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India backs palestinian bid for UN membership

Right! Israel/Palestine is not a major issue in Indian domestic environment but India still supports Palestine. Because India believes in a Palestine state that will not be effected how much we get close to Israel may be! India's relation with Israel is based on mutual interests not Palestine.

That's the important point and just sitting there and saying we are friends of Israel, will not resolve any problems between them and Palestine. I think voting for Palestine is even a very good move, because it puts more pressure on Israel to focus more on negotiations and solutions, something that the US, or Europeans always are pushing for as well, but what Isreal simply keeps ignoring.
If we want to be a leading country in the UNC, we can't just blindly support Israel only, but have to incluence and push these countries towards solutions and India as one of the major non aligned countries could even play an important role in such issues, also in regard to Iran maybe.
:lol: India's sympathy for Israel is surely due to its relationship with Pakistan. Well Pakistan was good for something;).
supporting Palestine won't give us anything good those Hamas idiots bomb and attack innocent Israeli civilians even children. my opinion is to throw entire weight behind Israel and continue cooperation on wiping out terrorists in both of our countries
~ Diplomacy: The art of saying "nice doggie" until you can find a rock. ~
Wynn Catlin

~ Diplomacy is a disguised war, in which states seek to gain by barter and intrigue, by the cleverness of arts, the objectives which they would have to gain more clumsily by means of war. ~
Randolph Bourne
supporting Palestine won't give us anything good those Hamas idiots bomb and attack innocent Israeli civilians even children. my opinion is to throw entire weight behind Israel and continue cooperation on wiping out terrorists in both of our countries

Dont you guys aspire Indian govt to be recognised as fair and standing up for the less fortunate in the world. I admire countries govts that show principals. I wish our govt made pricipalled stands
Dont you guys aspire Indian govt to be recognised as fair and standing up for the less fortunate in the world. I admire countries govts that show principals. I wish our govt made pricipalled stands

We would rather aspire our Govt to stand up for "interests" rather than "morals".

Morals/Principles can go take a hike in the Himalayas.
Supporting the UN Palestinian bid is actually in Israeli interests. This is pretty much the final days of the two state solution and if this fails, then what we are looking at is a one state solution with one man one vote for all. This is NOT in Israeli interests.

What I find amusing is that some Indians have such a low estimation of their own countries armed forces. That they would be smashed and destroyed if for some reason Israel blocks its defense supplies. As if our air force and army are just not capable of defending our territory.

I am all for a pragmatic relationship with Israel particularly in defense. Their help certainly was crucial in quickly turning the tide of the Kargil war which really should have not happened the first place if the NDA govt. had been giving importance to national security issues but lets look at the whole picture.

*Out biggest defence suppliers are Russia and increasingly the US. If the fighter deal comes through it would be the EU. at third spot.

*We have about Indo-Arab trade approaching $240Billion in trade, not to mention the $35Billion in remittances alone from the GCC arab states. In terms of trade they for the largest trading block ahead of China, EU, or N. America. Not to mention that 80% of our energy needs also come from here.

*With the Arab Spring, and India being invited by Egypt, Tunisia and other countries to showcase its democratic process, this would be a perfect opportunity to expand India's influence in the region vis a vis China.

And finally in Kargil, every Arab and OIC member actually sided with INDIA. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey all strictly told Nawaz to withdraw to the LoC. It was only because of this that he had to run to the US to get the withdrawal in place. Infact, diplomatically it was a failure of sorts for Pakistan.


Pakistan's Isolation

Owing to its misadventure, Pakistan has also lost its clout with the Islamic world. Saudi Arabia, Iran and Egypt are not happy with Islamabad's backing of Islamist militant organisations which have turned against them and are involved in terrorist activities. Algeria and Yemen also are facing serious problems in view of the growth of militant Islamic organisations that disturb peace. The militants operating in these countries are being trained in Afghanistan by the outfits run by Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence. Iran too is unhappy over Pakistan's backing of Bin Laden, whose armies are persecuting the Shias in Afghanistan.

None of these countries is desirous of playing the role of an intermediary. India has already rejected any third-party mediation. They are conselling Pakistan against any recourse to war to settle scores with India. They also would not risk taking a position contrary to the firm and principled stand of the United States and other Western nations. The Central Asian Republics, which too are under pressure from the Islamic fundamentalists trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan, are supportive of India's position that Indo-Pak problems are to be resolved peacefully and bilaterally under the Simla Agreement.

Even though the US had, at one time, thought of using Pakistan to spread its influence in the Central Asian Republics, it has had second thoughts recently. Washington does not want Bin Laden and his fundamentalist forces to spread their influence beyond Afghanistan into Central Asia or India in Kashmir. It has evidence of Osama's direct involvement in the infiltration in Kargil and recruitment of thousands of mercenaries for action in Jammu and Kashmir.

Even the hardline Jamaat-e-Islami chief, Qazi Hussain Ahmad, has admitted that Pakistan stood isolated internationally. The West is particularly worried about the power of radical Muslim outfits operating in Pakistan and Afghanistan and now in Kargil. Indian diplomacy has benefited from Pakistan's misadventure. Islamabad has driven itself into a corner and despatching of envoys to various countries by Mr. Nawaz Sharif will not end Pakistan's isolation. The only way in which it can extricate itself from the situation is by withdrawing the mercenaries and troops and ending the aggression against India.

Currently almost every country in the world including the Arab countries support India's position of resolving Kashmir bilaterally, rather than Pakistan's view of resolving in multilaterally. In fact the EU and US have done much more to internationalize Kashmir.

Again, we should have some spine to think clearly about this issue. India has ALREADY recognized Palestine back in 1988. The NDA govt. in 2003 reiterated the same position. GoI is NOT taking a new position. It is a reiteration of the existing reality that Palestine is recognized along with 3/4 of the world including China, Russia e.t.c. Theny why are some people so afraid of Israeli wrath on holding a position that we ALREADY have since 1988.

If the UN resolution was say for boycotting Israel or for advocating that Israel should not exist e.t.c, then I India should not just abstain but vote against because again that would go against the position India has already taken. But the UN statehood bid is what in principle the US presidents Bush and Obama had advocated and even Bibi Netanyahu and mentioned earlier. Hence there is no reason why India should go with a for vote along with China, Russia and 3/4 of the world.

And for those sighting HAMAS, it actually opposes the UN statehood bid which just goes to show that the US and Israel are ironically on the same side on this issue. Its another story that HAMAS has little support and if elections were held today, they would be pretty much wiped out.
I would put a detailed reply for the post but as for now this caught my eyes and warrranted an immediate response.

What I find amusing is that some Indians have such a low estimation of their own countries armed forces. That they would be smashed and destroyed if for some reason Israel blocks its defense supplies. As if our air force and army are just not capable of defending our territory.

Saying that India depends on Israel for many critical hi-tech "force-multipliers" like AWACS, Spy sat technology is in no way under-estimation of the nation's armed forces.

For example we tried making a SR-SAM (Trishul) but we could not make it as the technology leap was too high for us to bridge and other countries were not offering JVs. It was only with Israel we were able to do a JV and develop Barak systems.

The IN sailor may be extremel brave , but in this era of modernised warfare without technology the courage counts next to nothing and unfortunately the truth is we are struggling to develop the technology indigenously. So the only solution is to first get the technology, learn it and then develop it ourselves and that is what we are doing exactly now from Israel.

It is not about an Israel-hating contest, but it is about to bring the justice to the Palestinian people.

Neither its an Israel-loving contest.

Its just an honest appraisal of who can give what and supporting them based on that.
The Hindu : News / The India Cables : Israel's PR offensive in India

Mr. Belotsercovsky “noted that their polling suggested many Indians actually see Israel as a model for dealing with Muslims — something the Israeli Embassy makes efforts to downplay.''

The Indians will try to spin it nine ways to Sunday, but the Israeli embassy's own assessment in bold above speaks the loudest.

Note: it is not about terrorism, fundamentalism, or anything else. Just plain Muslims.

Indians and Israelis -- partners in hate and bigotry.

If you look at my original post, #68, it was specifically in response to a question about the Indian population, not the government. Like I said, the government will play the double game and try to keep all sides happy. Each individual Indian person will have their reasons for supporting or opposing Israel.

However, the poll makes it clear that "dealing with Muslims" is a factor for a sufficiently large segment of Indian population that the Israeli embassy takes it seriously enough to downplay that image.

You havent let go of this canard yet ?

Nowhere in the poll was it asked to the respondents directly whether Israel is a role model for dealing with Muslims and whoever suggested it was just making things up with a vested interest.

I think this was already debunked by me or by another member before itself.
WE should not support it for the sake of israel .

India knows USA will veto this resolution, so all other votes don't matter. Otherwise Israel would have reacted and summoned the Indian High Commission.
Are you alright..........

I am alright because I know India just herself in a mess :

Shadow Warrior

why on earth is india interfering in someone else's affairs? india is not a global leader of the banana republics any more. that died when tito's yugoslavia, sadat's egypt, sukarno's indonesia all abandoned NAM.

india does not have a dog in this fight between arabs and jews. india should piously wish all of them well and exhort them to act for world peace, that's about it.
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