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India can launch a short war in case of a Pak misadventure

A quick victory.

Tactical, strategic, or down right crushing victory.

Or something like Israel does (and Pakistan sometimes tries). Strike, gain objectives and withdraw quickly. If objectives are not met, still withdraw.

As long as the enemy cannot retaliate with a similar quick strike, no worry of a longer term war.
@ hellfire my friend i don't understand why you choose to reply to everyone except me on this thread.....would like it if you can go back read my last 2 posts and comment on them....let's see what you got to say....why do you choose top reply to people who inflame this thread.....

as for international quotes well... check this link out....

Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info

or how about our very own defence.pk

ya i accept that some mistakes have happened from american side like guantanamo. our president obama also regretted those mistakes. I consider two reasons behind these mistakes-
1) we were very shocked due to twin towers incident and in anger or anxiousness or anxiety(whatever you may say) i.e we wanted to tell the terrorists that they had taken a horrific step for which they have to pay for so we attacked them and did some incidents with our eyes closed in anger.
2) in a big war like (war on terror) some mistakes like guantanamo are bound to happen.

Hmm sounds interesting... .U were shocked by twin towers incidents. Surprising...When Your citizens dies then u get shocked..Wat about citizen of other countries who are dying because of you bastards...America is only responsible for Islamic terrorism. U r the guys who created Taliban as well. I really Like Osama bin Laden. Atleast Still u guys afraid of him.ha..ha..haa...

Ur domination over the world will end very soon.China has already started taking Over America in some Areas..Wait and watch :mod:.

Best of luck!!

Sorry Zob, somehow missed out your post(s) ..... in a hurry nowadays when online, its a pleasure to be here (and hopefully AM does not kick me out of here :cheers: for I keep needling him across threads regularly and he has shown quite a lot of patience with me so far;)) and to see view points which vary and one does tend to learn a lot irrespective of how ridiculous some may seem. My apologies for non-response to your direct posts. Please accept the same.

hellfire i know you are patriotic however, you might have conventional superiroty however it becomes meaningless when it coems to nukes....

Nukes will not be utilised ...... irrespective of what ever happens ..... no one will allow it to happen. My contention stands. Incase India does decide to wage a complete war (which wont happen in 1000 years the way things are and should not) then International Community will try to ask India to back down and will exert maximum pressure on Pakistan to toe Indian line - its the hard fact today - economic clout and China are the determinants of that as also ideological similarity (democracy). If India still persists, nations will be forced to act on Indian side ...... for there shall then be a real danger of Pakistan using nukes and its too big a risk.

pakistan is currently investing in its missile technology....because that is the only sphere we can compete with india....

Pakistan has edge in that field, having procured fully tested systmes from North Korea and China (something that forced India to join PSI)
There is no doubt today your missile systems are better and more proven ..... however it has little relevance .... as any missile strike will be taken as being a non-conventional ......

so when you talk about INDIAN military might.... it becomes meaningless once nukes & missiles are added to the equation....

Not necessarily. Ex. Brahamastra was written and formulated for this specific task. To fight and win a Nuclear war.

There is a clear cut ideology amongst the present top rung Indian military leadership - that they are willing to fight to win a nuclear war - irrespective of what the politicos might or might not have guts for.

1948 india annexed KASHMIR...and indian troops entered KASHMIR....when pakistan's intervened NEHRU went to UN....

I have given links for all relevant UNSC resolution, wont repeat it again. You were to withdraw all forces and nationals (and that means NWFP tribals too) and you failed to do that ..... instrument of accession was signed and ratified by Indian parliament .... there is no debate on that. Will post the history of J&K if you want ..... but then shall deviate and Mods may not have patience .......

1965 pakistan started operation grandslam....in the LoC area which was a disputed territory....india crossed the international border HENCE the war started....

told you, pakistani forces crossed into akhnoor sector of Jammu - which had nothing to do with Kashmir (the area you specifically ask for) and that put Indian army into a threatened mode as you were in a position to cut off Indian troops in J&K .... so the pressure was eased. and anyways Pakistani army carried out "brave" attacks (they are always brave and Indians cowardly as per posters here :cheers:) by wearing civil clothes and coming into valley to fight .....!!!!! Non-state actor policy was on since then you see!

in the end india held areas of PUNJAB and we held areas in RAJHISTAN....so it was a stalemate....which we consider a victory because of the sheer size of our enemy...the fact that they couldn't run us over meant a victory to us!!!

that is a consolation ....... when you fail to achieve what you launched a war for ... you loose the damn thing ..... period

1971 INDIA entered a civil war within PAKISTAN....that led to the 1971 war and FOR THAT BACK STABBING MY FRIEND....we shall take our revenge!!

Most welcome ..... backstabbing was done by PA ... by ruthlessly suppressing the Banglas and also putting MujiburRehman in jail ... for what? coz Bhutto didnt like him for winning elections :victory:


India invaded SIACHEN....but pakistan army didn't retaliate....

you were sitting on the glacier edge and got kicked off ..... corroborated personally by my relative who was there in initial wave of Indian troops ..... you can retaliate if you have the means to support your troops - frankly you dont

1999 KARGIL pakistan army entered KARGIL thinknig the indians won't do anything like we didn't do anything in 1984.....again not considered a war because it was fought in DISPUTED TERRITORY...

how about we come to muzzafarabad? disputed it is right? so you guys dont do anything then too? fair?

so my friend india can claim its victories in 1971 but that was back stabbing....and in kargil well we WITHDREW....so my friend stop lreading Bharat RAK THE SHAK

not reading bharat rakshak ...... enigma has tried to pry into me quite a few times ... but i assure you, am not a novice about Indian military and its workings/projects .... and my knowledge has less to do with reading up stuff ......
@ hellfire my friend i don't understand why you choose to reply to everyone except me on this thread.....would like it if you can go back read my last 2 posts and comment on them....let's see what you got to say....why do you choose top reply to people who inflame this thread.....

as for international quotes well... check this link out....

Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info

or how about our very own defence.pk



Shall be giving a brief overview of Kashmir and why the whole issue is non-issue .... but you have to consider the matter purely in intellectual manner .... not in nationalistic ... please bear patience shall be posting shortly (if mods dont kick me for it though, so mods beg you to bear with me, no intent to derail the thread)
It is the truth.India is a Lone Hero standing between nagging Enemies surrounded.India carries the bite marks from these enemies in all its parts. :(
Pakistan media -don't believe them-India is not a "Hindu" Country alone.Here Censoring Media is not the Norm unlike Pakistan.
Islamic Terrorism is what India facing for decades.unlike pakistani thought that India a "Hindu Country " 20 crore(illegal immigrants included) Muslima dwells here.they often get excited for Jihad.Ethnic Cleansing of Majority is a common thing.Every time I read the claim of "Hindu Extremist found in pakistan" title I cannot stop laughing.Hinduism,Buddhism are Eastern Religions who DONT have the ambitious idea of world domination-khilafat Ummah as in Islam or Christianity.learn that.
Watch This Video about Hinduism/Pagans ,they are NOT Violent Unlike what was spoonfed to Jehadis:

Internet Archive: Free Download: Hinduism

Marad Hindu Massacre

your knowledge of the region lacks too much for you to make a statement
Aham ruler dont go too far mate , you will end up getting banned, just ignore or report , if you feel too offended by them post.

that was just a rare - mistake by saad ( patriot) . I bet it was more out of frustration of goign through same stupid war mongering post more than naything else.
so take chill pill. and realx .

i hope saad remove those foul words. from his post by editing it.
Why would India start a war at this point of time even if there is another terrorist attack ?
Weather its a SHORT, LONG or MEDIUM, any WAR at this stage between Pakistan and India will quickly turn into an end-game with nukes flying at each other. Therefore, the entire pretext is flawed to call it a SHORT war. Call it Insurgency, Terrorism, fear-killings except SHORT WAR? Absolutely NOT!
May be by short war he meant - covert attack on pakistan. but then again i think india is alreasy doing it in response.
But may be India will increase their intensity and number. Although its a cowardly act but then again its all about strategic supremacy in a war between countries with nuke.
Weather its a SHORT, LONG or MEDIUM, any WAR at this stage between Pakistan and India will quickly turn into an end-game with nukes flying at each other. Therefore, the entire pretext is flawed to call it a SHORT war. Call it Insurgency, Terrorism, fear-killings except SHORT WAR? Absolutely NOT!

A fair assesment.

In any case has any war solved any problem ? They have left more probs that existed when the war started.

Those who ask for wars have no idea what it entails , costs & the repurcussions.
well at least pakistanis should not question our knowledge of region , what mess they did in 1971, 1999, and by the way what poor condition your country is in, your country has no knowledge of the region , you should be the neighbours of not india but frankly somalia . haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. poor pakistanis.

I honestly question your level of intellect.
Weather its a SHORT, LONG or MEDIUM, any WAR at this stage between Pakistan and India will quickly turn into an end-game with nukes flying at each other.

So was it after Kargil War both the countries developed Nuclear Bombs ?
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