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India all set to encircle Pakistan via Afghanistan

No encirclement,just securing our interests,Helping Afghanistan to stand on its own feet to resist the bullying by Pakistan by reducing its dependency on Pakistan
Ever seen a dog chasing its own tail? - This os what this article brings to mind.
I already encircled Pakistan with my pencil!!!! Pakistan can counter it with an eraser!!!! Case solved!
Oh good, another paranoid thread about India trying to invade Pakistan. :coffee:
On behalf of all Iranians, I would welcome India to take a more assertive and influential role in Aghanistan.
India is very welcome in Afghanistan.

News flash, Karzai is gone new administration of Afghanistan government is pro-Pakistani. India has lost in Afghanistan.
News flash, Karzai is gone new administration of Afghanistan government is pro-Pakistani. India has lost in Afghanistan.

Yes! Now India will just home home and leave Afghanistan all alone!

(or not.)
New Afghan Government Seeks Better Relations With Pakistan

India's relationship with Afghanistan will be downgraded.

Policies are made by a country's establishment and not its government. And government's change, establishment does not....That is why Pakistan will continue to peek nervously over it shoulder.

India violating pact, constructing bunkers too close to working boundary: FO - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Afghan Interior Minister Umer Daudzai who had said that Pakistan was supplying weapons to the Afghan Taliban. Daudzai had made these allegations while visiting India.

'India Is Afghanistan's All-Weather Friend'
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