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India can launch a war : Air Aarshal K.D. Singh



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May 29, 2009
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India can launch a short war in case of a Pak misadventure: Air Aarshal K.D. Singh

India will not hesitate to launch a short intense war in case of a 'misadventure' by Pakistan, Air Marshal K.D. Singh, Commander-in-Chief of South-Western Air Command (SWAC), has said. "In case of a misadventure of Pakistan triggered by major terrorist attack or the attack like the one we had on Parliament, attack on our leader, a major city, public or hijacking an aircraft, any such action by them can obviously lead to a reaction from India which could be a short intense war," the Air Marshal said. "India is a stable democracy surrounded by Pakistan, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka which are troubled states," Air Marshal Singh said while delivering a lecture on 'Military view of Indian National Security" at a function here. He said there has been a conflict with these bordering countries since 1947, and the conflict with Pakistan and China have been causes of major concerns. "Policy of Pakistan being to bleed India with thousand cuts was initiated by General Zia-ul-Haq in 1987-88 to start terrorism against India," Air Marshal Singh said. He said that economic installations, especially oil refineries in Jamnagar, were highly potential terrorist targets.

Source: http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-ne...rshal-KD-Singh

Indian source: India can launch a short war in case of Pak misadventure
thnx god in early in the morning im looking for any joke inside news paper but ddnt find any. thnx god u guy seriously make me happy bcoz of super joke thnx u make my day superbbbbbbbbb!!! and happy im laughing like Hell man lolz
thnx god in early in the morning im looking for any joke inside news paper but ddnt find any. thnx god u guy seriously make me happy bcoz of super joke thnx u make my day superbbbbbbbbb!!! and happy im laughing like Hell man lolz

air marhals dont joke .if u feel like laughing then do it.i defenitely have a feeling that this is going to happen before we die,at that time u will remember ur laughter.
even in kargil musharaf was in misconseption that there will be a cease fire and they can keep their holds on the hills......

india govt has got the message very clear now that there is a misconseption among pakisan that there will not be any retaliation from indian side no matter how many terrorist attack they do in india......and this misconception is now has to be brocken..
air marhals dont joke .if u feel like laughing then do it.i defenitely have a feeling that this is going to happen before we die,at that time u will remember ur laughter.

There is nothing special here. Air Marshall has not said that India wants to destroy Pakistan. He only implied that India would retaliate in case of a Pakistani misadventure, which is a universal strategy for all the countries in the world. Even Somalia or Kenya will retaliate in case of an Indian misadventure, if any in future :lol:

On a side note, I feel that we should refrain from flame baiting.
There is nothing special here. Air Marshall has not said that India wants to destroy Pakistan. He only implied that India would retaliate in case of a Pakistani misadventure, which is a universal strategy for all the countries in the world. Even Somalia or Kenya will retaliate in case of an Indian misadventure, if any in future :lol:

On a side note, I feel that we should refrain from flame baiting.

Air Marshall has not said that India wants to destroy Pakistan.
infect limited war is not meant to defeat the enemy but to keep them at edge.....
"In case of a misadventure of Pakistan triggered by major terrorist attack or the attack like the one we had on Parliament, attack on our leader, a major city, public or hijacking an aircraft, any such action by them can obviously lead to a reaction from India which could be a short intense war," the Air Marshal said. "India is a stable democracy surrounded by Pakistan, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka which are troubled states,"
Imo this statement is totally inappropriateat the moment!
Maybe his intention was right, to show strenght and that the forces are ready to react anytime. But to say that we would go for war against Pak, when their forces finally started to do something against Taliban (under pressure of US and western states) and maybe against terrorists, is contra-productive. Now they have a reason again to point the finger at us and concentrate more on our border than on Taliban, which is neither what US wants nor what we want. Of course some of the reasons he mentioned was right, but those people who don't want peace between India and Pakistan will take this chance to spread fear and hate.
An unstable Pak with Taliban and Terrorist near Nukes, or even nuclear material, would mean a higher threat to India, than Pak government and there forces now!
Also to entitle nearly all of our neighbouring states as troubled states, is really not wise in case of diplomacy reasons.
He had done a better job, if he gave a clear message without naming and provoking other countries directly, but now he just feeded the trolls!
Nobody doubts that our forces are capable enough to go for war, specially now where we start upgrading older arms and inducting latest techs fast. But we have to keep cool, show our military strength wisely and cooperate with other nations to jointly put pressure on Pak to act against Taliban and Terrorists.
I saw an Russian news report on youtube, about Taliban near to Paks nukes and they interviewed normal Indians on the street about it too. Even some of them said that this is a threat to India too and that we should offer our help to Pak to fight them. One man said that we should offer transport helicopter to Pak forces if theirs are not capable enough, or too less to fight in war Swat (which is imo a great idea). I don't really think we would do it, nor that Pak forces would take them from us. Anyway those people understands that Pakistan and India are facing the same threats at the moment and that we have to leave things behind to fight it, so our governments and forces should understand that too!
there airmarshall had too much to drink yestarday please ingnore tis retarded warnings and thier awfull professionalism.
An unstable Pak with Taliban and Terrorist near Nukes, or even nuclear material, would mean a higher threat to India, than Pak government and there forces now!

No , in my views the Terrorist near Nukes are more threating to USA then india.......
No , in my views the Terrorist near Nukes are more threating to USA then india.......
Think about a dirty bomb (with nuclear material) in their hands, what is easier to reach, New York that is thousands of Km away, or Mumbai?
thnx god in early in the morning im looking for any joke inside news paper but ddnt find any. thnx god u guy seriously make me happy bcoz of super joke thnx u make my day superbbbbbbbbb!!! and happy im laughing like Hell man lolz

We Indians usually look for NEWS in a news paper early in the morning not jokes!:rofl:. You guys should start reading some NEWS instead of jokes, or is it because newspapers in pakistan only publish jokes? Eitherway good luck with ur new habit.:hitwall:
Wat a joke ! specialy for the one's that welcome war this is a perfect example to show that peace can't happen with if there is no peace in our hearts !
india always launch a war on the newspaper,these aggressive news just show us how unconfidence you are
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