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So basically a Trade War then? :P

Since China will of course be forced to retaliate in kind.

And don't worry, even if there is a Trade War, India's NSG seat and UNSC seat are still available... if they come to the table for a real negotiation... :azn:

I am surprised you haven't posted Korean War (Where china pushed USA + 16 allies and then went to fight soviet )
Alright then, good luck. :enjoy:

When you come to your senses, eventually you will realize that you won't get free favours from your enemies. You want it, you can pay like everyone else.

Right, when we won't get free favours from our enemies, why to offer it to them? A more balanced trade comes in handy. I am just talking about ending the trade deficit with China.
swiss are opposed to india entry cause off late Indian diplomats had been doing quite an exercise to bring back black money from swiss accounts and now this will get even more intense and with UK leaving EU lets see what comes out of it infact this episode is a blessing in disguise or say a clever tactic by MEA to expose certain interests and get a back door entry

swiss opposition was technical not stubborn like china
Good when are you moving against it then, diplomatically ?

If china wishes to do it then it will be similar circus as todays, they will need 48 votes of support. Now you can use your imagination, how many votes china can gather against india ? five, seven ... lol would be lucky to gather even ten

Waiver is till eternity. India will keep enjoying the perks of waiver for ever , thanks to bush and MMS. Rest wil keep watching. ROFL.

LOL, No actually you should thank Zardari for the 2008 wavier as it was his government that recalled the "letter of objection" by Pakistan which the Beijing was suppose to use as a pretext to put you and Uncle Sam in their place.

One thing at a time, we have already put India and her sugardaddy America in its place with just mere two or three weeks of intense diplomacy. India application was plan sailing into NSG, under radar thanks for yanks TILL we said, "hang on a minute". Its only then the world took notice and had their "OH sh|t" moment.

This is just the start, even Russia and Switzerland backstabbed you lot. Considering China, Russia and Brazil, showing middle finger to India, should be the eye opener. Yanks can only take you so far, dont put your hope too high, otherwise there will be humiliations like this in future as well. You can now effectively kiss your security council membership wet dream goodbye as well.

As for Pakistan, we hardly give monkies to NSG, we just came as spoilers and we did our job rather ruthlessly. As we speak, we have signed and building the same amounts of nuclear reactor as India ever since that so called 2008 wavier. We are getting whatever we want, with or without NSG.

Going forward, if you want NSG memebership, you need to get your act together and seek Islamabad consent first so we can lobby for you in Beijing.
swiss opposition was technical not stubborn like china
its always like that but in a way its good now we when going for it again know who to do it right its not end of the world besides it was a status symbol to help in UNSC bidding OK then lets it begin again there is no rule we cant apply again or the world is going to end or we aing gonna get the stuff for which we already made deals with those having that tech
its always like that but in a way its good now we when going for it again know who to do it right its not end of the world besides it was a status symbol to help in UNSC bidding OK then lets it begin again there is no rule we cant apply again or the world is going to end or we aing gonna get the stuff for which we already made deals with those having that tech

yeah right, weekend coming so now :cheers:
I have been telling the Indian trolls here to be cautious in their bravado as it is game played on much higher level. They are just the pawns of yanks. India this, India that. bla bla bla bla. Non stop non sense. Now where are you going to hide your shame? back to uncle sam lap?

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LOL, No actually you should thank Zardari for the 2008 wavier as it was his government that recalled the "letter of objection" by Pakistan which the Beijing was suppose to use as a pretext to put you and Uncle Sam in their place.

One thing at a time, we have already put India and her sugardaddy America in its place with just mere two or three weeks of intense diplomacy. India application was plan sailing into NSG, under radar thanks for yanks TILL we said, "hang on a minute". Its only then the world took notice and had their "OH sh|t" moment.

This is just the start, even Russia and Switzerland backstabbed you lot. Considering China, Russia and Brazil, showing middle finger to India, should be the eye opener. Yanks can only take you so far, dont put your hope too high, otherwise there will be humiliations like this in future as well. You can now effectively kiss your security council membership wet dream goodbye as well.

As for Pakistan, we hardly give monkies to NSG, we just came as spoilers and we did our job rather ruthlessly. As we speak, we have signed and building the same amounts of nuclear reactor as India ever since that so called 2008 wavier. We are getting whatever we want, with or without NSG.

Going forward, if you want NSG memebership, you need to get your act together and seek Islamabad consent first so we can lobby for you in Beijing.

What a brief yet summarized write up!!!
India's NSG seat and UNSC seat are still available...

IF they come to the table for an honest negotiation. :azn:


Let's be frank, China and India are NOT friends. We all know this.

Yet whenever India needs something (NSG/UNSC), they suddenly pretend that they are our friends, and ask for "free favours", like in the case of the NSG.

Then at the same time, they went behind China and did their best to try and guilt/isolate China into supporting their NSG bid, by making deals with every other country besides China. Hoping that foreign pressure would force China to succumb. Sorry, that never works. Only one veto is ever needed, that's how veto power works.

But they never did the thing which could actually give them what they want. Which is to come to the negotiating table and offer us something in return.

For example, India agreed to sign the CISMOA/LSA in return for America getting them the NSG seat (which they failed to deliver). India has never fought a war with America... yet they paid SO much for America's support in the NSG (the biggest payment possible). Did India really expect China to offer the same support for free, considering that we are NOT friends?

You want something, you offer something in return. That's how the world works.

Now let India come and negotiate. :) We are businessmen after all.
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On a separate yet more important issue:

Where does it lead the Yanks and their reputation after this NSG saga? Those letters Kerry was sending to the NSG memeber to support India? I guess they were send into the shredder!

With UK leaving Euro, France and Germany will be on their own. They simply cannot afford to toe the American lines anymore. They need to develop their own independent forigen policy and be neutral in this now very apparent bipolar world. By toeing American line in this NSG meeting, the egg is on their face as well.
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First of all there is no question of india even discussing seriously CISMOA, regarding LSA its toned down version india agreed to but even this lighter version has not been signed yet. so all this is publicity that india signed both these

china itself look what it has been doing in UN shielding terrorists,
India's NSG seat and UNSC seat are still available...

IF they come to the table for an honest negotiation. :azn:

Let's be frank, China and India are NOT friends. We all know this.

Yet whenever India needs something (NSG/UNSC), they suddenly pretend that they are our friends, and ask for "free favours", like in the case of the NSG.

Then at the same time, they went behind China and did their best to try and guilt/isolate China into supporting their NSG bid, by making deals with every other country besides China. Hoping that foreign pressure would force China to succumb. Sorry, that never works. Only one veto is ever needed, that's how vetoes work.

But they never did the thing which could actually give them what they want. Which is to come to the negotiating table and offer us something in return.

For example, India agreed to sign the CISMOA/LSA in return for America getting them the NSG seat (which they failed to deliver). India has never fought a war with America... yet they paid SO much for America's support in the NSG (the biggest payment possible). Did India really expect China to offer the same support for free, considering that we are NOT friends?

You want something, you offer something in return. That's how the world works.

Now let India come and negotiate. :)
now the question is what china need in return ?FTA ?:rolleyes:

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