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India Army soldiers beating up their own trainers...!!!

Three year old news.
May 14, 2016

Reports suggest that the soldier complained of chest pain before the march but was sent by officers nevertheless, and died during what was allegedly a punishment march, NDTV reported. This triggered a scuffle between army officers and few jawans who got emotional by their colleague's death, leading to injuries.
A statement by the army said
"A case of death of a jawan during routine training activity has taken place in an infantry unit in the North East. It is NOT a case of any mutiny. The Jawan complained of chest pain prior to route march - was checked by unit MO (Medical Officer) and found fit. The jawan later collapsed during route march - was brought to the Field Ambulance, where he succumbed."
The army did admit that officers were injured, but dismissed all reports of a mutiny-like situation in the region, and reinforcement units being moved in to control the situation, The Hindu reported .
lol... can we post old news too ?

In that case, here we go, old and the new together.

I agree, we should have used real bullets against violent stone throwers.

Rest assured, we have learnt from our mistakes and now you will not see any more of such pictures. :agree: Aren't you happy ?
In another thread I called u sadist and sick. Is stand correct. Plz see some doctor.
I don't want to respond to a person as sick as you. U r real danger to the loved one around you. But plz see a doctor
No deny that 1950s woman looks more open , moderate than 2019. 1950s they had more freedom.

You do realise the poster is just choosing two extreme photos to push propaganda? They conveniently forget the massacres that took place at the time like the Jammu massacre - 237,000 Muslims killed in Kashmir by the Hindu Raja. I doubt the moderate women enjoyed that.
Are you scared?... Of ninja kashmiri girls?

Kashmiri girls have another reputation too .......... you will not like it if I post it in pdf.

Let us just say virile young army men in uniform stir their hearts. No wonder the kashmri boys are pissed off and hate the army :P

You do realise the poster is just choosing two extreme photos to push propaganda? They conveniently forget the massacres that took place at the time like the Jammu massacre - 237,000 Muslims killed in Kashmir by the Hindu Raja. I doubt the moderate women enjoyed that.

Let me put it in a simple way you can understand.

Kashmir under a Hindu King remained a Muslim majority land and lived in peace and harmony with Hindus for 150 years.

But Kashmir under a muslim majority democratically elected leadership cleansed ALL the Hindus from kashmir in 50 years.

A million Hindu were ethnically cleansed from kashmir by the muslim majority "democratic" leadership. The problem was not "democracy", it was something else. For .eg. a particular religion.
Kashmiri girls have another reputation too .......... you will not like it if I post it in pdf.

Let us just say virile young army men in uniform stir their hearts. No wonder the kashmri boys are pissed off and hate the army

Can someone ban this Hindutva...? Mods?
Don't worry these people are sick. Rapping women is teached in their homes. That's why we hear the news from everywhere in India. These guys are really mentally challenged and need treatment.
Can someone ban this Hindutva...? Mods?

You have something against kashmiri girls heart fluttering for virile young men in uniform ? :cheesy:

You are not a prude, are you ?

Don't worry these people are sick. Rapping women is teached in their homes. That's why we hear the news from everywhere in India. These guys are really mentally challenged and need treatment.

lol.... why is pdf obsessed with rape ?
You do realise the poster is just choosing two extreme photos to push propaganda? They conveniently forget the massacres that took place at the time like the Jammu massacre - 237,000 Muslims killed in Kashmir by the Hindu Raja. I doubt the moderate women enjoyed that.
Just telling the reality, before Mullahism , every thing was normal, Alcohal , visky was allowed , secular and progressing society,and where we are Now. Look Bhutto, quad e- azam life , they used to drink Alcohal in parties and nobody question it before Mullahism came.
Jamat e islami and other religious parties created hurdle in progress , either their participation in 1973 constitution, or Today Maulana fazul rehman & Jamaat e islami, they are still hurdle towards progressive & modern Pakistan instead promoting extremism .
Pakistan didn't progress after 1970s
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