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India a dangerous place to live in

The full extent of India's 'gendercide'
The full extent of India's 'gendercide' - Asia, World - The Independent

Who wants to live in India when Gendercide and Caste System are fully supported by the majority of the Indian population ?

Yeah, we can live with this gendercide and caste systems rather than having a blast everyday and drone strikes!! By The way, did you read the full article?? Your country is far behind as compared to India..!! So, please read it and then post your VALUABLE comments.. lol
But when we say we are lucky to live in India we have many reasons to say that....

but Pakistani say this out of patriotism...even animals are unlucky to be born in Pakistan to tell the truth

This statement is enuff to judge your mental level .... too many kids @ defence.pk these days
Lucky I don't live in India.

Also we can never trust India :

you are so lucky that havin diwali everyday across pakistan.... just celebrate it with your talibani brothers..... i m unlucky sorry yar....
Lucky I don't live in India.

India a dangerous place to live in - The Economic Times

MUMBAI: For all those who believe that India is becoming an increasingly dangerous place to live in, here are the numbers that back that belief.

India's rank has fallen seven points on the Global Peace Index (GPI) 2011, which ranks countries according to how peaceful they are. India now ranks 135 out of 153 countries. We are now amongst the 20 least peaceful nations in the world, along with countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.

At rank 80, China fares a lot better than India. While sub-Saharan Africa remains one of the most violent regions in the world according to the GPI, most countries in Africa and nearly all countries in Latin America and Eastern Europe rank above India.

"India's score remains the same on most parameters used to measure peacefulness. Homicide and crime rates in India, too, are a lot lower than many other countries. The fall in rankings is largely due to an increasing perception of criminality in society," says Steve Killelea, founder of the Global Peace Index.

The GPI, now in its fifth edition, has been developed by Killelea's Institute for Economics and Peace along with the Economist Intelligence Unit , the research wing of The Economist magazine.

Killelea feels the increased perception of violence in India may have a lot to do with the repeated terror attacks on the country in recent times. That India is in a volatile neighbourhood and has issues with countries such as Pakistan and China only adds to the threat perception," says Killelea.

Pakistan fares worse than India with a rank of 146 on the GPI, thanks largely to the easy access to small weapons in the country coupled with high levels of internal conflict and terrorism. Despite China's poor human rights track record, Killelea says that China's relatively better performance has much to do with low levels of homicide and violent crime in the country, as well as a much lower potential for terrorist attacks.

The GPI shows that for the third consecutive year, levels of peacefulness have dropped across the globe. The uprising in the Arab world and parts of Africa had much to do with an increase in global violence this time around. The country that showed the biggest tumble at the GPI is Libya, whose rank fell by 87 places. Countries like Egypt and Bahrain also showed a large drop on the GPI.

"The dramatic changes in the Global Peace Index this year are not caused by war between countries but by conflict between citizens and their own governments. Our analysis of the factors for resilient and peaceful societies show that it is not desirable or sustainable to enforce peace through curfews or strongarm military tactics." said Killelea.

According to estimates by economists working on the GPI, violence cost the global economy over $ 8 trillion in 2010. "If the world had been 25% more peaceful over the past year the global economy would have reaped an additional economic benefit of just over US$2 trillion.

So its all due to pakistan and china as per ur thread Mr. thread starter????????????

So what ur country will do to stop it????????
So its all due to pakistan and china as per ur thread Mr. thread starter????????????

So what ur country will do to stop it????????

Yep brother.. this gentleman did not even read the article before starting the thread because he was madly in love with the title of it... so dear THREAD STARTER.. if you could give us your address then we can send you a stick with which you can beat yourself up with... Lol
The full extent of India's 'gendercide'
The full extent of India's 'gendercide' - Asia, World - The Independent

Who wants to live in India when Gendercide and Caste System are fully supported by the majority of the Indian population ?

India is not a small country. And wasnt formed due to a split from its mother nation. It has thousands of years history, which even pakistanis can bragg about without the consent of Indians.
Whatever your ranting is, caste, gender based descrimination,............. wasnt started just today or this century or atleast this millenium.
Those racism, caste, and all other stuff are there for the past 10,000 Years and were well suited to the situations of those day livings.

Its just because we werent able to get together with it, we cant blame on it. Yet we are fighting hard to bring justice to everyone and change the things in a peacefull manner( but not like some brainwashed fundamentalists with firearms and suicide vests)
You dont expect change in one year or 10 years or 100 years. Because of the huge population we have , any change takes time. theory of relativity.

I personally realised one thing against you. 99.99% of all your posts or threads started by you lack basic research.You post them in such a way like as if someone is gonna pay you if you keep em coming.. Peace bro.........:coffee:
you are going offtopic... Theres problem in your politicians who give shelter to illegal people.Accept the fact. . We are the most peaceful nation in south asia.. We have rohinga people from Myanmar and we dont kill them. . . we are peaceful after all. . . Chill :p

I am not going off topic..This means that you have not even understood the post...Okay,I will make it easier for you to comprehend,"If Bangladesh is a better place then why the infiltration and illegal border crossing is from Bangladeshi side to Indian side and not other way around??"
The full extent of India's 'gendercide'
The full extent of India's 'gendercide' - Asia, World - The Independent

Who wants to live in India when Gendercide and Caste System are fully supported by the majority of the Indian population ?

I do agree upto some extent that there is a cast system & this evil has still have house in india but only villages now not in small town n city .... btw Indians also know bit about Shiya-Sunni honeymoon clashes in pakistan..... Well one of my Pakistani friend told me some time he is not willing to live in pakistan because of current situation in pakistan & left for Germany recently.... but in india people are not that much hopeless that they have to leave the country at all......
Save the sarcasm..

However.. my uncle would be returning from Bombay(No .. I will NOT call it MUMBAI).. tomorrow.. and he used to be very anti-India..
yet his last phone call was absolutely full of praise for the city, its people and its ambiance...

And I love you for the bold part :)
I do agree upto some extent that there is a cast system & this evil has still have house in india but only villages now not in small town n city .... btw Indians also know bit about Shiya-Sunni honeymoon clashes in pakistan..... Well one of my Pakistani friend told me some time he is not willing to live in pakistan because of current situation in pakistan & left for Germany recently.... but in india people are not that much hopeless that they have to leave the country at all......

I cant speak for every major city in india but the bolded part is not true when it comes to chennai.

Yes india is a worst place to live unlike pakistan where the pak army protects terrorist training camps that too only a few miles from where OBL bought a ticket to meet his 72 virgins...wont believe me? then read this article by your very own dawn:

They do come here in huge numbers to get medical treatment cuz it is not available in Pakistan ;)

Good for us:azn:.

There are lot of rich people in pakistan.... the indian gov. should come up with some plan to attract more of them to come here for complex medical procedures...medical tourism from pak should always be encouraged :tup:.
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