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India beefs up China front with UAVs, copters to monitor PLA

waoooooo 10 Men killed 200 Peoples...............ha na amazing...........where where your security foreces .........i think on long drive sleep
No,what's amazing is that you have the gall to make fun of a terrorist attack which killed several hundred innocent civilians and devastated their families and crores of Indians even when such gory acts are recurring in your nation day in and day out!
Now I know why the Indian Army is always whining about a "two-front war".

It is a self-fufilling prophecy.
we are lacking against china we need more numbers

iaf should increase its numbers + we need baseoutside india
What we need is rail and road connectivity that can quickly move troops and weapons to the border areas in the North East. It would also bring the much needed economic development in the region and integrate the people of the North East with the rest of India. Here, the Indian Railways has been a laggard. On the strategic front, the Agni V testing and induction will be a deterrent and ensure peace with China.
waoooooo 10 Men killed 200 Peoples...............ha na amazing...........where where your security foreces .........i think on long drive sleep

Look who's talking about the security! You can't even detect 2 giant helicopters and you wanna talk about security? The most wanted OBL living just beside your military and your agencies have no idea and you wanna talk about security? Some guys get in your navy base and your agencies have no idea and you still wanna talk about security? Do you like when people laugh at you??
Now I know why the Indian Army is always whining about a "two-front war".

It is a self-fufilling prophecy.

Whats wrong in trying to defend ourselves??...We are doing all this inside our border you also have improved infrastructure on your side of the border...we are jus following suit. We will take any measures necessary to defend ourselves from imaginary or real enemies....it wouldn't affect you in any way unless you have plans for initiating war.
The Indian-Chinese Border is peaceful, why India creates a hype, so it could convince the world that it needs a lot of weapons ? India is always the agressor against all neighbours.

So u mean to say PLA is peacefull and non aggressive ?? thats what you are trying to say?
Now I know why the Indian Army is always whining about a "two-front war".

It is a self-fufilling prophecy.

why? your ccp didn't tell you that? too bad that you came to know about it from pdf. see what all your govt. hides from you and you always blame india for everything. lol

on a serious note, do you have any understanding of strategic and military affairs? before making such comments about the Indian army you should ask your govt. or ccp about the motive behind the massive chinese military and infrastructure build up in tibet close to india's border,the ccs missiles deployed in tibet, the string of pearls strategy, making forays into India's neighbourhood with ulterior motives, chinese involvement in pakistan occupied kashmir with a presence of 11000 chinese soldiers, just to name a few. And if we take any counter measures it bugs you.
if you think that chinese actions are justified, then we indians think that the indian response is justified.
Now I know why the Indian Army is always whining about a "two-front war".

It is a self-fufilling prophecy.

I dont think you are against the Theory of "Alertness" ... Any enemy can be brought to knees if you can predict his moves and have a Counter ready for it... So all this Whining by the Indian Army, Lets just leave it to them, they have there own reasons to ease off things...

"The More you sweat in Peace the little you bleed in war"
waoooooo 10 Men killed 200 Peoples...............ha na amazing...........where where your security foreces .........i think on long drive sleep
Yours is worse...10-12 men overtake an enitre Naval Base! :lol:
Security forces keep the radars off so that US can easily carry out raids in Pakistan :D
Now I know why the Indian Army is always whining about a "two-front war".

It is a self-fufilling prophecy.
Ask your military men not to enter our land...they come like monkeys who look for an opportunity and when there's no one steal the banana...thats what your forces do,right?Remember writing China on rocks just inside the Indian side of the border?Chinese nuisance needs to be stopped..and recently..it has all due to activity of troops and more deployment along the China border.
Yours is worse...10-12 men overtake an enitre Naval Base! :lol:
Security forces keep the radars off so that US can easily carry out raids in Pakistan :D

Not 10 men, the news says it is only 6 ppl attacked the base and 2 of them escaped...... Might be their security people were in a deep sleep only to wake up after when they blast their aircraft... How alert your seciruty are? And they are talking about Indian security with their big mouth....
India reserves the right to defend itself in case of any external aggression by any alien force, and shall deploy assets on it's own land as it sees fit.

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