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India, Bangladesh hackers wage cyber war

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Tell me your name and address, why do u fear to publish them, frightened chicken heart ? As I said, I will have you arrested. From your ****** mouth, it has been proved that your parents were ****** too from whom you learned this way of abusing. Low Life.

Bap Ma toila gali dibi na. Amar name Shakib, BARI Tangail. Shoja pothe choli. Ami Amar alaka Kalihatite thaki. Parle Bal cherbar ashish. Ami amon kiso kori nai je endorer gatai dokon lagbo. Sala chamchami aro koto korbi. Tor ki laj shorm, gila , kolija, pitta kisoi ki nai? Shorom kore na chamchami koira khaite! Atto shikrito Mir Jafar. Ami tor voier Poroa Kori na. Jibon aktai, Moron o aktai. Ai jebone Dalali koira katoner moto afsos ar nai. Aktou kharap lage na nejer manusher berodhdhe kotha bolte. Shadharon manush ki tore chulkani dese. Toi keno ader birodhdhe jash. Tor balloshikhkhai ki desh prem shekhai nai. Khali dalai korai shekhaise. Ami amar matite thaki. Jeheto ami tor proti kono onnai kori nai sheheto toi amar BAL cherte parbi na. Donia ato shoshta na. Kon theka je ai dalal gula jonmo nei.
Ahh here we are hacking each others sites, when the Western countries are stealing and taking our resources for limited money. Globalization taking over making even more people poor in these so called 3rd world countries, We are waging cyber wars when the while the West take our resources while we were fighting amongst ourselves? do we have any sense? History repeats itself again and again but we never learn from our mistakes and learn to unite as people while the corrupt politicians take our taxes, Stakfirullah what has this world turned into?
I am Dravir, I am Shashanko, I am Dharma Pal, I am Shamsuddin Illius Shah, I am Munim Khan,I am Isa Khan, I am Shiraz, I am Majnu Shah, I am Titumir, I am Salimullah, I am Vashani, I am Sher E Bangla, I am Shamsul Huq, I am Mujib, I am Zia, I am Bangladesh, I am Sheikh Shakib Ahmed, Man of Tangail, Man of Bangladesh, I am anti Aryan, I am not a myth. I have heard a late night whispering. But I am assuring that I am not a myth. We must put all the Dalals to their rightful place. We are Bangladesh. We are the Pure One. So, What can you do? Joto paro Nejer BAL chiro.

I am modern Mujib, I am modern Zia, I am modern Vashani, I am modern Sher E Bangla, I am modern Sher E Bangla.

I am Bangladesh. NO Dalal can play with that.

I am Bangladesh.
Ziaur Rahman was nothing but a opportunist, a vicious killer of one of the most famous freedom fighters Khaled Mosharraf. He also hanged another freedom fighter Coloner Taher who helped him get rescued.He was such ungrateful person. He also knew plot of assasionation of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which is evident from anti awami Coloner Faruque's interview to Mascarenhas where Zia said to them - " I am a senior officer. I cannot be involved in this. If you people wanna do it, then go ahead. " Zia captured power most undemocratically by a coupd'ta. He also didnt let Sheikh Hasina to return home and brought back rajakar golam azam, shah azizur rahman from Pakistan. Made the latter rajakar prime minister of Bangladesh. He also made another razakar abdul alim as minister. I am sure, most of you are rajakar's kids for which you formed a gang here. Economy is much better in Awami regime. According to wikipedia/CIA fact book, the GDP growth rate of Bangladesh is 6.7% while India=8.5% Pakistan=2.2%, in other indicators as well, Bangladesh's condition is better than Pakistan while somehow less than India. During BNP regime, BD never saw such rise up in GDP growth, in BNP regime, Bangladesh was champion in corruption for consecutive 5 years for which people voted Awami league and gave them a landslide victory, AL got 262 seats while BNP got only 28 ! In social sectors, Bangladesh is ahead of India for which Sonia Gandhi and Amartya Kumar sen praised Bangladesh. These all happened in AL regime. Again, all political parties were banned for the sake of national integrity and unity. Mujib wanted to unite people, he didnt want to divide people so that they fight eachother So, don't tell us **** and bull stories. You were not even born before liberation war. Kids don't know history. Anyways, thanks for the welcome.

Ok Mr. die hard BAL supporter what benefits are you getting by spouting such epic lies. I guess you are really frustrated and scared knowing the fact that people will oust BAL within 2 years time. But since you are such a compassionate BAL supporter you can easily find refuge in INDIA. But I don't think refuge will be needed since we Bangladeshis are very kind hearted people and can even forgive dalals and traitors like you.
সেপ্টেম্বরের শেষ বা অক্টোবরের প্রথম সপ্তাহের কোন এক দিনের কথা। সেক্টর কমান্ডার খালেদ মোশাররফ খবর পেলেনে বিলোনিয়া অঞ্চলে বিস্তীর্ণ ভূমি দখল করেছে মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা। গাড়ীতে করে মুক্তাঞ্চল পরিদর্শনে বের হলেন খালেদ।

এক জায়গায় এসে লক্ষ্য করলেন আমাদের ইপিআর সৈন্যরা পাকিস্তানীদের দিকে ট্রেঞ্চ না খুঁড়ে ভারতের দিকে মুখ করে ট্রেঞ্চ খুঁড়েছে। ভুল করে ভারতের দিকে ট্রেঞ্চ খুঁড়েছে ভেবে খালেদ মোশাররাফ সৈনিকদের বলা মাত্র তারা দৃপ্ত কন্ঠে উত্তর দিল,
- 'স্যার, এইটা বাংলাদেশ।'
- 'বুঝলাম, শাবাশ। কিন্তু পাকিস্তানীরাতো ওইদিকে।'
'স্যার, এইটা আমাদের বর্ডার ,স্যার। '

there are reasons why Zia had such popularity that overpowered khaled Musharraf......... You Indian lovers are minority in Bangladesh.
I am Dravir, I am Shashanko, I am Dharma Pal, I am Shamsuddin Illius Shah, I am Munim Khan,I am Isa Khan, I am Shiraz, I am Majnu Shah, I am Titumir, I am Salimullah, I am Vashani, I am Sher E Bangla, I am Shamsul Huq, I am Mujib, I am Zia, I am Bangladesh, I am Sheikh Shakib Ahmed, Man of Tangail, Man of Bangladesh, I am anti Aryan, I am not a myth. I have heard a late night whispering. But I am assuring that I am not a myth. We must put all the Dalals to their rightful place. We are Bangladesh. We are the Pure One. So, What can you do? Joto paro Nejer BAL chiro.

I am modern Mujib, I am modern Zia, I am modern Vashani, I am modern Sher E Bangla, I am modern Sher E Bangla.

I am Bangladesh. NO Dalal can play with that.

I am Bangladesh.

What are you trying to say.
My facts were not wrong but incomplete for sure, you made it complete by mentioning those poor cattle smugglers.As for drug, it's Phensidyl which is not a drug in India (used as medicine) but in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi people like this to get addicted. Bangladeshi smugglers are bringing this to Bangladesh and thus they are harming Bangladeshi Young Generations. Indians who are selling this to Bangladeshi Smugglers are not doing crime since it is legal in India as used as a medicine.

The weapons were given by Russia, that's a sheer lie. Training and Giving weapons were both by INDIA. If you have any international document or any prominent writer's defending your claim, then you are most welcome. But, you cannot show. Can you ?

The refugees were treated to the best of efforts that a poor country of that time, INDIA afforded. ATN Bangla's Liberation War DVD proves it.

The main thing is -

Q: If India didn't open their border immediately, then where would the refugees go ?

A: They wouldn't be able to flee and thus, they would have been killed by Pak Army i.e. 1 crore would die.

Q: If India wouldn't give arms/ammo/weapons to Freedom Fighters, how freedom fighters would fight ? Bare handed ? Using knife/bamboo/stick ?

A: Bare handed fight or using bamboo/knife/stick against a trained Pakistani army with modern weapons would result in killing of 6.5 crore Bangladeshi people.

Q: Is it easy for an untrained civilian to win a war over trained army ?

A: No, skills are required to shoot. Training is required for having skills and India provided that training.

So, Its of common sense that -

Without INDIA, Bangladesh would never be BORN. Never, no chance. Regards.

Phensidyl is illegal in Bangladesh, anyone helping it to spread in Bangladesh(that include the Indians as well) are criminals according to the Bangladeshi law!! About the weapons, they were actually given by Russia, not only the weapons, they also gave the financial support as well however India played the role as the middleman between Russia and Bangladesh!! Nevertheless, I'll stick to my point, India has helped us that's true, but we would have gained independence even without them, it would cost more, but still would have happened!! Besides we also paid the price for it, as mentioned in my previous post!!
So you dogs are Dravidians and you also..

Ya, My pet dogs and me are the Same soil product of Bangladesh. You are not soil product of my soil. So, My Pet dogs are more closer than in the question closeness of origin. This is the real fact of our identity. Those are Dravidian Area originated Kotta. AKu!

Well I found the articles written about mushfique more interesting!! :D

মুশফিক ই চৌ, এমবিবিএস with Narcissistic Personality Disorder
মুশফিক ই চৌ, এমবিবিএস.... this is your correct name with your degree. Correct your name and APOLOGIZE to পাঠক সমাজ ।আপনি একটি 'ব্যাচেলর' ডিগ্রী অর্জন করেছেন মাত্র । তাতেই আপনার যা উলঙ্গ লাপঝাপ । সবাইকে মূর্খ বলে গালি দিয়ে দিয়ে মুখে ফেনা তুলে ফেলছেন । এই ব্যাচেলর ডিগ্রী পর্যন্তই আপনার দৌড় । এমডি ডিগ্রী আপনার জন্য নয় । সেটা অর্জনের যোজ্ঞতা আপনার নেই । আবার বয়সের দোহাই দিচ্ছেন । যার ৯-এ হয়না তার ৯০-এ ও হয়না । প্রতারনার আশ্রয় নিয়ে নামের শুরুতে 'ডঃ' লিখে যাচ্ছেন । অখ্যাত কোন মেডিক্যাল থেকে পাস করেছেন । Not even from any public medical college in Bangladesh. That is why you did not even learn any decency and did not learn how to behave in a public forum.

Like I said 'মোল্লার দৌড় মসজিদ পর্যন্ত'....with his "সাইনবোর্ড" knowledge he could not even go beyond the WEST of pakistan. That is the reason he has very limited knowledge about outer WORLD. There is nothing new about Nobel prize controversies. That is not a new discovery (as he thinks). People with advance education (not like you with a bachelor degree only) and with good knowledge with world affairs already know about that. Since, Mushfique did not have enough knowledge about world affairs and not well-educated, he thought it was a huge discovery for him and started jumping in the sky. There are controversies with each and every Nobel prize. Search in google or read Wikipedia about controversies of Physics, Chemistry, economics, literature and medicine nobel prizes. But, still these prizes are the most prestigious in the world.

"....আমি এমনকি এটাও বলিনি যে আমি শিক্ষাজীবনে প্রেসিডেন্ট অ্যাওয়ার্ড ২০০৫ প্রাপ্ত (কেননা আমি প্রচারসর্বস্ব নই, প্রকাশ করলাম শুধুমাত্র লাগাতার ব্যক্তিগত আক্রমণের জন্য,..." what a cheap way to tell people that he got a president award?! Although in muktomona blog and this blog, he mentioned it several times before. What a liar!! Again he wrote...." কোন দেশের সরকার কর্তৃক অ্যাওয়ার্ড প্রাপ্ত তা আমি গোপন করেছি..." Plain lie again. In his previous postings in both blogs he reminded readers that he got president award from Pakistan. He is as clever as 'Ostrich'. There is no record that Pakistan had presented any award to anybody name Mushfique Imtiaz Chowdhury. Again he is just lying (as simple as it is) because he knows that nobody would be able to find that out. উনি নাস্তিক এবং very patriotic. But did not feel shame (নূনতম) to accept an award (not true though) from a country like Pakistan. What a hypocrisy and ভন্ডামি!! Pee on your ভন্ড দেশপ্রেম.....pee on your award...and pee on you....like we did in 1990 on an autocrat’s picture (বিশ্ববেহায়া by Kamrul Hassan) and on রাজাকার pictures.

Mushfique is extremely SOCIALLY INCOMPETENT. He is suffering from 'pervasive developmental disorde'....needs immediate medical attention. His বাবা and পৌরনীতির পরীক্ষক মা did not teach him any manners. He was a socially isolated kid, grew up without any human interaction (পৌরনীতির পরীক্ষক মা did not let him go outside of his closet). People develop this kind of disorder from their early age usually from a dysfunctional family. That is the reason he does not know how to respect others, does not have the capability of accepting the fact that some people have better knowledge and education than he has, does not know how to talk in a public forum and has a huge lack of maturity. He finds pleasure by verbal attacks; by using abusive words and thinking he is always superior to others. The problem he has is best described by 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' (Mushfique, google it, see if you can learn something new). He is a total freak with sick mentality. He is only superior in this sense. If anybody knows him and is around him, please, take him to a good therapist. Because, this kind of mentally sick people are not capable of realizing that they are sick. He is a total liability of Bangladesh and of awami league.

Farhan , This man is a Homeo doctor may be , No MBBS doctor claims himself doctor again & again & put his doctor identity first . He may be a hakim too .
Ad hominem galore? Shoot the messenger when the message is bitter truth.

Shows the desperation of the usual culprits from the Bangladeshi brigade here at PDF. One sane guy comes with a different perspective and suddenly everyone is upto the measuring business.
@ Mushfique, Mokti Jodhdher SHomoi kon gatai chili, aida chinta kor? Punjabira amago dokan ghore agun disilo. Amar dadar Boner shami Agune poira morse Punjabigo agune. Nejer barir Itihash kaoner ichcha amar achilo na. Tor moto dalaler jonno ta prokash korlam. Sale pot, tor kase , Amar Desh Prem shekhte hobe. Amar bongshe koita desher jodhdha ase shei hishab tor moto dalaler kase dimo na. Boro Desh Premik shajso. Togor motlob desher shob manush buje. Amra Bangladeshira Jagle kono Dalal er Jaiga hobo na. AMago mati amra bala koira chini.
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