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India beefs up China front with UAVs, copters to monitor PLA


Dec 14, 2010
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United States
NEW DELHI: India is now deploying spy drones or UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and light observation helicopters along the borders with China to keep a hawk-eye on the stepped-up activities of People's Liberation Army.

The construction of over 5,500 "permanent defences and bunkers" along the borders is now being speeded up to ensure their completion within four to five years, under the Rs 9,243 crore military infrastructure development project approved by the Cabinet Committee on Security for the Eastern Army Command.

"Sukhoi-30MKI fighters are already being based in IAF airbases like Tezpur and Chabua. Army Aviation bases in Assam are also now being upgraded, with seven helicopters and four Israeli Searcher-II UAVs already been deployed there," a defence ministry source said.

The Army is also pushing for a mountain strike corps after having raised two new mountain infantry divisions. The new divisions, with 1,260 officers and 35,011 soldiers, have their HQs in Zakama (56 Div) in Nagaland and Missamari (71 Div) in Assam.

Though quite belated, all these plans are meant to strategically counter China's massive build-up of military infrastructure all along the 4,057-km Line of Actual Control (LAC) over the last two decades.

A flurry of high-level meetings in the last two-three months, which included a top military briefing to PM Manmohan Singh, have dealt on the dire need to boost India's military infrastructure, strike capabilities and operational logistics along the LAC.

Incidentally, with five fully-operational airbases, an extensive rail network and over 58,000-km of roads in Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), China can now move more than 30 divisions (each with over 15,000 soldiers) at their "launch pads" on LAC in double-quick time, outnumbering Indian forces by at least three-is-to-one.

China's rapidly-expanding footprint in infrastructure projects in -Kashmir, in the backdrop of the Beijing-Islamabad military nexus which targets India, has served to further heighten concerns in the defence establishment here.

India's counter-moves, however, are anything but swift. Only 15 of the 73 all-weather roads earmarked for construction along the unresolved LAC, for instance, are actually ready till now.

IAF is now also upgrading eastern sector ALGs (advanced landing grounds) like Pasighat, Mechuka, Walong, Tuting, Ziro and Vijaynagar as well as several helipads in Arunachal after reactivating western sector ALGs like Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche and Nyama in eastern Ladakh. "But the entire process needs to be hastened," said an official.

Similarly, Army and IAF want faster inductions of the indigenous Akash surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems to counter the threat posed by enemy fighters, drones and helicopters on both western and eastern fronts.

While IAF has ordered eight Akash squadrons for Rs 6,200 crore, six of which are to be based in the North-East, the Army has placed an order for two regiments at a cost of Rs 14,180 crore.

India beefs up China front with UAVs, copters to monitor PLA - The Times of India
So?what's wrong with surveillence?Being cautious is always good.Nothing alarming for our neighbours at all.
The Indian-Chinese Border is peaceful, why India creates a hype, so it could convince the world that it needs a lot of weapons ? India is always the agressor against all neighbours.
The Indian-Chinese Border is peaceful, why India creates a hype, so it could convince the world that it needs a lot of weapons ? India is always the agressor against all neighbours.

pak sher, i suppose you know that that china has stationed missiles in tibet that could target India. china also has five fully operational airbases and other infrastructure built in that area. if china is not upto any mischief then why has china deployed those military assets in tibet which can be used in a war against India? There were no such deployments in tibet in the past, then why now? clearly those missiles are not to be used against the tibetans, then guess who will be the target? India ofcourse. Also the PLA has been making incursions into the indian territory. Now what do you expect us to do? be sitting ducks?
you don't have any problem if china deploys weapons near Indo-china border, but if India does the same in response then India becomes the aggressor. clearly this kind of thought comes from your anti-india mindset.
And have you read the article properly which you have posted on this forum ? it states that indian measures are in response to the stepped up activities of the PLA. read it properly.
As for your allegation of India always being the aggressor, when has India commited an act of aggression? show me one neutral source which says that. Anybody can make allegations but they are of value if they have some truth in it.
The Indian-Chinese Border is peaceful, why India creates a hype, so it could convince the world that it needs a lot of weapons ? India is always the agressor against all neighbours.

When your neighbour will send 10 armed men to kill 200 innocent people, then you'll stop taking this BS.
The Indian-Chinese Border is peaceful, why India creates a hype, so it could convince the world that it needs a lot of weapons ? India is always the agressor against all neighbours.

why do we need to convince the world to buy weapon's , it is our money, we can do anything with it.are you living in that illusion that like pakistan we are buying those weapon's by recieving some economic aid from other countrie's.
When your neighbour will send 10 armed men to kill 200 innocent people, then you'll stop taking this BS.

and he say's that india is aggresive and cannine toward's it's neighbour's ,while pakistan is the most peaceloving creature on the planet.
The Indian-Chinese Border is peaceful, why India creates a hype, so it could convince the world that it needs a lot of weapons ? India is always the agressor against all neighbours.
Your post itself states that china has assets in its side.we are just trying to balance it.
Nothing wrong with increased surveillance measures , UAV's , Drones , UCAV's , activated bases , jets even missile silos--- Its our territory and we are free to do anything inside it. China 's rapid infrastructure building , roads , bases , missile silos on their side of the border , does not raise such a hue and cry .

Besides most certainly increased surveillance will lead to checks in incursions , and there by less reasons for souring relations --less paranoia in the media. A military balance of any sort is always a good idea.
Good that measures are being taken but they are very slow and very less....we need huge number of choppers for rapid mobilization and separate armored regiment consisting of light tanks and separate artillery units including ultra light howitzers....
^^^Eff the choppers,we need better Highways,Railway lines and good bulletproof jackets for the BSF guys there!
When your neighbour will send 10 armed men to kill 200 innocent people, then you'll stop taking this BS.

waoooooo 10 Men killed 200 Peoples...............ha na amazing...........where where your security foreces .........i think on long drive sleep
waoooooo 10 Men killed 200 Peoples...............ha na amazing...........where where your security foreces .........i think on long drive sleep

our secrity force's are much better than your's , evidence is no terror attack took place since 26/11, while your security force's, obl living near a military academy, bomb blast's on daily basis, american drone's, pakistan's security and sovereignity has become a joke

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