Ok compare Muslim Majority Countries that make Christmas as National Holiday (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, ....) and Western Countries who make Iedul Fitry as National Holiday (no one)
These 3 countries have around 10% Christians by population.
When Western countries reach 10% Muslims, then you can compare.
But for example in UK, theres only 4.4% Muslims, Canada there is 3.2%, USA there is about 1%.
Only France has 6 - 8% Muslims....but they are quite strongly secular in their policies to begin with.
Why should Western countries in general make Muslim holidays official ones over other communities that are similar %?
How does it even compare to a country like Brunei which may list Christmas as an official holiday but will put you in jail if you dress up as Santa Claus?
Whats the point in making a holiday official if you are going to be that draconian and that insecure about Islam?
Muslims deserve no special treatment in the west. There is a home culture for a Western country that everyone should respect and live along with....and thats it. No one is asking any of you to have Christmas as an official holiday...that is your choice given 10% of your population are Christian.
What people are reasonable requesting is that people be allowed to celebrate their main festivals according to their wishes without unsubstantiated and unreasonable prejudice (no matter how much % of the population they are as a minority).....and definitely without being put in Jail for wearing a Santa hat or putting up a Christmas tree outside their home.
Its like say Japan where Christmas is NOT an official holiday but people are allowed to celebrate it openly if they so desire to. The same threshold is given to other faiths and the majority home culture decides on which holidays are official ones for the calendar.
None of the smaller minorities should be given any undue preference over each other.....unless you give the same official holiday to every single one....and then you will find there are very few working days.