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India blast kills 31, injures 100

9/11: India counts own blasts, victims

Locals point fingers at Hindu fundamentalists

Nitasha Natu | TNN

Mumbai: Agencies investigating the Malegaon blasts are faced with demands to probe right-wing Hindu fundamentalist groups but the problem is that the intelligence gathering mechanism is focused on Islamic terror outfits. The Maharashtra police has few dossiers on right-wing Hindu militants.
Senior investigators said the timing of the Malegaon blasts—immediately after Friday prayers and on a day of religious significance when Muslims visit graveyards in large numbers—suggests that forces targeting Muslims could have done it. However, previous investigations into conspiracies and attacks on Muslim congregations at Nanded, Jalna and Parbhani during 2002-03 have not made much headway.
It was in April this year that a bomb went off at the residence of Naresh Rajkondwar, an office bearer of Bajrang Dal in Nanded. Naresh and his accomplice Himanshu Phanse had died on the spot. Rajkondwar’s father, Laxman, was a retired engineer with the Maharashtra state’s Irrigation department. The police had seized timers, switches, detonators and 1.5 kg gun powder from the spot. Two other accused died in the hospital. The narco analysis report of the three accused in this case has been submitted to the antiterrorism squad but the police is reluctant to divulge information. Similarly, Sanjay Choudhary, a member of Bajrang Dal, was held in Nanded in connection with the bomb blast outside a Parbhani mosque. But since his arrest, the probe has not progressed.
The inability to pinpoint the supposedly right-wing masterminds of the blasts in Jalna and Nanded—the Bajrang Dal’s name was bandied about in several circles—had the state minorities commission writing several letters to state police officials over the past few years. On Sunday, general secretary of the state minorities commission, Abraham Mathai, wrote to the Director General of police pointing out the possibility of the explosives used in Malegaon being similar to those used in Jalna and Nanded.
‘‘Nearly every state that is tackling terrorism is tackling the type being propagated by the Lashkar and Jaish. So the entire machinery is geared towards getting leads and clues on these organisations. If suddenly we are told that a fringe Hindu right-wing group is causing the attacks, we might be looking up a blind alley,’’ said a senior official.
There is also a theory that LeT or other Islamic militant outfits could have triggered the blasts with a view to incite communal violence. But this theory has discrepancies since recent investigations have shown a terrorist trail leading to Malegaon. A blast like this would throw open the entire network to scrutiny, attracting several intelligence agencies.
‘‘There were explosive hauls from the town, people were arrested and pockets of sympathy found for terrorists. With a blast, investigating agencies would come in. A huge number of arrests during and after would also mean
hours of interrogation and truckloads of information spilled. It is a risk no group would want to take at the moment as it would give us a chance to completely sanitise Malegaon,” said an official. Some locals are even demanding the probe be handed over to an agency like CBI.
‘‘Whenever there is any blast in any part of the country, the police and the media declare it an act of Islamic terrorism. In this case what would they say since all the blasts took place in Muslimdominated areas,’’ said Rizwan Ahmed (name changed), a Commerce student.
Abdul Hameed Azhari, who runs the Maulana Azad Research Centre, said, ‘‘It seems anti-Muslim elements were behind the blasts. The Bajrang Dal which is dividing Hindus and Muslims should be probed and those arrested in Nanded and Parbhani blasts should also be questioned again.’’
Look at the twist guys !!

Malegaon may help crack 7/11

‘Same Lethal Cocktail Used’

S Ahmed Ali & Mateen Hafeez TIMES NEWS NETWORK

Mumbai/Malegaon: In the first indication that the deadly blasts in Malegaon could have links with the 7/11 terror attacks, Maharashtra’s top police officer on Monday claimed there were leads that could help crack the Mumbai blasts.
‘‘From the modus operandi, it is assumed that the same set of militants have carried out the blasts in Mumbai and Malegaon,’’ director-general of police P S Pasricha said.
Two persons from a village near Malegaon, who had given perpetrators logistical support, have been identified and will be picked up soon, a police officer said. They were identified from sketches of two men who bought cycles from a Malegaon shop three hours before the blasts.
Police said explosives used in Malegaon were a cocktail of RDX, ammonium nitrate and fuel oil — the same mixture used in 7/11. TOI was the first to report this on Sunday.
The Anti-Terrorist Squad has sent samples of the lethal cocktail to forensic labs at Chandigarh and Hyderabad as well as a military forensic lab.
The ATS has prima facie ruled out the involvement of Hindu fundamentalist groups in the Malegaon blasts as RDX is only available to Islamic terrorist outfits and Bajrang Dal activists so far have used only crude bombs, as seen in the blasts at Parbani and Nanded.
If police suspicion is proved correct, it will mark the first instance of a terror atrocity on Muslims in India. It will also be seen as the first attempt by puritan sects to supplant groups who have practices like lighting candles at ancestors’ graveyards — seen as a deviation from ‘pure’ Islam.
Indications that seem to rule out linkage to the group that attacked Parbani mosque will come as a relief to law enforcement agencies. Preliminary conjectures about the possible hand of the Parbani gang had made them dread the possibility of a cycle of retaliatory terror and communal conflagration.
In Malegaon, investigators released a third sketch, which is the artist’s image of the second accused — based on descriptions by witnesses.
Police sources at Malegaon said four teams of five men each were sent to Ahmednagar, Aurangabad and Nanded. ‘‘We have sent our teams within Maharashtra but don’t want to reveal much since it could hamper our investigation,’’ P K Jain, inspector general (Nasik range) told TOI.
So guys you can see how this entire episode is being colored in a 'Muslim Sectarian Violence and Terrorism' !!!!
Unfair considering the fact that we haven't done it better when it comes to minorities in Pakistan.
Be realistic!

I dont know how pakistan doing better with its minorities could have made things better in India.But if you were saying look at our ststae of affiars before you accuse them then its ok!!!

Thats an interesting question.
I've travelled throughout India and majority of muslims I met in different states doesn't think so and still considers Indian 'secular' status to be predominantly hindu based.
But there are 'reserved quota's' for muslims in parliament so it seems.

India is hindu dominated land, there are more than 80% hindus in India,How can you remove those hinduism.You cannot!
If you loook at the mathematical proportion, 8 of 10 things would be run or owned by Hindus.

The muslims are the poorer lot and they continue remain so.Their inertia in accepting new things have made them drop further back.
Bhopal, September 14 (Pervez Bari): A corpse with a fake beard was discovered by Muslims while lifting dead bodies killed in the blasts in Malegaon in the western Indian state of Maharashtra on Friday last.
This has been reported by The Milli Gazette in its Online edition quoting Urdu dailies of New Delhi and Mumbai. The news was posted on September 12.

The Muslim leaders and liberal opinion in India are, thus, suspecting Hindu extremist hand behind the recent bombings of a mosque/qabristan in Malegaon.

A corpse with a fake beard was discovered by Muslims while lifting dead bodies killed in the blasts. The police in Malegaon immediately took over that particular body and claimed to have sent it to Nasik the same day. Next day, September 10, it denied that any such body was ever found.

The news of the discovery was carried by Delhi's Urdu daily Hindustan Express on 9 September. The same paper the following day carried the Malegaon police's denial of the same. Urdu daily Inquilab of Mumbai carried the following report on 11 September. Here is an English translation of the report:

"Malegaon 10 Sept (Inquilab correspondent): The dead body of a man who was wearing a fake beard and had died in the bomb blasts of Malegaon has mysteriously disappeared. His body was badly mutilated and the lower part was completely missing. Aqeel Ahmed, a 37 year old tailor from Islampura area of Malegaon, says that he had himself moved the dead body of this man into the ambulance van when his [fake] beard came off.

Inquilab's correspondent visited the mortuary along with Aqeel Ahmed. When he asked Aqeel Ahmed to identify the dead body, he said that the body in question was not there.

The medical officer of Malegaon Municipal Corporation Dr Vagh said that post-mortem had been carried on 30 corpses in Wadia Hospital and one body was autopsied in Dholia Hospital but none of them was without legs.

It should be noted that Aqeel said to have himself moved into the ambulance van a dead body that did not have the lower part. According to Aqeel, at that time he did not pay much attention to this but realized the significance only later. This revelation links these blasts to the explosions in the house of a Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh, (RSS), member in Malegaon from where fake beards were discovered. Police say that they do not have any such information. However, if an eyewitness comes forward, investigation will be launched into the fake beard."

Meanwhile, it may be recalled here that in Nanded also in Maharashtra on April 6 last a very powerful bomb explosion took place in a house at the residence of one L.G. Rajkondwar, a retired engineer and a saffron brigade activist, which had killed two people.

The explosion was so powerful that the body of one victim was blown to pieces on the spot while severely injuring three others. The blast was also so severe that people in around two kilometers vicinity came out of their homes apprehending an earthquake.

However, then also the police there allegedly played a cover up role, though initially it had conceded that it was a bomb manufacturing cottage industry. The investigations into the incident has been wrapped into veil of secrecy with police coming out with the version that the blast was the result of accidentally igniting of "crackers", stored in the house for sale on Diwali.

The media reports had stated that on search from the said house some articles used generally by Muslims such as scull caps, Kurta & Shalwar with fake beards were found.
Bhopal, September 14 (Pervez Bari): A corpse with a fake beard was discovered by Muslims while lifting dead bodies killed in the blasts in Malegaon in the western Indian state of Maharashtra on Friday last.
This has been reported by The Milli Gazette in its Online edition quoting Urdu dailies of New Delhi and Mumbai. The news was posted on September 12.

The Muslim leaders and liberal opinion in India are, thus, suspecting Hindu extremist hand behind the recent bombings of a mosque/qabristan in Malegaon.

A corpse with a fake beard was discovered by Muslims while lifting dead bodies killed in the blasts. The police in Malegaon immediately took over that particular body and claimed to have sent it to Nasik the same day. Next day, September 10, it denied that any such body was ever found.

The news of the discovery was carried by Delhi's Urdu daily Hindustan Express on 9 September. The same paper the following day carried the Malegaon police's denial of the same. Urdu daily Inquilab of Mumbai carried the following report on 11 September. Here is an English translation of the report:

"Malegaon 10 Sept (Inquilab correspondent): The dead body of a man who was wearing a fake beard and had died in the bomb blasts of Malegaon has mysteriously disappeared. His body was badly mutilated and the lower part was completely missing. Aqeel Ahmed, a 37 year old tailor from Islampura area of Malegaon, says that he had himself moved the dead body of this man into the ambulance van when his [fake] beard came off.

Inquilab's correspondent visited the mortuary along with Aqeel Ahmed. When he asked Aqeel Ahmed to identify the dead body, he said that the body in question was not there.

The medical officer of Malegaon Municipal Corporation Dr Vagh said that post-mortem had been carried on 30 corpses in Wadia Hospital and one body was autopsied in Dholia Hospital but none of them was without legs.

It should be noted that Aqeel said to have himself moved into the ambulance van a dead body that did not have the lower part. According to Aqeel, at that time he did not pay much attention to this but realized the significance only later. This revelation links these blasts to the explosions in the house of a Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh, (RSS), member in Malegaon from where fake beards were discovered. Police say that they do not have any such information. However, if an eyewitness comes forward, investigation will be launched into the fake beard."

Meanwhile, it may be recalled here that in Nanded also in Maharashtra on April 6 last a very powerful bomb explosion took place in a house at the residence of one L.G. Rajkondwar, a retired engineer and a saffron brigade activist, which had killed two people.

The explosion was so powerful that the body of one victim was blown to pieces on the spot while severely injuring three others. The blast was also so severe that people in around two kilometers vicinity came out of their homes apprehending an earthquake.

However, then also the police there allegedly played a cover up role, though initially it had conceded that it was a bomb manufacturing cottage industry. The investigations into the incident has been wrapped into veil of secrecy with police coming out with the version that the blast was the result of accidentally igniting of "crackers", stored in the house for sale on Diwali.

The media reports had stated that on search from the said house some articles used generally by Muslims such as scull caps, Kurta & Shalwar with fake beards were found.

We all know is an attack orchestrated by the ISI to make muslims fight hindus and start another bloodbath.
This article is published on the ditorial page of TOI dated 20th Sep 2006.

Targeting Muslims

Malegaon tragedy exposes bias of investigating agencies

Tanweer Fazal

When a blast claims innocent lives, we, with a fair degree of conviction, point to Islamic militants of whatever ilk, Kashmiri jehadis or desperate groups out to avenge Gujarat. No sooner does an incident takes its toll, the story is laid out threadbare — the organisation and its module that carried out the operation, its link with Pakistan, antecedents of the terrorists involved, their training camp in Jalalabad. Incriminating documents, AK-47s, suspects and their confessional statements are out in double-quick time. We can hardly restrain our pride at the ability of our sleuths to track down the culprits — SIMI, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba, teachers and students of madrassas.
The plot and the protagonists remain the same; it is only their ability to constantly discover one vulnerable site after the other that grants a novelty to the terrorist strikes. But if so much was known, why couldn’t the strike have been averted?
We are outraged over racial profiling of Asians (had it been only Arabs?) in US and in Europe. But religious profiling is what Muslim youth in India, especially those in the ghettos, live with every single day. SIMI was an instant suspect in all eyes following the Mumbai train blasts. The anti-terrorism squad (ATS) of the Mumbai police, therefore, relinquished all other lines of investigation. Irrespective of their involvement in the blasts, a witch-hunt for all ex-activists of this radical Muslim students organisation was launched.
An overzealous superintendent of police in Tripura found the beard and the cap of the Tablighis too offensive — 11 members of the Tablighi Jamaat from Mumbai were detained in Tripura for a week on mere suspicion. Only in April this year, two Bajrang Dal activists died while making a bomb in Nanded, leaving a trail of evidence — detonators, timers, remote control devices, costumes associated with Muslims, maps of the mosques nearby. And indeed, mosques were bombed, in Parbhani, Purna and in Jalna. But for the Maharashtra police, this was not worth investigating.
It is not security agencies alone that stand to be blamed. Mohammad Akram, a madrassa teacher in Gaya, was arrested for his involvement in Mumbai blasts. While his arrest hit national headlines, his subsequent release, having been cleared of all charges, failed to enthuse the media. Perhaps some lessons could be drawn from the Ghatkopar bomb blast case. The Mumbai police had chargesheeted around 20 Muslims based on their links with SIMI and Lashkar-e-Taiba, the police drew confessions, produced documentary evidence, and even witnesses, but failed to impress the court. The special POTA court acquitted all of them — but it was too late
for Khwaja Yunus, who was killed in custody.
The script, however, seems to have changed with Malegaon. The ATS is in no hurry to name the culprits; neither have India’s elite intelligence agencies pointed the needle of suspicion towards any outfit, Hindu or Muslim. The foreign office, as of now, has not given any briefings on Pakistan and its involvement. There is little frenzied speculation in the media about the identity of the perpetrators. Also absent are those Muslims, who with placards in their hands ‘Down with Pakistan’, would come out to display their loyalty lest anyone doubts it.
This time, they are taking to the streets, in Malegaon, in Akola and in other parts, to ask certain fundamental questions. Why is the police so reticent in naming the suspects or the organisation to which they belong? Why has Malegaon remained so neglected?
Malegaon has a history of communal riots, so newspapers inform us. But the last big flare-up in 2001 was less a communal clash and more an instance of state terrorism unleashed on its Muslim residents. Some local youth were distributing pamphlets after the Friday prayers. The pamphlet ‘Be Indian, Buy Indian’ made a fervent appeal to boycott US goods in protest against the American war on Afghanistan. But the state reserve police posted there tried to stop distribution of the pamphlets. Indiscriminate police firing left three dead. If this is not religious profiling at work, what is? Why must every political move of Muslims be met with suspicion and dread?
Amidst these unanswered questions, there are other pertinent issues. Malegaon mirrors any other urban locality with a predominantly Muslim population. It is marred by infrastructural decay — narrow lanes, open drains, inadequate sewage disposal, frequent power cuts, madrassas making up for the lack of schools, and no public hospital.
There are many other similar towns — Bhiwandi in Maharashtra and Murshidabad in West Bengal that reported starvation deaths, Bahraich in UP with the country’s lowest human development index, impoverished Mewat abutting the millennium city of Gurgaon, Bihar’s Kishanganj with the lowest literacy rate, and Muslim-dominated old-city areas in major metros.
That Malegaon is a town populated by weavers has not helped. Call it the darker side of globalisation or sheer governmental apathy, weavers across the country are seeing the dwindling of their businesses. Most of them happen to be Muslims, Ansaris or Julahas, as they are called. Dearth of government orders, shortage of yarn, inadequate marketing and credit facilities, erratic power supply and stranglehold of Marwaris and banias have contributed to their impoverishment. It is this everyday brutality of deliberate state neglect and unrelenting suspicion that violates their dignity and being — more than three mysterious bombs ripping through the streets of a sad, desolate and decaying town.

The writer is with the PM’s committee looking into the status of Muslims.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006javascript:; http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/print.asp?page=2006\10\03\story_3-10-2006_pg1_1
Indian propaganda helping bail out their terrorists, says FO

* Says Pakistan will cooperate if India gives evidence
* Foreign secretaries likely to meet after Ramazan

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has rejected Indian allegations that Inter-Services Intelligence agents planned the Mumbai train blasts as propaganda, saying the accusations were meant to divert attention from the indigenous elements engaged in terrorism in India.

“This is all internal and this is yet another effort to externalise (an) internal malaise,” said Foreign Office spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam at a weekly press briefing on Monday. But she added that Pakistan would cooperate in the investigation if India provided evidence. “If India feels it has some information that suggests links with some people here or some kind of connection, we will take action and help India in the investigation,” Ms Aslam said.

The Indian foreign secretary said on Sunday that New Delhi would provide the evidence to Islamabad, but Ms Aslam said Islamabad had so far not received any such information. “We have repeatedly asked that instead of levelling allegations, India should share the evidence with us so that we can cooperate with it.” The spokeswoman said the foreign secretaries of Pakistan and India were in contact and were likely to meet after Ramazan. She did not give any dates.

She denied that the joint statement by President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh following their meeting in Havana had put the Kashmir issue on the backburner by stressing a joint mechanism to fight terrorism. “Terrorism is a problem that affects us all, including Pakistan, India and other countries and there is no connection between the two,” she said.

Commenting on an Amnesty International report that accused Pakistan of committing numerous human rights in the ‘war on terror’, she said the government had to maintain a balance. “Decisions are taken in the larger public interest as it has to take into account both the right of the people to freedom and right of life of the majority of the people.” She said parts of the report mentioning mass disappearances were based on hearsay.

Ms Aslam said Pakistan’s decision to join the war against terrorism was in the national interest. “No country is subjugated and there is no reporting to the other. The entire international community is working together.”

About the handover of Al Qaeda operatives to the United States, the spokeswoman said the government first tried to hand them over to their country of origin, but if their countries refused to accept them, they were handed over to the US. She said reward money from the US for the capture of Al Qaeda operatives went to individuals who assisted in their capture and not to the government.

To a question about Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s call for closure of seminaries in Pakistan, she said only a handful of such institutions were teaching extremism and the government was reforming them.

After 7/7,UK blamed madrassas in Pak to be the motivating factor behind the suicide bombings,and when presented with proof what did mushraff do?he decided to send back all foreign students in those madrassas.

Where does that decision stand now?Has all the foreign students gone out of the country.Its more than 1 year since it happened but they still continue to have foreign students.

Mushraff has its limitations when it comes to cintrolling things in his country.

There is no use in giving proof after proof about Pakistani connection.the whole world says it and still you all are in a state of denial.
India voices regret over remarks by U.S. envoy to Pakistan

(Kyodo) _ India on Thursday voiced regret over U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Ryan Crocker's reported comments that India should not publicly accuse Pakistan of involvement in the Mumbai train bombings.

Reacting to Crocker's remarks, Foreign Ministry spokesman Navtej Sarna said, "We have seen the remarks attributed to Ambassador Crocker. Coming from a democracy like the United States, one would have expected Ambassador Crocker to understand that democratic governments have a primary responsibility to keep their own people fully informed."

Government sources said that the ministry has taken strong objection to Crocker's statement.

Following a statement last week by Mumbai Police chief A.K. Roy alleging Pakistan's military spy agency masterminded the July 11 blasts that killed more than 200 people, Crocker reportedly suggested that India should utilize diplomatic channels on such issues instead of making it public.
"India should communicate with Pakistan by having direct contact instead of talking about the Mumbai train blasts in the public," Crocker reportedly said.
hah even the american are doubting india's baseless allegations

India is better off blaming its internal issues than pakistan, and maybe india should stop its illegal occupation and killing of kashmiris

Iraq is currently occupied by 100,000 US troops
Kashmir is currently occupied with 800,000 indian troops

Indian occupied kashmir is less than half the size of iraq
Good point!
I've been saying that all along!
Saying what all along? The allegations part or the fairy tale that there are 800,000 troops in Jammu & Kashmir?

There is more proof than what is claimed about RAW hand in Balochistan. Anyway the evidence is being presented to Pakistan when the foreign secretaries meet. We don't expect any reaction from Pakistan but it is a good way of keeping things low key till the nuke bill is passed.

The ISI will attempt to continue increasing Indo-Pak tensions to put breakes on the Indo-US nuclear deal (to influence the US Congress into thinking that no deal should be made in area likely to go to war). Why else do you think the India PM has kept things on a low key?
Saying what all along? The allegations part or the fairy tale that there are 800,000 troops in Jammu & Kashmir?

There is more proof than what is claimed about RAW hand in Balochistan. Anyway the evidence is being presented to Pakistan when the foreign secretaries meet. We don't expect any reaction from Pakistan but it is a good way of keeping things low key till the nuke bill is passed.

The ISI will attempt to continue increasing Indo-Pak tensions to put breakes on the Indo-US nuclear deal (to influence the US Congress into thinking that no deal should be made in area likely to go to war). Why else do you think the India PM has kept things on a low key?

Good to see you again lemon.

u mean only the Kashmir issue will block the deal :)

its childish if the US wants she will approv as she only look at her own intrests Indo-Pak tension notthing to do with that.

Lemon what is the exact number of Indian troops in J&K ?

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