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India attains state-of-the art Spy Satellite.

Mar 5, 2009
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India Attains Spy Satellite From Israel

Submitted by Darpana Kutty on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 08:35. FeaturedScience NewsTNMIndiaIsrael

It seems that after defence and counter-terrorism, India and Israel are coming together in a big way in the field of space technology.

With a bid to boost up its intelligence acquisition after the 26/11 terror attacks, India has acquired a high-precision spy satellite from Israel.

It is learnt that the newly acquired 300 kilogram satellite named as Radar Satellite (RISAT-2) will be launched by ISRO in the first week of April from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

Speaking on this, an official working for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) said, “RISAT is likely to be launched in the first half of April. We are looking at April five or six.”

RISAT-2 is considered as the first of its kind for India and at the moment it is in the process of being integrated with the Indian rocket.

As a radar imaging satellite, RISAT is used for remote-sensing and can take pictures of the earth for 24 hours of the day. Moreover, it is a technology used to spy on enemy movements. India has already bought the satellite from Israel.

Sriharikota, a barrier island, is considered as the country’s only satellite launch pad is used by ISRO to launch satellites using multi-stage rockets such as the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle.

In 2007, Israel has replaced France as the second-largest arms supplier to India and it is now in the lines to replace Russia for the number one position.

The newly acquired satellite, will immensly enhance India's capability to keep a tab on its unfriendly neighbourhood.
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Wait contradictory reports here .

Aero-News Network: The Aviation and Aerospace World's Daily/Real-Time News and Information Service

Country's First Student-Made Satellite Will Piggyback Into Orbit

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) announced Friday the planned launch of RISAT-2 next month, a new remote-sensing satellite to be placed in sun-synchronous orbit. Accompanying RISAT-2 will be Anusat, India's first student-made satellite.

All Headline News reports the launch is scheduled from Sriharikota on either April 5 or 6, using ISRO's four-stage Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).

RISAT-2 was developed as an all-weather reconnaissance satellite. A significant contribution to the project by Israel is its Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), which is the heart of the 1,780 kilogram (almost 4,000 pound) remote-sensing satellite.

India facilitated the launch of Israel's TecSAR last year, which was also equipped with SAR, providing reconnaissance capabilities with a resolution of about 10 centimeters. ISRO spokesman S. Satish denied reports that RISAT-2 will be used for spying purposes, telling CNN, "As far as ISRO is concerned, this (spying) is not one of the applications."

Sharing the ride into orbit will be Anusat, a micro-satellite developed and constructed by 37 aerospace engineering students and 10 of their instructors at the Madras Institute of Technology. .....

The weight reported by these two articles for the satellite are different and so is the manufacturer. According to the second article, the radar is by Israel which India then made into a satellite called RISAT -2.
Well, The Association of Israel and India in this Field is more of Strategic rather Technological Importance.

Indians have Mastered the Remote Sensing Technology and have 100% Self Dependece in Satellite Desin and Launch ( 2500 Kg Category ) ; very soon GSLV MK iii will make it good for the New INSAT satellites that weigh close to 4000 Kg.

As far as the Spy Satellit Tech is Concrened . Read this :

Technology Experiment Satellite or (TES) is an experimental satellite to demonstrate and validate, in orbit, technologies that could be used in the future satellites of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). TES weighs 1108 kg and was successfully placed in 568 km sun synchronous orbit on October 22, 2001 using the PSLV-C3 version of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle. PSLV-C3 also injected two more satellites: PROBA , a Belgian satellite and BIRD,a German satellite.

The technologies demonstrated in TES are attitude and orbit control system, high torque reaction wheels, new reaction control system with optimized thrusters and a single propellant tank, light weight spacecraft structure, solid state recorder, X-band phased array antenna, improved satellite positioning system, miniaturized TTC and power system and, two-mirror-on-axis camera optics.

The Technology Experiment Satellite (TES) has a pan chromatic camera for remote sensing. The camera is which is capable of producing images of 1 Meter resolution. 1 m resolution means the camera is able to distinguish between two objects which are separated at least a meter.

The launch of TES made India the second country in the world after the United States that can commercially offer images with one meter resolution (BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | India's spy satellite boost). It is used for remote sensing of civilian areas, mapping industry and geographical information services.

CARTOSAT 2A is an Earth observation satellite in a sun-synchronous orbit. The satellite is the thirteenth satellite in the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite series to be built, launched and maintained by the Indian Space Research Organisation. It was launched by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle - C9 on April 28, 2008 along with the 87 kg Indian Mini Satellite (IMS-1) and eight nano research satellites belonging to research facilities in Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan and the Netherlands [2]. This satellite is a Ministry of Defence mission of the Government of India.[3]The designation of the satellite could be presumed to be its similarity with its civilian name sake launched on January 10, 2007. It will be a dedicated satellite for the Indian Armed Forces which is in the process of establishing an Aerospace Command.[4]

The satellite carries a panchromatic camera (PAN) capable of taking black-and-white pictures in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum. The highly agile CARTOSAT-2A can be steered up to 45 deg along as well as across the direction of its movement to facilitate imaging of any area more frequently. The satellite's health is continuously monitored from the Spacecraft Control Centre at Bangalore with the help of ISTRAC network of stations at Bangalore, Lucknow, Mauritius, Bearslake in Russia, Biak in Indonesia and Svalbard in Norway.

Repeat interval 4 days
Repetitivity 310 days
Main instruments One panchromatic camera
Spatial resolution Less than 1 metre

Detailed Story : BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | India's spy satellite boost
Wait contradictory reports here .

India facilitated the launch of Israel's TecSAR last year, which was also equipped with SAR, providing reconnaissance capabilities with a resolution of about 10 centimeters. ISRO spokesman S. Satish denied reports that RISAT-2 will be used for spying purposes, telling CNN, "As far as ISRO is concerned, this (spying) is not one of the applications."

Sharing the ride into orbit will be Anusat, a micro-satellite developed and constructed by 37 aerospace engineering students and 10 of their instructors at the Madras Institute of Technology. .....

The weight reported by these two articles for the satellite are different and so is the manufacturer. According to the second article, the radar is by Israel which India then made into a satellite called RISAT -2.

There were conflicting reperts earlier. It has been confirmed by Israel and India now, that is why I posted a Israeli press article.

India has acquired the aerospace radar RISAT-2, and now would be launching it.

India is capable of developing a spy sat by itself. But GoI wanted speedy induction and didnt want to waste time in development. However ISRO has been assigned with the task of developing a space base radar, capable of detecting any missile launch and would be integrated with India's aerospace base.

As far as this spy satellite is concerned, we have bought it from Isral and will now launch it for ourselves only.
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