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India asks China to stop work in Pakistani Kashmir

May be we know that but the aim is to get leverage out of this :angel:
I fail to understand why Indians always act innocent in front of China.
You people gave refuge to Dalai Lama( for the Chinese the Dalai Lama is equivalent to Masood Azhar) many, many years ago and then you people try to display China as the aggressor. I agree that the Dalai Lama is a kind person(IMO) but one mans hero is another mans terrorist. You people then got the reply from China , with China blocking UN resolution against Masood Azhar.
I fail to understand why Indians always act innocent in front of China.
You people gave refuge to Dalai Lama( for the Chinese the Dalai Lama is equivalent to Masood Azhar) many, many years ago and then you people try to display China as the aggressor. I agree that the Dalai Lama is a kind person(IMO) but one mans hero is another mans terrorist. You people then got the reply from China , with China blocking UN resolution against Masood Azhar.

None of what you mention is a serious threat to China from India. Dalai Lama is history. But what India is doing now is direct military threat to China. Spies to disrupt CPEC from Chabahar, a whole God damn fleet on their way to SCS, talks of navy port in Vietnam etc.

China has been very nice to India, I hope they take real action soon. Blocking UN resolutions against Masood is nothing, they should sink the whole bloody fleet in their seas, that would slap India into sense and put them under their feet.
None of what you mention is a serious threat to China from India. Dalai Lama is history. But what India is doing now is direct military threat to China. Spies to disrupt CPEC from Chabahar, a whole God damn fleet on their way to SCS, talks of navy port in Vietnam etc.

China has been very nice to India, I hope they take real action soon. Blocking UN resolutions against Masood is nothing, they should sink the whole bloody fleet in their seas, that would slap India into sense and put them under their feet.
I agree with you but the Dalai Lama affair was very symbolic.
How many times has it been now? Does India seriously believe that China will wrap up and leave over 60 billion worth of projects and money and say oops we didn't know. Sorry. China will as usual ignore India and Pakistan and china will continue to build on cpec. Such continuous statements do ring the alarm bell of cpec security which must be top notch.
I agree with you but the Dalai Lama affair was very symbolic.

Just like blocking a resolution, symbolic at best. What I am truely waiting for is resolute action from China in response to Indian military manouvers. Lets say a permanent Chinese military presence in Gwadar, or a direct confrontation in SCS, leading to a sinking or two.
Just like blocking a resolution, symbolic at best. What I am truely waiting for is resolute action from China in response to Indian military manouvers. Lets say a permanent Chinese military presence in Gwadar, or a direct confrontation in SCS, leading to a sinking or two.
Well in that case India is going to be in deep trouble. If it isn't already.
lol thats pathetic please we are the idol worshipers not u please stop idol woshipping china
Pathetic. You couldn't reply with facts so instead you brought religion out of nowhere. Very Indian of you.
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Pathetic. You couldn't reply with facts so instead instead you brought religion out of nowhere. Very Indian of you.

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I fail to understand why Indians always act innocent in front of China.
You people gave refuge to Dalai Lama( for the Chinese the Dalai Lama is equivalent to Masood Azhar) many, many years ago and then you people try to display China as the aggressor. I agree that the Dalai Lama is a kind person(IMO) but one mans hero is another mans terrorist. You people then got the reply from China , with China blocking UN resolution against Masood Azhar.
So what should have we done? Told Dalai Lama - Sir, Go back to your land and get killed.
It was a refugee situation.
Well in that case India is going to be in deep trouble. If it isn't already.

Lot of water has flown in Indus since this picture was made.

Bangladesh, SriLanka and Maldives have moved closer to India while Myanmar has moved from being an ally of China to being Neutral. Only the upgrade in relationship with Pakistan has been a plus for China.

China's supremacy in Indian ocean is not dependent on Gwadar but on the amount of influence it would have on the Kra canal in Thailand.
Lot of water has flown in Indus since this picture was made.

Bangladesh, SriLanka and Maldives have moved closer to India while Myanmar has moved from being an ally of China to being Neutral. Only the upgrade in relationship with Pakistan has been a plus for China.

China's supremacy in Indian ocean is not dependent on Gwadar but on the amount of influence it would have on the Kra canal in Thailand.
Do you consider Thaliand to be pro-China , Neutral or pro-India. In my opinion Thailand could become the next panama if not the next Singapore if it plays its cards correctly.

So what should have we done? Told Dalai Lama - Sir, Go back to your land and get killed.
It was a refugee situation.
Giving him refuge might not have been a completely wrong move but letting him make 'certain statements' within Indian territory was a strategic blunder.
Do you consider Thaliand to be pro-China , Neutral or pro-India. In my opinion Thailand could become the next panama if not the next Singapore if it plays its cards correctly.

True. Historically, Thailand had close relations with US but since the coup in 2014, Chinese-Thai relations went for a huge upgrade. India too has upgraded its relations with Thailand as part of BIMSTEC.
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Everything has its Own time, in Next 2-3 yrs , India will do joint Patrol also.

India already Got one Port in Vietnam for Military purpose. Stationed its non -functional Oil Rig on the point which is claimed by China for Vietnam.

And started sending petrols ships,

if u Can understand diplomacy, India told China , if you do things in our land , we will do in your area. Chian now seeing India response at faster rate.
And that will suddenly spook China into withdrawing? China sees Taiwan and Japan as bigger threats than they do India.

China won't stop work, just because India is pissed off. They've continued their plans in the SCS, despite US naval patrols, what makes you think India would have any real affect on Beijing's decision making?
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