to mention sir creek lol if u have guts than take back from India...
every thing is mentioned in my above post if you have any prove for your statement share on this forum and for kargil its already been discussed (above) so please many have tried every one failed you are not different

here you go

and watch every attachment
:lol: a general who took pakistan's GDP from 2.9 -10.8 in just 4 years and sharif who is involved in corruption and JIT is being setup to investigate (please read panama leak case 2 out 5 disqualified him as a PM and rest setup JIT to investigate further corruption charges) and attack supreme court. now tell me why you sign LOC over your own areas?
any general try to take over the government is court Marshalled but they didn't in case of musharaf why?
here your fake victory over fake things

:lol: nice way to cover your loss thats what they teach in india :lol:

now tell me why all over the world news errupt indian troops thrown back by pakistan read the post again man here it is

now tell me who won:lol: we dont need to cover up our losses like you people who put their own plane to display in pakistani paint:lol: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/fail...-their-own-aircraft-stated-as-paf-f-6.448372/

and how many soldiers died in kargil 4000 :rofl: where did you come up with this BS thats why india sign 2003 loc
hey look indians spreading their propaganda and thinking they are invincible hahhahahahhaha they cant feed their soldiers right despite having more then 5x budget then us :lol:

now back to topic 1948 pakistan won prove 40% of kashmir
1965 we won prove
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grave yard of indian tanks
View attachment 392167

khemkaran punjab india
View attachment 392164
munabao rajasthan india
View attachment 392165
rangarh punjab india
View attachment 392166
:lol: how pakistan's small army with little budget and out dated weapons was able to defeat india in 1965 war?
and for 1971 war you cant even defeat us without the help of the KGB and was still unable to capture a single piece of land and for KGB we destroyed USSR and divided it into 11 parts
1999 kargil pakistan won prove LOC signed by your leaders in 2003

yeah have a good day defeating us in your dream :lol: we know your every next move

and for economy what economy served you in those war :lol:
you have 67 separatist movement you cant even control situation in your country 700k soldiers in kashmir and cant even control its situation :lol:
Haha supa powa Chinese n pakis has aliens tech so nobody can beat thm...
China is really getting sick and tired that everyone calls us super power, US, Russia, Korea, Japan, Europe, Australia..., we are not. at least not yet.
pakistan bringing in China means also u cant defend yourselves.
The article brought in China,But Pakistan has always defended it's self with out China till now. :). Any how China is an ally and it should be brought in.
Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China in 1950 and remained a steadfast ally during Beijing's period of international isolation in the 1960s and early 1970s. China has long provided Pakistan with major military, technical, and economic assistance, including the transfer of sensitive nuclear technology and equipment.

China's role as a major arms supplier for Pakistan began in the 1960s and included assistance in building a number of arms factories in Pakistan and supplying complete weapons systems.

1965 border conflict, China became Pakistan's main supplier of weapons.

  • U.S. unease over secret China-Pakistan security and military cooperation during the late 1960s
  • Chinese assistance to Pakistani nuclear-weapons related projects in 1977
  • the refusal by Chinese diplomats in 1982 to give an "unequivocal answer" to queries about nuclear weapons aid to Pakistan
  • the conclusion reached by State Department analysts in 1983 that China was assisting with the production of fissile materials and possibly with the design of weapons
  • the George H. W. Bush administration's concern in 1989 over "reports of Chinese assistance to Pakistan's nuclear weapons program"
  • denials by Chinese diplomats that same year of reports of Chinese nuclear aid to Pakistan
  • U.S. pressure on China in 1992 to impose full-scope safeguards on the sale of a nuclear reactor to Pakistan because of proliferation concerns
  • more disquiet (late 1992) over China's "continuing activities with Pakistan's nuclear weapons programs"
  • the Clinton administration's 1997 certification of improvements in Beijing's nuclear proliferation policies
Won'tE="beijingwalker, post: 9410455, member: 134467"]China is really getting sick and tired that everyone calls us super power, US, Russia, Korea, Japan, Europe, Australia..., we are not. at least not yet.[/QUOTE]
You guys are clever and silent aggressors xD
Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China in 1950 and remained a steadfast ally during Beijing's period of international isolation in the 1960s and early 1970s. China has long provided Pakistan with major military, technical, and economic assistance, including the transfer of sensitive nuclear technology and equipment.

China's role as a major arms supplier for Pakistan began in the 1960s and included assistance in building a number of arms factories in Pakistan and supplying complete weapons systems.

1965 border conflict, China became Pakistan's main supplier of weapons.

  • U.S. unease over secret China-Pakistan security and military cooperation during the late 1960s
  • Chinese assistance to Pakistani nuclear-weapons related projects in 1977
  • the refusal by Chinese diplomats in 1982 to give an "unequivocal answer" to queries about nuclear weapons aid to Pakistan
  • the conclusion reached by State Department analysts in 1983 that China was assisting with the production of fissile materials and possibly with the design of weapons
  • the George H. W. Bush administration's concern in 1989 over "reports of Chinese assistance to Pakistan's nuclear weapons program"
  • denials by Chinese diplomats that same year of reports of Chinese nuclear aid to Pakistan
  • U.S. pressure on China in 1992 to impose full-scope safeguards on the sale of a nuclear reactor to Pakistan because of proliferation concerns
  • more disquiet (late 1992) over China's "continuing activities with Pakistan's nuclear weapons programs"
  • the Clinton administration's 1997 certification of improvements in Beijing's nuclear proliferation policies
oh my more propaganda without any concrete prove
china one of the first nation to vote against pakistan on its creation,china give nuclear assistance to pakistan without knowing that we have fully working nuclear power plant in 1966 and were able to create fully functional nuclear bomb in 1984 (which was test in 1998 due to political reasons and soviet afghan war) US has spend $5 billion just to know how pakistan transport its nuclear weapons but failed miserably have spend $2.6 billion in pakistan after 9/11 to get information about ISI and military but failed miserably now there are you guys who cant protect their defence ministry from leaking of document but know every thing about pakistan
Lol.... When did you have the rights to speak on behalf of your country?

My, my,.... Indians are surely the best in democrazy propaganda.

Same way as you have right to say everything on behalf of china.
Same way as you have right to say everything on behalf of china.
Show me one post where I have the rights to decide about the exchange of a country's sovereignty.
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