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India Army soldiers beating up their own trainers...!!!

Don't quote me again u are a sick man. U need help.
We are not obsessed you guys talk about rape like u used to talk about rafeal and su30.
Just telling the reality, before Mullahism , every thing was normal, Alcohal , visky was allowed , secular and progressing society,and where we are Now. Look Bhutto, quad e- azam life , they used to drink Alcohal in parties and nobody question it before Mullahism came.
Jamat e islami and other religious parties created hurdle in progress , either their participation in 1973 constitution, or Today Maulana fazul rehman & Jamaat e islami, they are still hurdle towards progressive & modern Pakistan instead promoting extremism .
Pakistan didn't progress after 1970s

I think it was more the turn towards socialism in the 70s that put Pakistan back. I don’t think by allowing Whisky sales that would mean economic growth would be amazing.

You are confusing two issues, Pakistan should follow the Malaysian & Turkish model of economy and not worry about alcohol or clothing so much.

Kashmiri girls have another reputation too .......... you will not like it if I post it in pdf.

Let us just say virile young army men in uniform stir their hearts. No wonder the kashmri boys are pissed off and hate the army :P

Let me put it in a simple way you can understand.

Kashmir under a Hindu King remained a Muslim majority land and lived in peace and harmony with Hindus for 150 years.

But Kashmir under a muslim majority democratically elected leadership cleansed ALL the Hindus from kashmir in 50 years.

A million Hindu were ethnically cleansed from kashmir by the muslim majority "democratic" leadership. The problem was not "democracy", it was something else. For .eg. a particular religion.

Do you deny the Jammu Massacre or the Gujarat Massacre? The Saffron gangs that are threatening to wipe out all Muslim & Christian from the new India by 2021?
IA = ANA, same policy of quantity over quality
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