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India bans 3,500 yr old Tamil cultural sports

I am merely pointing the hypocrisy of such Animal welfare agencies nothing more. I am suggesting that the yardstick should be same while measuring such things.

i dnt think so animal welfare board can do anything about it.

and indeed yardstick should be the same when it comes to lame excuses like "animal cruelty"
Get your facts right...The bulls are not killed in jellikettu in the end like in Spain.

on what basis, argument your court banned it?

i feel more than bulls and cows the concern should be safety of human

My answer was to post#18. The Bakra Eid is in no way connected to sports or food....its religion all the way.

you can ban cow slaughter or animal slaughter on eid but you cant stop it when it comes to food.

So your excuse is weak
Its a court decision, so take a break from self pity for once. Challenge in court.

Also, I find the claim of 3500 years dubious. That rock painting is like any other you see of a hunt.

got it from here - you are free to challenge this source


ROCK CUT: A painting of bull chasing on a massive rock surface at Karikkiyur in the Nilgiris. These pictures, according to specialists in rock art, are dateable to 2,000 B.C. to 1,500 B.C. Karikkiyur is the biggest rock art site in south India, with the rock surface teeming with about 500 painting

Bull chasing, an ancient Tamil tradition - The Hindu

also from here - this sport might trace its roots to IVC

A seal from the Indus Valley Civilization depicting the sport is preserved in the National Museum
Jallikattu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Accept in one the animal is toyed with and other cut as usual.
but not in such huge numbers on a particular day, if such agencies heart bleed for animals being toyed around, I am sure they can shed couple of tears for those hundred of thousands of animals.

i dnt think so animal welfare board can do anything about it.

and indeed yardstick should be the same when it comes to lame excuses like "animal cruelty"
Yes either ban everything or else give up such lame excuses.
you are free to replace my India with your SC of India , I have no objection

you are comparing traditional ancient sport to your barbaric Islamic induced Hindu ritual of live burning of widows ?
you are a Clown to compare jallikattu with circus , what's next - compare the bull taming with your zoo mates ?

I expressed my views - something I am entitled to.

You are getting personal . I chose not to lower myself to your level .

Buzz off.

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Then this is the source of everything American today, including wingsuit flying? some on dude, of course men being men chansed stuff, a tradition is more than just that.

you still having issues - why not check it out with ancient Tamil sangam literature
you can't expect pro Tamilnadu judgements every time...

how about you examining your own back yard

January to April are the cruellest months for the captive elephants in Kerala when the places of worship in the God’s Own Country celebrates various annual festivals.
Parading of caparisoned elephants along the prickly hot black-top roads for hours together, even for days together in many cases, in connection with certain ritualistic ceremonies, is a painful sight for animal-lovers in the State during these summer months


Cruelty against elephants - The Hindu
Did the people just read 2 paragraphs of the source and stop reading further?
Why is everyone pretending as if the ban is because of animal rights?
The reason for ban was the death and injuries of humans during the event. The judge merely suggested animal rights to be considered too.
I don't see most people in India or Tamil Nadu having issues with this ban.

Not every ancient custom is worth continuing.

People of TN definitely have issues with this ban. Its a age old custom in Rural areas, and people simply wont relent. Last time SC banned Jallikattu for nearly a year, Rural people, never really followed the rules, and Police werent allowed to establish law and order. I mean, how many people can the Police arrest or defend. It became tough, and lots of Jallikattu went on irrespective.
Finally SC had to reverse the ban, with more stringent guidelines. Now People get permission for the event, and Trust me, there is a doctor who gives go-ahead for the bull, doctors checking the participants, and permissions have become stringent.

Simply it cannot be banned, and it should be remotely compared to Sati. Bulls are specially trained for one full year especially for this purpose. Nobody knows the prestige this game holds in the rural heartland of TN.

Then this is the source of everything American today, including wingsuit flying? some on dude, of course men being men chansed stuff, a tradition is more than just that.


It is an ancient Tamil Traditions mentioned as long as manlion suggested. Tamil Literature is many of Bull fights and such. In Ancient days, Men can get married only if he can tame a bull and lift one rock.
And the reason IVC may be dravidian is the fact is the bull fighting seal, and the only area now practising the age old function is Dravidian people.

I am sure TN govt will appeal in SC to get it revoked.
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