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India and Pakistan file formal applications for full membership in SCO


Feb 2, 2007
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DUSHANBE- India and Pakistan filed formal applications for full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The agenda of the summit comprises a point about development of the SCO Development Strategy until 2015. The first step will be the adoption of the procedure for granting status of state-member of the SCO and memorandum of a declarant State. At present, Iran, Pakistan and India are the SCO observer-countries.

Recall, summit SCO member-states is opened in Dushanbe, which was formed in 2001. Permanent members of the organization are the following six countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Observers are Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan. Partners are Belarus, Turkey and Sri Lanka.

India and Pakistan file formal applications for full membership in SCO
what the hell! :mad: next time i will vote against Modi govt for this. SCO my a**
your big mouth can do anything, like having white servents. In reality, you import everything from China with huge trading deficit and live a life worser than africa.
your big mouth can do anything, like having white servents. In reality, you import everything from China with huge trading deficit and live a life worser than africa.

we are not into enslaving business as chinese where bondage laboureres are still found. and everything china makes is worthless piece of junk, soon india will ban all kind of import of worthless chinese goods. and u people want to compete for India's bullet train contract? mark my words chinese, we will do business with the Japs and not u savages.
we are not into enslaving business as chinese where bondage laboureres are still found. and everything china makes is worthless piece of junk, soon india will ban all kind of import of worthless chinese goods. and u people want to compete for India's bullet train contract? mark my words chinese, we will do business with the Japs and not u savages.

your big mouth can do anything, like having white servents. In reality, you import everything from China with huge trading deficit and live a life worser than africa.

ok happy now

my money
my life
my choice

whats ur problem ?
It seems practical step, as long as SCO is used for economic cooperation we should be part of it. But if any chance it starts to take form of security arrangement and giving us headaches, we should be ready to jump of the ship.

India has still long way to go, our first priority is well being and prosperity of nation, if that requires befriending the devil so may be it.Enough holding moral high ground.
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