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India Acquiring Six Predator b(MQ-9 Reaper) armed drones on Emergency Basis


Sep 26, 2018
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India is a classic example of an insecure nation, that takes SOLACE in buying advanced weaponry on the brink of a war. A country that has spent trillions in acquisitions over a passage of time , still feels coming short in its abilities and capabilities. Nevertheless the knee jerking Indians have added REAPERS to their shopping list on a fast track basis.


In 1962 the West filled India with all the advanced weapons of its time. Although by the time they reached India Aksai Chin was lost, and all these weapons were used against Pakistan a few years later. Reapers are a good platform but the Chinese have made great strides in this field, so it may not trouble them that much. As far as Pakistan is concerned we dont have a good history with them on our Western borders, maybe this time around we may be able to take our REVENGE that is long overdue.:pakistan::china:
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India is a classic example of an insecure nation, that takes SOLACE in buying advanced weaponry on the brink of a war. A country that has spent trillions in acquisitions over a passage of time , still feels coming short in its abilities and capabilities. Nevertheless the knee jerking Indians have added REAPERS to their shopping list on a fast track basis.



In 1962 the West filled India with all the advanced weapons of its time. Although by the time they reached India Aksai Chin was lost, and all these weapons were used against Pakistan a few years later. Reapers are a good platform but the Chinese have made great strides in this field, so it may not trouble them that much. As far as Pakistan is concerned we dont have a good history with them on our Western borders, maybe this time around we may be able to take our REVENGE that is long overdue.:pakistan::china:

The link goes to the acquisition of new P8 Poseidon aircraft folks, the stuff about drones is a smaller reference.
The US has not cleared such armed drones yet either.
True, but it's still an assumption.
I think India wanted 30 reapers, and US will relent on 6. You are right US is sensitive to its technologies shared with Russia ,China and others. They offered them a scaled down version initially, just as we were offered J79 engines instead of F100s for our F16s. The US does relax its policies on certain occasions, at the moment the Congress and the administration are very sympathetic towards the Indians. The Indian SM is rife with this news, as you said lets wait for the approval first.

Maybe when there is a smoke there is a fire!
U.S. Relaxes Rules on Sales of Armed Drones

The Trump administration has relaxed export restrictions on specific types of unmanned aerial systems, commonly known as drones, enabling U.S. defense contractors to sell more of their wares abroad.

The policy change, which had been expected, will allow the transfer of armed systems such as the Predator and Reaper to foreign governments.

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