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India can launch a short war in case of a Pak misadventure

Since the whole operation would be lightning quick, it will take a few days before Pakistan formulates a response. The PM would have to take the advice of the Defence minister to address the point of escalation and to formulate a Pakistani response.

That's a patently incorrect assertion - Pakistan was prepared for Indian strikes on targets in Pakistan after Mumbai. At the time it was labelled as an overreaction on the basis of media reports, but the Chief of the IAF has now confirmed that India was considering such strikes.

The current PAF ACM, who was at the time the Director Operations, confirmed a few weeks ago that under his watch Pakistan had formulated a complete plan of response in case of aggression by India.

Pakistan, its military and political leadership, has essentially already brainstormed a scenario of Indian strikes on Pakistan given the high risk of such immediately after the Mumbai attacks, so there is no validity to the argument that the Pakistani response will have to be formulated over a few days.

The only issue will be whether the political leadership will give the go ahead or not - but everyone knows what the stakes are by this point.
That's a patently incorrect assertion - Pakistan was prepared for Indian strikes on targets in Pakistan after Mumbai. At the time it was labelled as an overreaction on the basis of media reports, but the Chief of the IAF has now confirmed that India was considering such strikes.

The current PAF ACM, who was at the time the Director Operations, confirmed a few weeks ago that under his watch Pakistan had formulated a complete plan of response in case of aggression by India.

Pakistan, its military and political leadership, has essentially already brainstormed a scenario of Indian strikes on Pakistan given the high risk of such immediately after the Mumbai attacks, so there is no validity to the argument that the Pakistani response will have to be formulated over a few days.

The only issue will be whether the political leadership will give the go ahead or not - but everyone knows what the stakes are by this point.

Adding to this the army chief made it very clear that we will strike back within minutes of an Indian misadventure and in such a case where there would have been a huge public anger, the civilian government no matter how puppet it is could have with stand both the public, the opposition and the pressure from the armed forces not to respond to India.
Why do you think both sides were up there fighting it out till not so long ago?

Siachen in fact proves the point that there will be retaliation - if Pakistan chose to duke it out with India over barren and inhospitable land in Siachen, then its pretty much guaranteed that Pakistan will retaliate were attacks on Pakistani territory (or Pakistani administered territory) to take place.

I see your point, this is after all India and Pakistan we're talking about right. Someone also mentioned how the GoP would be toppled if it did nothing. Obviously then military planners would have taken this into account, opening multiple fronts could make it difficult for Pakistan to defend itself, especially with the Taliban to its back.

Either way, a war would likely have more serious consequences for Pakistan than it would for India. I hope Pakistan does all it can to keep a tight lid on all the groups operating from its territory. I guess international pressure and strengthening internal security is India's easiest alternative. state sponsored assassinations could also be explored, but that might hurt India's image if they get caught.

to think somebody somewhere is losing sleep over these issues, because their job is on the line. That's one job I wouldn't want to have. That's a lot of pros and cons to weigh.
I see your point, this is after all India and Pakistan we're talking about right. Someone also mentioned how the GoP would be toppled if it did nothing. Obviously then military planners would have taken this into account, opening multiple fronts could make it difficult for Pakistan to defend itself, especially with the Taliban to its back.

Either way, a war would likely have more serious consequences for Pakistan than it would for India. I hope Pakistan does all it can to keep a tight lid on all the groups operating from its territory. I guess international pressure and strengthening internal security is India's easiest alternative. state sponsored assassinations could also be explored, but that might hurt India's image if they get caught.

to think somebody somewhere is losing sleep over these issues, because their job is on the line. That's one job I wouldn't want to have. That's a lot of pros and cons to weigh.

I despice that threatening tone in your post.
I hope India keeps a tight lid on it's security forces including it's airforce and doesn't attack our sovereignty.
Pakistan on the other hand, now entangled in this WoT, knows that it's essential to defeat terrorism inside it's own borders, for it's own sake and for the sake of other nations surrounding it including India.
India can more over help Pakistan by securing the border or exchanging intel or other forms of co-operation, instead of bolstering its power and flexing its muscles.
I'd rather call India's possible surgical strikes against Pakistan a serious misadventure from Indian side.
There are many other ways in which Pakistan and India can work together to stop these attacks from happening.
Threatening Pakistan with attacks will NEVER solve anything, infact, you can expect more Mumbai-style attacks on Indian soil after India's attack on Pakistan.
India can surely start a war on thier terms but it will not end at thier terms.
I despice that threatening tone in your post.
I hope India keeps a tight lid on it's security forces including it's airforce and doesn't attack our sovereignty.
Pakistan on the other hand, now entangled in this WoT, knows that it's essential to defeat terrorism inside it's own borders, for it's own sake and for the sake of other nations surrounding it including India.
India can more over help Pakistan by securing the border or exchanging intel or other forms of co-operation, instead of bolstering its power and flexing its muscles.
I'd rather call India's possible surgical strikes against Pakistan a serious misadventure from Indian side.
There are many other ways in which Pakistan and India can work together to stop these attacks from happening.
Threatening Pakistan with attacks will NEVER solve anything, infact, you can expect more Mumbai-style attacks on Indian soil after India's attack on Pakistan.

What threatening tone? sorry if it sounded like that, wasn't my intention.
India can launch a short war in case of a Pak misadventure: Air Aarshal K.D. Singh

India will not hesitate to launch a short intense war in case of a 'misadventure' by Pakistan, Air Marshal K.D. Singh, Commander-in-Chief of South-Western Air Command (SWAC), has said. "In case of a misadventure of Pakistan triggered by major terrorist attack or the attack like the one we had on Parliament, attack on our leader, a major city, public or hijacking an aircraft, any such action by them can obviously lead to a reaction from India which could be a short intense war," the Air Marshal said. "India is a stable democracy surrounded by Pakistan, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka which are troubled states," Air Marshal Singh said while delivering a lecture on 'Military view of Indian National Security" at a function here. He said there has been a conflict with these bordering countries since 1947, and the conflict with Pakistan and China have been causes of major concerns. "Policy of Pakistan being to bleed India with thousand cuts was initiated by General Zia-ul-Haq in 1987-88 to start terrorism against India," Air Marshal Singh said. He said that economic installations, especially oil refineries in Jamnagar, were highly potential terrorist targets.

Source: India can launch a short war in case of a Pak misadventure: Air Marshal K.D. Singh | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Indian source: India can launch a short war in case of Pak misadventure

every one is a troubled nation except india?
look again
every one is a troubled nation except india?
look again

It is the truth.India is a Lone Hero standing between nagging Enemies surrounded.India carries the bite marks from these enemies in all its parts. :(
Pakistan media -don't believe them-India is not a "Hindu" Country alone.Here Censoring Media is not the Norm unlike Pakistan.
Islamic Terrorism is what India facing for decades.unlike pakistani thought that India a "Hindu Country " 20 crore(illegal immigrants included) Muslima dwells here.they often get excited for Jihad.Ethnic Cleansing of Majority is a common thing.Every time I read the claim of "Hindu Extremist found in pakistan" title I cannot stop laughing.Hinduism,Buddhism are Eastern Religions who DONT have the ambitious idea of world domination-khilafat Ummah as in Islam or Christianity.learn that.
Watch This Video about Hinduism/Pagans ,they are NOT Violent Unlike what was spoonfed to Jehadis:

Internet Archive: Free Download: Hinduism

Marad Hindu Massacre
as for SIACHEN we never retalited cuz we didn't understand why the indians wanted to sit on top of a mountain in the freezing cold....we thought they are just crazy and will get down themselves....and i am sorry but till today no one can explain WHY both countries are being stupid and sitting on SIACHEN!! the resources wasted on keeping a base camp up and running on SIACHEN is just insane!!!

really? then why did you build up a stupendous capacity at Skardu? Also why did PA continuously try to launch attacks there against Indian troops to dislodge them, even Musharraf was commanding in the same region when a SSG operation to take control of few strategic peaks failed miserably ....!!
hahahaha you know the indians problem is they UNDERESTIMATE US!! so keep doing that my friend :lol: i am cool infact i say bring it on we are ready for you boys :smokin:

hmm.... no:coffee:

history proves that pakistan underestimates indian military and pays for it. wanna see the proof?
hmm.... no:coffee:

history proves that pakistan underestimates indian military and pays for it. wanna see the proof?

Yeah sure how about it. Apart from 71 and that 2 because our own back stabbed us, how did Pakistan payed for it?
Yeah sure how about it. Apart from 71 and that 2 because our own back stabbed us, how did Pakistan payed for it?

PA is famous for its propaganda ie overestimating itself.

This is an article from a pakistani major. its long but read it fully.
The Pakistan Army From 1965 to 1971

This overestimating lead to bad management and Pakistan paid for it in many occasions. eg, battle of longewala where a small indian force defeated a much larger pakistani force.
Battle of Longewala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

forget about 71, look at 65 war.
According to the United States Library of Congress Country Studies:
The war was militarily inconclusive; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. Losses were relatively heavy--on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks, and 3,800 troops. Pakistan's army had been able to withstand Indian pressure, but a continuation of the fighting would only have led to further losses and ultimate defeat for Pakistan. Most Pakistanis, schooled in the belief of their own martial prowess, refused to accept the possibility of their country's military defeat by "Hindu India" and were, instead, quick to blame their failure to attain their military aims on what they considered to be the ineptitude of Ayub Khan and his government.[47]
No india should not attack pakistan now because it is in serious trouble due to miscreants on its own land.. In condition of an allout war pakistan will suffer serious consequences of bankruptcy.
ahahhaha you are so funny. Dude what state of US do you live in coz i wanna come there and .... you up side down for making such a dumb comment:hitwall:
So as of my understanding this is the massege of Indian government to Pakistan? India claims that no worries for the eastren borders but making these stupid statments. If indian army doesnt act without government then how did he say what he said buddy boy?????????????????? India will never be friends no matter what Pakistan do.... Only thing Pakistan can do is keep the guards up and let the enemy know that if you attack you will be blown out of porpotion simple:pakistan::china::welcome:
Either way, a war would likely have more serious consequences for Pakistan than it would for India. I hope Pakistan does all it can to keep a tight lid on all the groups operating from its territory.

hmmm well PAKISTAN doesn't have much to loose my friend our economy is reeling our country actually will benefit from war unlike yours which wishes to become a "POWER" and dictate terms to the world....a hallucination if you ask me!!

really? then why did you build up a stupendous capacity at Skardu? Also why did PA continuously try to launch attacks there against Indian troops to dislodge them, even Musharraf was commanding in the same region when a SSG operation to take control of few strategic peaks failed miserably ....!!

exactly my point that you guys got up there and then we are wasting resources keeping you engaged up there!! both countries end up losing alot of resources just to stay ontop of those peaks which in my opinon has no importance!! but just cuz u got there we need to keep you there... how stupid it is from both sides yours and ours!!!
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