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India announces 2020 Olympics bid


Apr 13, 2007
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India announces 2020 Olympics bid
POSTED: 9:00 a.m. EDT, April 28, 2007

NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) -- India will bid for the 2020 Olympics, the country's Olympic association (IOA) president said on Saturday.

"The moment the Commonwealth Games are over, all of us will be working on that bid ... we will start off immediately," Suresh Kalmadi told a news conference in the presence of IOC president Jacques Rogge.

New Delhi is to stage the 2010 Commonwealth Games though Kalmadi said this week there would be no bid for the 2016 Olympics after the failure earlier this month to land the 2014 Asian Games.

The IOA blamed sports minister Mani Shankar Aiyar for the failed Asian bid, saying his statement that New Delhi hosting the Commonwealth Games was an attempt to improve the country's global image but of little relevance to the common man caused the damage.

Rogge said on Saturday of a 2020 Olympics bid: "I think you have great potential based on the general conditions of your country's progress, which will definitely also evolve in a positive way at the time when the Games are awarded (in 2013)."

He added: "You also have the opportunity to stage a wonderful Commonwealth Games which will strengthen the bid."
Suresh Kalmadi has been the Olympic President for more than a decade, and is as corrupt as anyone can get,He will eat all the money if we ever get selected. India has a very very low chance of getting the Olympics, One of the reason is the pathetic infrastructure.
When International Olympics Committee President Jacques Rogge himself speaks of a strong Indian chance then I suppose the bid does holds a good chance. New Delhi is already hosting Common Wealth Games & the Olympics should be a build up on it. Infrastructure shouldn't be a problem. By 2020, Delhi would have be world class city by any International standards. As for Kalmadi, anybody else would be just as bad as him. Moreover, I honestly don't see any major hurdles. Hosting an Olympics is a prestige for any nation & Indian government would certainly want to make it the best.
I hate to disagree, didnt India loose the common wealth games, or was it the asian games
It was Asian Games bid for 2014 that India lost to Incheon, South Korea. I guess complacency did creep into Indian Olympic Assiociation. They probably thought they can win over Asian Games bid piggy riding on the back of CommonWealth Games. Hence, no major build up was done. Statement from Manishankar Aiyer didn't help either. If you remember, when India bid for Commonwealth games, there was a huge buildup. There was a buzz around. Government & opposition went to great lengths to ensure that Delhi gets to host the games in 2010. Suresh Kalmadi, a congress MP & president of Indian Olympics Committee was all praise for AB Vajpayee who was the prime minister at that time but from BJP, congress' arch rival. Vajpayee gave Kalmadi a blank cheque & personally called up other member associate countries head in order to strengthen the bid. It was a united effort that worked. Something which was missing for Asian Games bid. Anway, if India has to hold 2020 Summer Olympics, they'll have to make a strong build up. The campaign has to in no way less successful than the 'Incredible India' campaign.
Great, go for it!
The event will give the much needed boost to sports in SA.
You have my vote already. :tup:
Rogge said on Saturday of a 2020 Olympics bid: "I think you have great potential based on the general conditions of your country's progress, which will definitely also evolve in a positive way at the time when the Games are awarded (in 2013)."

These are distinctly formulae. high % of young population and booming economy may doubtless make the country protential in sports field, but way not enough for hosting the Olympics.

India deserves a sponsorship of Olympics but better experience the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games before bidding for a global top class athletic meeting. and most of all, India has to work hard to avoid its long standing embarrassment at omnibus sports games.

best wishes,anyway
India has already conducted the Asian Games wayback in 1982.

Indian Infrastructure of any city in its current form is not capable of holding the Olympic games. The Indian Sports council as well as Olympic is filled with very corrupt people who have been at the helm for more 1.5 decades. Its better India doesnt win a Olympic Stage under their Banner.

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