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India & Afghanistan supporting insurgency in Pak : Major General Salim Nawaz

Or it was disregarded because there isn't any evidence to begin with.
Speculation on both our parts either way - we do however know that it was raised at multiple levels with the US government - Presidential, Military leaders and the intelligence leaders, multiple times. The description of the nature of the evidence that has been presented all of those times, mentioned by various sources (this time by the IGFC himself) is that it is photographic and of Baluch insurgent leadership meeting with Indian officials, some in Afghanistan.

Pakistan would not have raised the issue at the highest levels, and talked about it publicly, had the evidence not been significant. Nonetheless, until the evidence is made public, I agree that Indians have cause to be skeptical.
I have no problems with that GOP giving evidence of alleged Indian involvement. As our PM put it, we have nothing to hide.
All fine and dandy - but India has a history of supporting insurgent movements in Pakistan - Baluch, Pashtun, and of course in East Pakistan. Support for the LTTE is another example of covert support for violent insurgents in another nation.

And the Prime Minister is not exactly going to admit Indian guilt - very few criminals actually do.

You don't think India helping out Afghanistan by building up it's infrastructure and thereby developing a closer relationship with the Afghan people and government concerns Pakistan? Specially considering Pakistan has always regarded Afghanistan as under their sphere of influence. Please read afriend's post above in this regard.
The only way a 'closer Indian relationship with Afgahnistan; hurts Pakistan is if that relationship is used by both to support terrorism and insurgencies in the Baluch and Pashtun - both of which have happened in the past. So unless this 'Indo-Afghan friendship' is going to mark a return to those past policies (and Pakistan believes it already has), Pakistan has no issue with the Indian presence in Afghanistan.

In fact, since Pakistan has accused both Afghanistan and India of supporting or abetting terrorism by insurgents in Pakistan, Indian investment in Afghanistan's infrastructure is a moot point, since it is the covert activities Pakistan is worried about, not roads and hospitals.

In any case, isolated attacks against the Indian embassy or consulates serve no purpose. Its an extremely childish argument that somehow Pakistan expects to drive out the Indians from Afghanistan by carrying out two bombings against the embassy in 15 months.

Please explain to me, since you are arguing that is a motive, how exactly such a policy will drive out India from Afghanistan?

The terrorism from Indian consulates charge has been made to a) undermine Indian efforts in Afghanistan, b) To somehow justify certain camps in Pakistani Kashmir and c) To divert attention from an insurgency which is a result of home grown problems.
a) Indian efforts in Afghanistan are not dependent upon half a dozen consulates - reconstruction to the extent that it is, and catering to the rather small Indian presence in Afghanistan and equally small Afghan travel to and from India, could be handled by the embassy alone.

To argue that Pakistan's demand for reducing the number of Indian consulates will impact Indian reconstruction efforts is just silly.

b) No justification is being made since there is no correlation. Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed whereas Baluchistan and NWFP/FATA are not. The camps of banned organizations have been shut down or controlled.

c) The domestic problems that exacerbate the Baluch insurgency are being tackled, but that does not mean there is no Indian support for the insurgency. In East Pakistan as well, the causal factor for Bengali resentment and separatist sentiment was domestic, but Indian support and training for insurgents and separatists was a major issue as well.
its india wish to see pakistan suffering so thats nothing new. but the question is, if our intelligence 'nd government know so much abt india 'nd afghanistan then how come they aint doing anything to stop it? how can they know abt indian plans before indians themselves do? what kind of enemy 're they? Ii aint buying any crap from anyone anymore as long as I see our govenment take some action 'nd first 'nd best action 'll be to make usa stop interfering with us!!!
its india wish to see pakistan suffering so thats nothing new.

Just reciprocating.

but the question is, if our intelligence 'nd government know so much abt india 'nd afghanistan then how come they aint doing anything to stop it?

Incompetence........or pick some suitable word.

how can they know abt indian plans before indians themselves do? what kind of enemy 're they?
Imagination....... fantasies.... Its always India ....don't you know that......but Afghanistan is a latest addition.....
  1. India
  2. America
  3. Afghanistan

In that order.....when it comes to blaming anyone for anythin in Pakistan

I aint buying any crap from anyone anymore as long as I see our govenment take some action 'nd first 'nd best action 'll be to make usa stop interfering with us!!!

Well your government sure does buy that...and I think this time they have managed to pull army into this.
Incompetence........or pick some suitable word.

Allow me how about being a sell out.

Imagination....... fantasies.... Its always India ....don't you know that......but Afghanistan is a latest addition.....
  1. India
  2. America
  3. Afghanistan

So let me guess this straight, all of the above mentioned countries are saints while Pakistan is the only devil around here who is responsible for everything and our institutions are just fantasizing. How convenient.

Ironically People change their own words, its hard to keep up with.
its india wish to see pakistan suffering so thats nothing new. but the question is, if our intelligence 'nd government know so much abt india 'nd afghanistan then how come they aint doing anything to stop it? how can they know abt indian plans before indians themselves do? what kind of enemy 're they? Ii aint buying any crap from anyone anymore as long as I see our govenment take some action 'nd first 'nd best action 'll be to make usa stop interfering with us!!!

Your government will not take action, reason isnt that they dont have the proofs, but they like to keep seeing the dollars flowing. Take a look at KLB and how desperate the GOP is to get it accepted irrespective of the implications it brings due to its shady conditions.
Allow me how about being a sell out.

Excellent choice.....one phrase says it all....:tup:

So let me guess this straight, all of the above mentioned countries are saints while Pakistan is the only devil around here who is responsible for everything and our institutions are just fantasizing. How convenient.

Well....I would like you to recall that every time something went wrong...there was a foreign hand involved... how 's that for convenience....

Ironically People change their own words, its hard to keep up with.
Diplomacy is about changing words to suit your environment....what say you....
Your government will not take action, reason isnt that they dont have the proofs, but they like to keep seeing the dollars flowing. Take a look at KLB and how desperate the GOP is to get it accepted irrespective of the implications it brings due to its shady conditions.
toh phir hum pakistan ke loog kyun kuch kar nahin rahe hain? kab tak apne government ke khater hum chup rahen? for our government money might be everything but not for us pakistanis 'nd we must show it!
Well....I would like you to recall that every time something went wrong...there was a foreign hand involved... how 's that for convenience....

India does it all the time, in fact right within the 1st hour it knows who's behind the attack with the help of some magic wand. We on the other hand haven't reached that level of convenience.

Diplomacy is about changing words to suit your environment....what say you....

There is a fine line between diplomacy and hypocrisy.
Just reciprocating.

Incompetence........or pick some suitable word.

Imagination....... fantasies.... Its always India ....don't you know that......but Afghanistan is a latest addition.....
  1. India
  2. America
  3. Afghanistan

In that order.....when it comes to blaming anyone for anythin in Pakistan

Well your government sure does buy that...and I think this time they have managed to pull army into this.
I do blame my government for it, no doubt, but that doesnt mean india 'll love to see us arise 'nd etc etc. we 're political enemies 'nd it 'll remain so
toh phir hum pakistan ke loog kyun kuch kar nahin rahe hain? kab tak apne government ke khater hum chup rahen? for our government money might be everything but not for us pakistanis 'nd we must show it!

How do you plan on showing it when most of the nation is too ignorant to learn from their history. Do you seriously believe that if we as a nation had learn something from our history, we would be choosing Z as our leader, but then again:rolleyes:.
And no offense even if he goes, please put your hands together for yet another dark days of Pakistan's history because NS is coming for sure. So in short we deserve what we are getting and we will continue to get.
India does it all the time, in fact right within the 1st hour it knows who's behind the attack with the help of some magic wand. We on the other hand haven't reached that level of convenience.

Well ...never seen Media reports ...with in one hour as claimed by you...but there are clues always....so there are speculations....and speculations are not accusations..... Accusation comes after a thorough investigation......

so Pakistani Govt should indulge into investigation...than initiate accusation...

There is a fine line between diplomacy and hypocrisy.

This applies for both sides.
As per statements of Kasab, one motivation for the Mumbai 26/11 attack was the Marriot Hotel blast in Islamabad.

Never mind the fact that India had nothing to do with the Marriot incident.


:lol: just because both the incidents have the word Hotel common
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Says arms supply to terrorists coming from Afghanistan; ‘we gained nothing from playing close ally role in terror war’
ISLAMABAD: Minister for Interior Rehman Malik on Wednesday demanded of the international community to pressure India to stop intervention in Afghanistan and Pakistan to ensure establishment of peace in the region.

“India is increasing its intervention in Pakistan through Afghanistan. Pakistan-Afghanistan border must be sealed and international community must help stop Indian intervention,” said the minister while talking to newsmen at the Parliament House.

ìIn my speech at Interpol, I had informed the international community that ammunition supply to terrorist elements is coming from Afghanistan where Indian intervention is increasing with every passing day as a conspiracy to destabilise Pakistan.î

He said Pakistan has always been termed close ally but it is inevitable that international players play their role to end Indian intervention for positive results. “We gained nothing from playing close-ally role in the war on terror. After Afghanistan-Russian war, we received millions of Afghan refugees still staying in the country. After 9/11, we got suicide attacks in our country,” he said and added that we had been calling for early repatriation of these refuges.

He said one should think a while as why only Pakistan is suffering during the prevailing situation in the region and the security situation would persist until the Indian intervention is stopped in Pakistan. The minister categorically rejected the apprehensions from the West alleging the presence of the Taliban leadership in Pakistan and described such statements as baseless. “Today, I categorically reject the statement that the Taliban leadership, including Osama Bin Laden and Mulla Omer, are present in our area. Talks about Quetta Shura are totally baseless,” he clarified.

Regarding the decision to launch operation in South Waziristan, the minister said it would be finalised after the return of Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani from foreign visit and taking all stakeholders into confidence. “Neither the timing of the operation has been finalised nor has the duty been assigned to anyone for operation in South Waziristan,” said the minister. He said security forces operation in Swat and Malakand was successfully completed as it had the backing of the people and the political leadership as the government took along all the political leaders, including those of Tehrik-e Insaaf and the Jamaat-e-Islami into confidence.

Malik said the probe into the terrorist attack at the GHQ, Rawalpindi, is underway and the investigation report would be made public after it is finalised. He said the Army has its own investigation set-up and other agencies, too, are involved in probing into the GHQ attack and added the capital police also worked shoulder-to- shoulder with the Army in this whole episode.

He said Pakistan’s security as well as integrity is linked with the Pakistan Army and one should not try to create hatred among the institutions. “No one should create hatred among institutions. This was not only the attack on the GHQ, rather the whole country, the people,” said Malik.
I don't get it is there any proof for Indian involvement ? :what:
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